Date counter


Date counter – is just a 9 kilobytes WordPress plugin.

Easily display the current date or calculate the difference between two dates.

Current date & time

Current date & time: [CurrentDatetime format="d/m/Y H:i"].
Current date & time: 05.07.2021 12:48.

[CurrentDatetime format="jS F, Y"].
6th July, 2021.

It's [CurrentDatetime format="g:i A (e)"].
It's 10:35 AM (UTC).

You can find all possible formats in documentation.

Date & time difference

I'm [DatetimeDifference startDate="1998-08-25" endDate="now" format="Y"] years old.
I'm 23 years old now.

[DatetimeDifference startDate="31.12.2020" endDate="now" format="a"] days have passed since the new year.
187 days have passed since the new year.

Tomorrow's trip at 14:35 (2:35 PM) starts in [DatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="07.07.2021 14:35" format="h hours & i minutes"].
Tomorrow's trip at 14:35 (2:35 PM) starts in 8 hours & 34 minutes.

You can find all possible formats in documentation.

Total date & time difference

The store will open in [TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="16.07.2021 8:00" format="i"] minutes today.
The store will open in 19 minutes today.

[TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="25.08.2025" format="d"] days left until my b-day.
39 days left until my b-day.

You can find all possible formats in documentation.


Shift from today’s date: ± N days | ± N weeks | ± N months | ± N years

[DatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="+1day" format="d"]
[TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="-3years" endDate="now" format="d"]

Post created & modified date

[DatetimeDifference startDate="post:created" endDate="now" format="d"]
[TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="post:modified" format="d"]


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/date-counter directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Place shortcode.


15 juli 2021 9 reacties
Love it, but would like the option to count all minutes or hours from a specified date.
22 maart 2021
Amazing easy to setup plugin. I was able to achieve exactly what I wanted with this plugin. Now on my front page at for potential customers I am able to easily change this from the back end based on my amount of orders. IMPORTANT NOTES: Delivery on items are 2 -4 weeks based on current orders in production and orders are scheduled to be made as they come in. If you place your order for your piece today your piece is guaranteed to be ready for shipping on Mon, Apr 12 . Great plugin
7 oktober 2019
I have been looking for something like this for a long time! Thank you very much for such a great job!
4 juni 2019
Just as I needed. I made a little changed in code to seperate each digit and add extra own css to present number of days always as typical counter 🙂
Lees alle 8 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Date counter” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Date counter” is vertaald in 9 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Date counter” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



Fixed exception messages in DatetimeDifference and TotalDatetimeDiffrence classes. Added support for creation and modification dates of the current post.


Redesigned plugin: added new features and simplified general workflow.


Added support for Time Zone management. You can now change the time zone using the WordPress settings.



  • Just a first version of a Date counter plugin.