Papers About Sustainability and Eco-Municipalities by Seda H. Bostancı

The rapid development of information and communication technologies has radically changed the lif... more The rapid development of information and communication technologies has radically changed the lifestyles, communication patterns and social relations of people and societies. These developments have not only made life easier for people but also reshaped the boundaries and dynamics of individual freedoms at various levels. When considered from the perspective of liberalism, it is seen that the impact of technological developments on the freedoms of individuals is complex. Liberalism, which is a political and philosophical school of thought based on personal freedom and individual rights, considers the indispensable rights of individuals to be able to make their own decisions and express their ideas with their own free will. On the other hand, although advances in information technologies support individual freedoms, they can also pose a threat to these freedoms in some cases. This study aims to examine the impact of developments in information technologies on individual freedoms in the context of liberalism. The study will examine how developments in technology shape the freedoms of individuals in terms of increasing and limiting their freedoms. As a result of this approach, it is thought that a new perspective will be presented on how the changes, transformations and developments in information and communication technologies can be brought into line with the basic principles of liberalism and how a framework can be created to protect individual freedoms.
I. Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Sempozyumu , 2023
Kent aydınlatması, kentsel yaşamı daha güvenli hale getirir ve
geceleri kentlere estetik değer k... more Kent aydınlatması, kentsel yaşamı daha güvenli hale getirir ve
geceleri kentlere estetik değer katarak yaşam kalitesinin artmasını sağlar.
Kentlerin gece aydınlatılması sürecinde kamu ve özel sektörün
sorumluluğu bulunmaktadır. Yerel yönetimler, meydanlar, anıtsal
yapılar, tarihi dokular, park ve bahçeler gibi kamusal alanların
aydınlatmasından sorumludur. Çeşitli ülkelerde kent yöneticileri,
yönetim stratejilerinin bir parçası olarak kent aydınlatma master planları
geliştirmektedir. Kent aydınlatması disiplinlerarası teknik bir konudur.
Bu kitapta kentsel planlama ve kentsel tasarımda aydınlatmanın rolü
üzerine inceleme ve değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır.
The Handbook of Public Administration, 2022

JOEEP, 2022
Küresel iklim değişikliği, su güvenliği, gıda krizleri ve doğal afetlerin artışı toplumların ekon... more Küresel iklim değişikliği, su güvenliği, gıda krizleri ve doğal afetlerin artışı toplumların ekonomik, ekolojik ve sosyal sürdürülebilirliğini tehdit etmektedir. Hükümetlerin yanlış iklim ve su politikaları, devlet sınırlarını aşacak şekilde tüm ekosistem için bir risk alanı oluşturmaktadır. Ülkelerin çevre, iklim ve su politikaları farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışma inceleme alanını Türkiye ile sınırlandırmıştır. Türkiye'de yerel yönetimler de iklim ve su politikaları konularında aktif çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Büyükşehir, il ve ilçe belediyeleri yerel iklim eylem planları hazırlamakta, stratejik planlarında iklim ve su politikalarına yer vermekte, belediyelerin su ve kanalizasyon genel müdürlükleri stratejik planlar hazırlamakta ve belediyelerde iklim müdürlükleri kurulmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yerel yönetimler tarafından geliştirilen iklim ve su politikalarını incelemektir. Çalışmada doküman analizi yöntemi kullanılarak, büyükşehir belediyelerinin iklim ve su politikaları arasında karşılaştırma ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022
The last decades have shown that human activities damaged environmental quality and biodiversity.... more The last decades have shown that human activities damaged environmental quality and biodiversity. As accepted the need of sustainable development, there should be balance between economic, social and environmental issues in the long term. Ecological footprint is an important indicator that shows how human activities reduce environmental quality among a specific region or country. In addition, human capital is mostly used indicator to estimate economic and environmental development level. In this study, it is aimed to explore the effect of human capital on fishing footprint for 10 Mediterranean Countries during the period 1995–2018. According to empirical evidences, it is concluded that for relatively low human capital level, human capital has negative effect on sustainability and in the relatively high level, it has positive effect on sustainability.

Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 2020
Öz: 21. yüzyılda etkilerinin yoğun olarak hissedilmeye başlandığı çevre sorunları, hava kirliliği... more Öz: 21. yüzyılda etkilerinin yoğun olarak hissedilmeye başlandığı çevre sorunları, hava kirliliği ve küresel iklim değişikliğinin başlıca nedenleri arasında karbon emisyonu gelmektedir. Karbon emisyonun ve sera gazı salınımının artışının nedeni ise sanayileşme ve kentleşme kaynaklı etkenlerdir. Karbon emisyonundaki ve sera gazı salınımında-ki artışa bağlı olarak gelişen hava kirliliği ve küresel iklim değişikliği önemli halk sağlığı problemlerine yol açmaktadır. Sağlık alanına olan bu etkiler, uluslararası çevre anlaşmalarının ve zirvelerin düzenlenme-sinde temel nedenler arasındadır. Covid-19 pandemi süreci başlarında özellikle Çin gibi kirletici sanayinin yoğun olduğu ülkelerde sanayi alanlarının birkaç ay üretimlerini durdurması bu ülkelerde karbon emisyonun azalması sonucu meteorolojik bulgularla hava kalitesinin artmasına ilişkin veriler ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Co-vid-19 pandemi sürecinin karbon emisyonun azaltılması başta olmak üzere, çevre sorunları açısından nasıl etkileri olduğunu tartışmaktır. Bu araştırmada, güncel yayınlar üzerinden literatüre dayalı araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Literatür bulguları Covid-19 pandemi sürecin-de bile ülkelerin hedeflenen karbon emisyonu seviyelerini beklenen düzeyde azaltmadığını göstermektedir. Pandemi sürecinde karbon emisyonunun azalmasının doğaya ve hava kalitesine etkileri somut şekilde görülmüş olup, ülkelerin gelecek kararlarında bu bilgiyi dikka-te almalarının sağlıklı bir gelecek için umut oluşturup oluşturmayacağı tartışma konusudur.

Handbook of Research on Novel Practices and Current Successes in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, 2021
The new phenomenon "anthropogenic climate change" has been rising due to the awareness of societi... more The new phenomenon "anthropogenic climate change" has been rising due to the awareness of societies and individuals feeling more responsible in climate change. In this context, this study investigates the link between sustainable communities and climate refugees by reviewing what kinds of relationship exists between these societies and climate change. The original contribution of this study is giving a brief framework for the link between sustainable communities, climate refugees, and climate change. This study focuses on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals when observing sustainable communities and climate refugees. As a result of the review, the study presents some suggestions including solutions for the problems of climate refugees and the status of them globally. Thus, the authors point out an approach expressed as "on-the-spot solution in combating climate change for not to leave anyone behind.

Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy, 2021
The foundations of the Local Agenda 21 process were laid in 1992 in line with the Agenda 21 resol... more The foundations of the Local Agenda 21 process were laid in 1992 in line with the Agenda 21 resolutions of
the United Nations Rio Summit. Millennium Development Goals were determined at the Sustainable
Development Summit organized by the United Nations in 2000. A 15-year program has been created to achieve
the goals aimed at achieving equality in the world in the context of ecological, economic and social
sustainability. In 2015, the goals were evaluated and subject content and priorities were rearranged, and 2030
sustainable development goals were determined. 2030 agenda sets 17 goals for the new sustainable
development agenda. This process opened up discussion on the preparation of a new Local Agenda. Thus,
Local Agenda 2030s started to be restructured by countries by priorities in both regional and local development
will be reorganized. The study aims to examine the Local Agenda 2030 process. It also aims to identify its
differences from these two processes.
Yerel Yönetimlerde Güncel Yaklaşımlar: Teoriden Pratiğe, 2021

Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability
The world has realized the fact that the limited resources can't be sustainable for a long ti... more The world has realized the fact that the limited resources can't be sustainable for a long time. Sustainable transformation is a key issue to save the current resources and natural environment for the next generation. 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can help governments to focus on main issues to achieve a balance between social, environmental, and economic development. At this point, Goal 6 points out the importance of saving clean and safe freshwater resources. This chapter aims to present the link between municipalities and water security in Turkey. Turkey case was selected according to its risky position in the level of water stress. This study used recent reports and statistical data on environmental indicators related with freshwater resources and the implications of municipalities in Turkey. Environmental Indicators 2020 Report guided the authors to determine water indicators in Turkey. In addition, the available open access data from TURKSTAT is used to determi...

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
The Mediterranean region is highly vulnerable to undesired consequences of global warming trigger... more The Mediterranean region is highly vulnerable to undesired consequences of global warming triggered by industrialization, urbanization, and mostly fossil energy consumption. However, the region has also great renewable energy generation potential such as solar and wind, which enables countries in the region to considerably mitigate CO 2 emissions, the main driver of global warming. Developing countries around the world have less impact on carbon emissions than the developed Global North. Therefore, developing countries in the Mediterranean region are affected by the carbon burden of the first industrialized and developed European countries. This study investigates the role of economic growth, fossil and renewable energy consumption, and urbanization of developing Mediterranean countries in CO 2 emissions by using annual data covering 1995-2016 period. To this end, it follows a STIRPAT model including gross domestic product per capita, urbanization, and renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption. Considering cross correlation among countries, panel data methodologies are employed to estimate how carbon emissions respond to increase in gross domestic product, urbanization, and disaggregated energy consumption. Empirical results reveal that gross domestic product and fossil energy increase CO 2 emissions; urbanization and renewable energy decrease CO 2 emissions.

World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development, 2021
Purpose-This study aims to explore the key factors in achieving an efficient e-government portal ... more Purpose-This study aims to explore the key factors in achieving an efficient e-government portal management system from a citizen perspective. Accordingly, this study focuses on explaining how an e-government portal should manage its digital public services for citizens efficiently. Design/methodology/approach-This study employs a qualitative research design. As a sample case, this study preferred to analyze the Turkish e-government portal. The data is based on available open access data and information from the Turkish e-government portal, which is called e-Government Gateway in practice. In addition, the data of TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistical Institute) were used to determine the general profile of citizens about Internet skills and usage. Then, the data is analyzed by descriptive content analysis. Findings-As a result of descriptive findings, user type, digital platform options, security and access options, and digital public service classification are all found as important factors for providing a well-designed e-government portal system from a citizen perspective. Especially, citizens should be informed about using options and service categories and types to be accessed by the e-government portal. Social media tools are efficient factors when informing citizens about the e-government portal and communicating with them. Research limitations/implications-This study provides an original model to explain how the Turkish e-government portal works from a citizen perspective. However, there are some limitations to the study. The findings and suggestions are based on the Turkish e-government portal and its digital public service management. Also, this study evaluates the efficiency of the e-government portal management from a citizen perspective. Future studies can investigate e-government portal management for different countries by different approaches or research designs. Practical implications-Based on the Turkey case, it is determined that creating an e-government portal with having up-to-date public services, including both web-based and mobile-based platforms, will support the adoption and use of e-government portals. Social implications-The digital transformation of government is almost the main issue for policymakers in the world. But, this transformation process has some risk factors as well as challenges. To overcome these challenges, policymakers should design flexible and adaptable digital portals and systems to provide easy-touse and self-use options for the citizens. Originality/value-This study reveals key factors for efficient e-government portal management by providing descriptive evidence from Turkey. The main contribution of this study is expected to give practical implications and to guide other countries about the adoption of efficient e-government portals by citizens.

Higher Education Evaluation and Development , 2021
Purpose-The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and... more Purpose-The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and international student mobility from an alternative perspective and to reveal descriptive findings. Design/methodology/approach-This study follows qualitative research methodology. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the data were collected by the literature review and then it was analyzed by the descriptive analysis method. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on international student mobility and the relationships between these variables are explained by tables and classifications. Findings-According to the findings obtained, the restrictions in physical student mobility and shutdown are observed as the biggest challenges that occurred in higher education during the COVID-19. On a global scope, international student mobility has experienced a major break. Physical campus life is still on standby. Online higher education does not give any campus life as before. Students cannot benefit form city's or country's facilities when studying online at home country. The collaboration between university and business has been declined and this is even more discouraging for international students. The hybrid education model produced an intermediate solution in this period. On the other hand, the rise of online education has created new techniques for higher education. University students who cannot go abroad attend different countries lectures and education programs. But also a new challenge has come as the access of online platforms in under developing countries university students. Online education system also discussed in terms of creating inequality in higher education. Research limitations/implications-This study focused on student mobility and not focused about academic mobility. Practical implications-It is seen that the traditional higher education system has been adapted into online distance higher education system since COVID-19 crises began globally. On the other side, it is observed that most of studies have focused the effect of COVID-19 on university students based on the transition to online International student mobility © Seda Yıldırım, Seda H. Bostancı, D. Ça grı Yıldırım and Fatma Erdo gan. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

Düzce Medical Journal , 2021
Aim: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global issue that every country has be... more Aim: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global issue that every country has begun to change its economic and social policies due to sustaining public health in the long term. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on health management and health services in Turkey. Material and Methods: This study follows a qualitative research methodology and used secondary data sources. The study used open access data based on The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) and the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Data were analyzed by Qualitative Content Analysis. Results: According to the findings obtained, the study provides two main parts as findings. First, the study presents a current profile for the Turkish health sector including 2010-2019. Secondly, the study provides key elements indicating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on health management and health services in Turkey. With the help of classification, tables, and figures, the study provides original findings for the area of health management by giving what kinds of changes have occurred in health policies during COVID-19. Conclusion: When considering the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on health management and health services in Turkey, it can be said that Turkey has managed this pandemic period sufficiently. As a sample case, Turkish health policies and new management strategies can guide other developing and developed countries that were unsuccessful to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. This study shows that adaptable and sustainable health policies will keep public health in the long term.

Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences , 2019
Öz: Ekolojik çevrenin korunması ve yaşatılması, eylem planları, yeni-lenebilir enerji kaynakların... more Öz: Ekolojik çevrenin korunması ve yaşatılması, eylem planları, yeni-lenebilir enerji kaynaklarına ilişkin projeler, çevre kuruluşları, kamu ve yerel yönetim modelleri, çevresel adalet gibi çok çeşitli teknik ve stra-tejik konuları içermektedir. Bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar, ekolojik değerlerin korunabilmesi için atılabilecek en etkin adımın toplumu bu konuda harekete geçirecek araç ve politikaları belirlemek olduğunu saptamıştır. Çevresel değerleri sürdürme adına kamusal politika ara-yışları, sürdürülebilir topluluklardan, ekolojik vatandaşlığa kadar, toplumların çevreye duyarlı davranışlarını örgütleyen yeni sistemler ortaya çıkarmıştır. Toplumlar tarihsel birikimleri ve kültürel özellikle-rine bağlı olarak, yaşadıkları doğal çevrenin korunmasına yönelik farklılık gösteren davranış kalıplarına sahiptir. Örneğin, İskandinav ülkeleri eko-belediyecilik, sürdürülebilir topluluklar gibi modellerin çıkışında öncülük etmiştir. Toplumların çevreye duyarlı toplum yapı-larına doğru dönüşüm göstermesi, farklı yaklaşım ve hızlarda olsa bile giderek artmaktadır. Özellikle iyi korunmuş doğal alanların, organik tarımın, temiz su kaynaklarının insan sağlığına ne derece önemli katkı sağladığına ilişkin bilimsel çalışmalar arttıkça, vatandaşların kendi ve ailelerinin sağlığını koruyabilmek adına ekolojik vatandaş olmaya gönüllü olmaya başladıkları görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel hede-fi toplumların ekolojik değerlere sahip çıkabilmek ve yaşatmak için birlikte neler yapabileceklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Sürdürülebilir toplu-lukların özellikleri ve oluşumları, çalışma için veri kaynağını oluştur-muştur. Çalışma kapsamında sürdürülebilir toplulukların çeşitli ölçek-1 Bu çalışma, 28-29 Nisan 2018 tarihlerinde düzenlenen International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy (ICOMEP'18 Spring) kongresinde sunu-lan bildirinin genişletilmiş halidir.

Creating a sustainable future for cities is a critical issue worldwide and municipalities help sh... more Creating a sustainable future for cities is a critical issue worldwide and municipalities help shape cities from different perspectives. An eco-municipality is a governance strategy and holistic approach to creating sustainable communities and development. The sustainable strategies and projects of these municipalities mostly focus on public participation mechanisms, creating and building renewable energy sources, and designing healthy and green cities. The aim of this chapter is to examine the status of the strongly connected studies concerning global climate change and the eco-municipality model. In this regard, the projects and strategies of Nordic countries which have been pioneers in eco-municipalities and the studies of Turkish municipalities which have recently taken action to develop integrated environmental approaches will be discussed. In addition, an evaluation of projects and strategies of local governments in Turkey relevant to climate change will be critiqued.

Municipalities have variety of tools for improving environmental sustainability. The effects of c... more Municipalities have variety of tools for improving environmental sustainability. The effects of climate change increase the renewable projects developed by municipalities and public private sectors. Turkish municipalities practiced the early steps of sustainability projects, some of which were small-scale projects. In addition, Turkish municipalities have gained experience in LA 21 Process since the late 1990s. Some of the city models for sustainability, such as CittaSlow and healthy city projects developed by Turkish Municipalities. The work in this chapter represents research about variety of issues for environment and sustainability in Turkish Municipalities. Visions, strategies and projects of these municipalities have been analysed to attain this goal. A literature review and SWOT analysis were used for the methodology to determine the Turkish municipalities' potential for sustainability.
Papers About Sustainability and Eco-Municipalities by Seda H. Bostancı
geceleri kentlere estetik değer katarak yaşam kalitesinin artmasını sağlar.
Kentlerin gece aydınlatılması sürecinde kamu ve özel sektörün
sorumluluğu bulunmaktadır. Yerel yönetimler, meydanlar, anıtsal
yapılar, tarihi dokular, park ve bahçeler gibi kamusal alanların
aydınlatmasından sorumludur. Çeşitli ülkelerde kent yöneticileri,
yönetim stratejilerinin bir parçası olarak kent aydınlatma master planları
geliştirmektedir. Kent aydınlatması disiplinlerarası teknik bir konudur.
Bu kitapta kentsel planlama ve kentsel tasarımda aydınlatmanın rolü
üzerine inceleme ve değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır.
the United Nations Rio Summit. Millennium Development Goals were determined at the Sustainable
Development Summit organized by the United Nations in 2000. A 15-year program has been created to achieve
the goals aimed at achieving equality in the world in the context of ecological, economic and social
sustainability. In 2015, the goals were evaluated and subject content and priorities were rearranged, and 2030
sustainable development goals were determined. 2030 agenda sets 17 goals for the new sustainable
development agenda. This process opened up discussion on the preparation of a new Local Agenda. Thus,
Local Agenda 2030s started to be restructured by countries by priorities in both regional and local development
will be reorganized. The study aims to examine the Local Agenda 2030 process. It also aims to identify its
differences from these two processes.
geceleri kentlere estetik değer katarak yaşam kalitesinin artmasını sağlar.
Kentlerin gece aydınlatılması sürecinde kamu ve özel sektörün
sorumluluğu bulunmaktadır. Yerel yönetimler, meydanlar, anıtsal
yapılar, tarihi dokular, park ve bahçeler gibi kamusal alanların
aydınlatmasından sorumludur. Çeşitli ülkelerde kent yöneticileri,
yönetim stratejilerinin bir parçası olarak kent aydınlatma master planları
geliştirmektedir. Kent aydınlatması disiplinlerarası teknik bir konudur.
Bu kitapta kentsel planlama ve kentsel tasarımda aydınlatmanın rolü
üzerine inceleme ve değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır.
the United Nations Rio Summit. Millennium Development Goals were determined at the Sustainable
Development Summit organized by the United Nations in 2000. A 15-year program has been created to achieve
the goals aimed at achieving equality in the world in the context of ecological, economic and social
sustainability. In 2015, the goals were evaluated and subject content and priorities were rearranged, and 2030
sustainable development goals were determined. 2030 agenda sets 17 goals for the new sustainable
development agenda. This process opened up discussion on the preparation of a new Local Agenda. Thus,
Local Agenda 2030s started to be restructured by countries by priorities in both regional and local development
will be reorganized. The study aims to examine the Local Agenda 2030 process. It also aims to identify its
differences from these two processes.
locations in the city. Campuses in city centers carry great potentials for students’
cultural, intellectual and artistic activities, especially for those from faculty of
architecture and design, with close relations to the city. In big metropolitan cities,
it is hard to reserve land for campuses therefore they emerge as vertical settlements.
On the other hand, campuses built on the periphery mainly feature horizontal
planning characteristics due to availability of land. The aim of this paper is to
develop an approach for measuring architecture students’ aesthetic experience of
vertical and horizontal campuses in relation to sense of place theory. Recently,
emerging technologies in cognitive science, such as brain imaging techniques,
activity maps, sensory maps, cognitive mapping and photo-projective method etc.,
have enabled advanced measurement of aesthetic experience. In this exploratory
research, using ‘photo-projective method’, students will be asked to interpret and
draw ‘cognitive maps’ of the places that they are happy to be (defined place) or to
see (landscape) on the campus. Based on students’ impressions and experiences, it
will be possible to compare aesthetic experience on vertical and horizontal campus.
Thus, a comprehensive approach for improving campus design according to users’
aesthetic experiences and sense of place rather than building technology, law,
development and finance driven obligations will be introduced.
The amount of green areas and their diversity give an important knowledge about
quality of life and ecological planning. In this research, 1/1000 scaled master plans of
ten districts in Istanbul-Turkey are examined for their green areas and their plan legend
diversities with the help of MS Office Excel software. Although Turkish Land
Development Laws describe the size of the green areas as m² per person, it does not
give any description about green area regularities, planning and distributions. Besides,
green area usage is a featured subject in Plan Production Regulation which is in draft
process. So this study becomes important as being in the agenda of Turkey’s sustainable
development. Therefore, the aim of this study is evaluation of green area land use and
legend diversities in master planning process. And a systematical hierarchy
classification in green dimensions of master plans has been prepared as a proposal by
using GIS.