? ?
Journal created:
on 1 July 2004 (#3661826)
on 20 November 2010
Find Love
Jackson, New Jersey, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
I decided that I have too many single friends. And they bitch about it all the time.

So this is my attempt to stop that bitching, and bring love to the pitifully unloved.

Just join and post a paragraph about you, where you're at, what you like to do, what you're like, all that good stuff, and wait for comments. There you go, instant love-life.

Lame-Ass Rules:

- No naked pictures.
- Nothing too un-related, that's annoying as hell.
- No fighting.
- You have to be 14 to post. No 7th graders.
- Put your form under an LJ cut. If you don't know how to do one, you're pathetic and we don't want you anyway.
- Pictures are optional, but strongly recommended.
- This isn't a rating community, it's just a place for people to come and kind of... play the field and look around. And be losers with each other.

Official form:

[Sexual Orientation]:


[Looking for a friend or significant other?]:


[What's important to you in a significant other/friend?]:

[Anything else you want to add about yourself?]:

[How'd you find this community? (Username if there is one)]:

