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      Civil EngineeringGeologyEngineering GeologyAnisotropy
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSlope StabilityNumerical Simulation
A METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR QUANTIFYING IMPACTS OF TRUCK TRAFFIC ON REGIONAL NETWORK WITH IMPLICATIONS TO TRANSPORT POLICY by Chaitanya N Pathak Increased global trade has promoted the importance of shipping industry and the... more
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    • Business
Technological advancement in recent years has resulted in larger and taller wind turbines (WTs) with enhanced power generation capacities. Application of natural hazard risk quantification for WTs helps stakeholders plan, design, install,... more
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      EngineeringWind PowerPhysical sciencesNatural hazard
This paper presents vehicle localization and tracking methodology to utilize two-channel LiDAR data for turning movement counts. The proposed methodology uniquely integrates a K-means clustering technique, an inverse sensor model, and a... more
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      GeographyCartographyComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Ensuring a transportation system's operational efficiency and effectiveness is a challenge particularly for road maintenance agencies in winter times. Winter road maintenance involves snow plowing and chemicals/abrasives spreading, and... more
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      Civil EngineeringTransportation Infrastructure Systems
A dynamic travel-time prediction model was developed for the South Jersey (southern New Jersey) motorist real-time information system. During development and evaluation of the model, the integration of traffic flow theory, measurement and... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningReal TimeTravel Time
We anticipate that future web search techniques will exploit changes in web structure and content. As a first step in this direction, we examine the problem of integrating observed changes in link structure into static hyperlink-based... more
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      Web searchSensitivity AnalysisEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingMarkov chain
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aim at reducing travel time by controlling the existing transportation infrastructure through use of state-of-the-art technology. One of the current emphasis areas in ITS is improved coordination... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningReal TimeInformation System
that can force buses to deviate from their predetermined schedule and headway, resulting in deterioration of service and the lengthening of passenger waiting times for buses. Providing passengers with accurate bus arrival information... more
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      Time UseUrban And Regional PlanningPublic transportation
Bus route design is one of the most important elements of public transit system planning. This paper presents a model for optimizing service headway,and bus route location serving an area with a commuter (many-to-one) travel pattern. The... more
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      Route PlanningIron
The generic problem of estimation and inference given a sequence of i.i.d. samples has been extensively studied in the statistics, property testing, and learning communities. A natural quantity of interest is the sample complexity of the... more
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      Robust StatisticsLearning CommunityComputational EfficiencyStatistical Properties
Automatic passenger counter (APC) systems have been implemented in various public transit systems to obtain bus occupancy along with other information such as location, travel time, etc. Such information has great potential as input data... more
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      Civil EngineeringNeural NetworkBusPrediction Model
Work zone related traffic delay is an important cost component on freeways with maintenance activities. This study demonstrates that delays are always underestimated by using the deterministic queuing theory. Computer simulation is a... more
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      Civil EngineeringThAdvanced
Bus routing is one of the most important elements of public transit system planning. This article presents a model for optimizing service headway and a bus route serving an area with a commuter (many-to-one) travel pattern. The bus route... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningRoute PlanningPublic transportation
Congestion is always a serious problem in many transportation commuting corridors. The need to implement effective control in the corridors has long been recognized by transportation professionals. Ramp metering has been discussed as a... more
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      Stochastic ProgrammingDynamic programmingIntelligent Control SystemsOptimization
A hybrid machine-learning model, integrating an artificial neural network (ANN) and a support vector machine (SVM) model, is developed to predict spatiotemporal delays, subject to road geometry, number of lane closures, and work zone... more
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    • Civil Engineering
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
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      PsychologyEnvironmental MonitoringAutomotive EngineeringSafety
School bus routing is a version of the traveling salesman problem with time-window constraints and route balancing. This paper evaluates and compares the results of three techniques used in school bus routing: a time savings heuristic,... more
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      Case StudyNew Jersey
Travel times have been traditionally estimated from data collected by roadway sensors. Recently, new technologies, such as cell phone tracking, license plate matching, automatic vehicle identifications and video detection, are employed... more
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