Papers by Muhammad Salman Haider

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is an important part of human diet due to the impressive panel... more Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is an important part of human diet due to the impressive panel of sugars, polyphenols, antioxidants and essential elements. In this study, ten elite indigenous Pakistani date palm cultivars were characterized for their fruit morphological and biochemical traits at three fruit ripening stages. Results depicted significant distinction in size, shape and fruit dimensions during their different softening patterns. Moreover, the moisture contents, soluble protein contents, total phenolic contents (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA), specific activity of catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) were high at khalal stage, followed by rutab stage, and lowest at tamar stage. On the converse, pH and reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) increased up to the full-ripe stage in all the investigated cultivars. Pearson's test was also established in fruit morphological parameters and sugar components. The disparity in nutritional composition mainly depended on the type of cultivar and fruit maturation stages. Our findings revealed that the indigenous date palm germplasm was the potential source of sugar contents and variety of antioxidants and could possibly be used as functional food components.

To elucidate promoting and inhibiting effects of hydrogen cynamide (HC) and abscisic acid (ABA) o... more To elucidate promoting and inhibiting effects of hydrogen cynamide (HC) and abscisic acid (ABA) on quiescence release of grape buds, physiological and molecular approaches were used to explore the mechanisms of quiescence based on metabolic and gene expression analysis. Physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in bud quiescence of grape were studied before and after application of HC, ABA, and ABA-HC. The data showed that ABA inhibited proclamation of quiescence in grape buds and attenuated the influence of HC. Bud quiescence was promoted and regulated by HC and ABA pre-treatment on buds of grape cultivar “Shine Muscat” with 5% HC, 100 μM ABA and combination of ABA-HC (5% HC+100 μM ABA) during quiescence under forcing condition. Exogenous application of ABA elevated superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) related specific activities, while catalase (CAT) activity was increased during initial period of forcing and then decreased. The concentration of plant growth hormones including gibberellins (GA) and indole acetic acid increased by HC application but decreased the ABA contents under forcing condition. ABA increased the fructose content during quiescence under forcing condition while sucrose and total soluble sugars peaked in HC treated buds as compared to control. Genes related to ABA pathway, protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C family) were down regulated in the buds treated with HC, ABA and ABA-HC as compared to control while two genes related to GA pathway (GID1 family), out of which one gene showed down regulation during initial period of forcing while other gene was up regulated in response to HC and ABA-HC treatments as compared to control. Exogenous ABA application up regulated genes related to antioxidant enzymes as compared to control. The gene probable fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 1, chloroplastic-like, was up regulated in response to ABA treatment as compared to control. Analysis of metabolites and related gene expression pattern would provide a comprehensive view of quiescence after HC, ABA, and ABA-HC treatments in grape buds which may helpful for ultimate improvement in table grape production.

Drought is a ubiquitous abiotic factor that severely impedes growth and development of horticultu... more Drought is a ubiquitous abiotic factor that severely impedes growth and development of horticulture crops. The challenge postured by global climate change is the evolution of drought-tolerant cultivars that could cope with concurrent stress. Hence, in this study, biochemical, physiological and transcriptome analysis were investigated in drought-treated grapevine leaves. The results revealed that photosynthetic activity and reducing sugars were significantly diminished which were positively correlated with low stomatal conductance and CO 2 exchange in drought-stressed leaves. Further, the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase were significantly actuated in the drought-responsive grapevine leaves. Similarly, the levels of abscisic acid and jasmonic acid were also significantly increased in the drought-stressed leaves. In transcriptome analysis, 12,451 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were annotated, out of which 8021 DEGs were up-regulated and 4430 DEGs were down-regulated in response to drought stress. In addition, the genes encoding pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) triggered immunity (PTI), including calcium signals, protein phosphatase 2C, calcineurin B-like proteins, MAPKs, and phosphorylation (FLS2 and MEKK1) cascades were up-regulated in response to drought stress. Several genes related to plant-pathogen interaction pathway (RPM1, PBS1, RPS5, RIN4, MIN7, PR1, and WRKYs) were also found up-regulated in response to drought stress. Overall the results of present study showed the dynamic interaction of DEG in grapevine physiology which provides the premise for selection of defense-related genes against drought stress for subsequent grapevine breeding programs.

Grapevine is an important and extensively grown fruit crop, which is severely hampered by drought... more Grapevine is an important and extensively grown fruit crop, which is severely hampered by drought worldwide. So, comprehending the impact of drought on grapevine genetic resources is necessary. In the present study, RNA-sequencing was executed using cDNA libraries constructed from both drought-stress and control plants. Results generated 12,451 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), out of which 8,021 genes were up-regulated, and 4,430 were down-regulated. Further physiological and biochemical investigations were also performed to validate the biological processes associated with the development of grapevine in response to drought stress. Results also revealed that decline in the rate of stomatal conductance, in turn, decrease the photosynthetic activity and CO 2 assimilation in the grapevine leaves. Reactive oxygen species, including stress enzymes and their related proteins, and secondary metabolites were also activated in the present study. Likewise, various hormones also induced in response to drought stress. Overall, the present study concludes that these DEGs play both positive and negative roles in drought tolerance by regulating various biological pathways of grapevine. Nevertheless, our findings have provided valuable gene information for future studies of abiotic stress in grapevine and various other fruit crops.

The type-B authentic response regulator (ARR-B) family members serve as DNA-binding transcription... more The type-B authentic response regulator (ARR-B) family members serve as DNA-binding transcriptional regulators, whose activities are probably regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, resulting in the rapid induction of type-A ARR genes. Type-B ARRs are believed to be involved inmany biological processes, including cytokinin signaling, plant growth, and stress responses through a chaperone or by isomerization of proline residues during protein folding. The public availability of complete peach genome sequences allows the identification of 23 ARR-B genes by HMMER and blast analysis. Scaffold locations of these genes in the peach genome were determined, and the protein domain and motif
organization of peach type-B ARRs were analyzed. The phylogenetic relationships between peach type-B ARRs were also assessed. The expression profiles of peach ARR-B genes revealed that most of the type-B ARRs showed high expression levels in tissues undergoing rapid cell division and may engage more cytokinins, like half-opened flowers, fruits at expansion stages, and young leaves. These findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the complex regulation of the peach ARR-B gene family, but also provide valuable information for future research in peach functional genomics.
b-glucosidase (BG) was believed to take part in abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis via hydrolysis of A... more b-glucosidase (BG) was believed to take part in abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis via hydrolysis of ABA glucose ester to release active ABA during plant growth and development. However, there is no genetic evidence available to indicate the role of genes during fruit ripening.

Proceeding to illumina sequencing, determining RNA integrity numbers for poly RNA were separated ... more Proceeding to illumina sequencing, determining RNA integrity numbers for poly RNA were separated from each of the four developmental stages of cv. Summer Black leaves by using Illumina HiSeq™ 2000. The sums of 272,941,656 reads were generated from vitis vinifera leaf at four different developmental stages, with more than 27 billion nucleotides of the sequence data. At each growth stage, RNA samples were indexed through unique nucleic acid identifiers and sequenced. KEGG annotation results depicted that the highest number of transcripts in 2,963 (2Avs4A) followed by 1Avs4A (2,920), and 3Avs4A (2,294) out of 15,614 (71%) transcripts were recorded. In comparison, a total of 1,532 transcripts were annotated in GOs, including Cellular component, with the highest number in " Cell part " 251 out of 353 transcripts (71.1%), followed by intracellular organelle 163 out of 353 transcripts (46.2%), while in molecular function and metabolic process 375 out of 525 (71.4%) transcripts , multicellular organism process 40 out of 525 (7.6%) transcripts in biological process were most common in 1Avs2A. While in case of 1Avs3A, cell part 476 out of 662 transcripts (71.9%), and membrane-bounded organelle 263 out of 662 transcripts (39.7%) were recorded in Cellular component. In the grapevine transcriptome, during the initial stages of leaf development 1Avs2A showed single transcript was down-regulated and none of them were up-regulated. While in comparison of 1A to 3A showed one up-regulated (photosys-tem II reaction center protein C) and one down regulated (conserved gene of unknown function) transcripts, during the hormone regulating pathway namely SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family having 2 up-regulated and 7 down-regulated transcripts, phyto-chrome-associated protein showed 1 up-regulated and 9 down-regulated transcripts, whereas genes associated with the Leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein showed 7 up-regulated and 1 down-regulated transcript, meanwhile Auxin Resistant 2 has single up-regulated transcript in second developmental stage, although 3 were down-regulated at lateral growth stages (3A and 4A). In the present study, 489 secondary metabolic pathways related genes were identified during leaf growth, which mainly includes alkaloid (40), anthocyanins (21), Diterpenoid (144), Monoterpenoid (90) and Flavonoids (93).

Date palm is a dioecious monocotyledonous plant which belongs to Arecaceae family. Date palm poll... more Date palm is a dioecious monocotyledonous plant which belongs to Arecaceae family. Date palm pollen retains
viability for a single growing season. Air dried pollen was enclosed in sealed capsules and stored at 4°C, -20°C and -80°C
for different storage periods (1, 3, 6, 12 months). Pollen viability of fresh and stored pollen was determined by in vitro
germination and staining test. After thawing, stored pollens were cultured in petri dishes and incubated at three different
temperature i.e., 20°C, 25°C and 30°C for different time periods (3, 6, 12 and 24 hours). Pollen grains looking normal and
stained red were considered viable, whereas weakly stained or colorless were recorded as non viable. Germination test
showed that pollen of cultivar Khadrawy stored at -20°C had higher germination (71.22%) when incubated at 30°C for 24
hours after 12 months of storage while least was in Hillawi i.e. 34.86%.
Sixteen Pakistani date palm cultivars from diverse origins were characterized morphologically to ... more Sixteen Pakistani date palm cultivars from diverse origins were characterized morphologically to assess the similarity
level, the overall point of polymorphism and important agronomic traits existing in the germplasm present in Pakistan. Forty
two qualitative and quantitative features were explored and subjected to multivariate analyses. The results brought out
important differences in phenotypic characters in all date palm cultivars. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that
trunk length and diameter, total number of leaves, rachis length, leaflets length and width, number of leaflets per side,
number of pinnae planes, length and grouping of spines were highly divergent. Similarly cluster analyses (CA) also revealed
phenotypic diversity among date palm cultivars and, some close association or heterogeneity was also observed within
cultivars of the same origin.

In the present study the effect of different biochemical attributes on date fruits at their three... more In the present study the effect of different biochemical attributes on date fruits at their three different edible
stages were studied in Aseel, Dhakki (Pakistan) and Deglet Nour (Algeria) cultivars. The results depicted that total
phenolic contents, antioxidant activity (DPPH), antioxidant enzymes (CAT, POD) and protein decreased gradually
from khalal to tamar stage during date fruit development in all selected cultivars. Despite, the amount of glucose
(23.89-32.31%) and fructose (20.34-30.45%) increased significantly during ripening process among examined
cultivars. The characterization of fibers of date fruits at three edible stages by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) showed lignin (1514 cm-1), amide (1649 cm-1), cellulose-I and cellulose-II (1635 and 1420 cm-
1), respectively, whereas, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed crystalline surface morphology of date
fruit fibers at last three edible stages. Furthermore, our results revealed that variation in chemical composition and a
significant variability in all the characterization techniques were recorded of date fruit fibers during ripening process.

The date fruit is a primary component of the human diet in many countries with arid and semiarid ... more The date fruit is a primary component of the human diet in many countries with arid and semiarid climates. The
present study reflects the relationship of different biochemical attributes with progressive date fruit
developmental stages. The study involved eight date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars from Pakistan
examined at three different edible stages of dates (khalal, rutab and tamar). The antiradical efficiency (2.14–
0.36), antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase), total phenolic contents (468.99–108 mg GAE/100g, FW)
and the soluble protein contents (5.73–2.75 g/100g) were higher in higher at khalal and thereafter, but declined
at fully ripened (tamar) stage. Moreover, glucose (16.92–31.66%) and fructose (15.25–30.58%) have lower
quantity at khalal and higher quantity at tamar stage, whereas non-reducing (sucrose) sugars were present only
at khalal and rutab stage fruits. Makran and Chohara cultivars revealed best overall values in examined
compounds. Our results revealed that variation in different biochemical attributes is mainly depended on the
difference in fruit maturity stage and cultivar. Cultivars exhibiting high values of beneficial biochemical
attributes may be considered for the expansion of date palm cultivation.

Some date palm cultivars grown in Pakistan were biochemically characterized and the effect of fru... more Some date palm cultivars grown in Pakistan were biochemically characterized and the effect of fruit maturity on radical scavenging capacity (DPPH), total phenolic contents (TPC), specific activity of antioxidant enzymes, sugars profile and soluble protein contents was assessed. Higher range of differences in composition of studied phytochemicals was recorded among different cultivars. Antiradical efficiency (AE), TPC, antioxidant enzymes and soluble protein contents were recorded higher at khalal stage thereafter, declined at rutab then finally at tamar stage. The amount of glucose (11.32-32.50%) and fructose (10.95-32.41%) started accumulation from khalal stage and were in higher composition at tamar stage due to hydrolysis and inversion of sucrose (10.82-3.1%) contents. The results concluded that variation in biochemical attributes primarily influenced by type of cultivars and different fruit developmental stages.
Papers by Muhammad Salman Haider
organization of peach type-B ARRs were analyzed. The phylogenetic relationships between peach type-B ARRs were also assessed. The expression profiles of peach ARR-B genes revealed that most of the type-B ARRs showed high expression levels in tissues undergoing rapid cell division and may engage more cytokinins, like half-opened flowers, fruits at expansion stages, and young leaves. These findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the complex regulation of the peach ARR-B gene family, but also provide valuable information for future research in peach functional genomics.
viability for a single growing season. Air dried pollen was enclosed in sealed capsules and stored at 4°C, -20°C and -80°C
for different storage periods (1, 3, 6, 12 months). Pollen viability of fresh and stored pollen was determined by in vitro
germination and staining test. After thawing, stored pollens were cultured in petri dishes and incubated at three different
temperature i.e., 20°C, 25°C and 30°C for different time periods (3, 6, 12 and 24 hours). Pollen grains looking normal and
stained red were considered viable, whereas weakly stained or colorless were recorded as non viable. Germination test
showed that pollen of cultivar Khadrawy stored at -20°C had higher germination (71.22%) when incubated at 30°C for 24
hours after 12 months of storage while least was in Hillawi i.e. 34.86%.
level, the overall point of polymorphism and important agronomic traits existing in the germplasm present in Pakistan. Forty
two qualitative and quantitative features were explored and subjected to multivariate analyses. The results brought out
important differences in phenotypic characters in all date palm cultivars. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that
trunk length and diameter, total number of leaves, rachis length, leaflets length and width, number of leaflets per side,
number of pinnae planes, length and grouping of spines were highly divergent. Similarly cluster analyses (CA) also revealed
phenotypic diversity among date palm cultivars and, some close association or heterogeneity was also observed within
cultivars of the same origin.
stages were studied in Aseel, Dhakki (Pakistan) and Deglet Nour (Algeria) cultivars. The results depicted that total
phenolic contents, antioxidant activity (DPPH), antioxidant enzymes (CAT, POD) and protein decreased gradually
from khalal to tamar stage during date fruit development in all selected cultivars. Despite, the amount of glucose
(23.89-32.31%) and fructose (20.34-30.45%) increased significantly during ripening process among examined
cultivars. The characterization of fibers of date fruits at three edible stages by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) showed lignin (1514 cm-1), amide (1649 cm-1), cellulose-I and cellulose-II (1635 and 1420 cm-
1), respectively, whereas, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed crystalline surface morphology of date
fruit fibers at last three edible stages. Furthermore, our results revealed that variation in chemical composition and a
significant variability in all the characterization techniques were recorded of date fruit fibers during ripening process.
present study reflects the relationship of different biochemical attributes with progressive date fruit
developmental stages. The study involved eight date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars from Pakistan
examined at three different edible stages of dates (khalal, rutab and tamar). The antiradical efficiency (2.14–
0.36), antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase), total phenolic contents (468.99–108 mg GAE/100g, FW)
and the soluble protein contents (5.73–2.75 g/100g) were higher in higher at khalal and thereafter, but declined
at fully ripened (tamar) stage. Moreover, glucose (16.92–31.66%) and fructose (15.25–30.58%) have lower
quantity at khalal and higher quantity at tamar stage, whereas non-reducing (sucrose) sugars were present only
at khalal and rutab stage fruits. Makran and Chohara cultivars revealed best overall values in examined
compounds. Our results revealed that variation in different biochemical attributes is mainly depended on the
difference in fruit maturity stage and cultivar. Cultivars exhibiting high values of beneficial biochemical
attributes may be considered for the expansion of date palm cultivation.
organization of peach type-B ARRs were analyzed. The phylogenetic relationships between peach type-B ARRs were also assessed. The expression profiles of peach ARR-B genes revealed that most of the type-B ARRs showed high expression levels in tissues undergoing rapid cell division and may engage more cytokinins, like half-opened flowers, fruits at expansion stages, and young leaves. These findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the complex regulation of the peach ARR-B gene family, but also provide valuable information for future research in peach functional genomics.
viability for a single growing season. Air dried pollen was enclosed in sealed capsules and stored at 4°C, -20°C and -80°C
for different storage periods (1, 3, 6, 12 months). Pollen viability of fresh and stored pollen was determined by in vitro
germination and staining test. After thawing, stored pollens were cultured in petri dishes and incubated at three different
temperature i.e., 20°C, 25°C and 30°C for different time periods (3, 6, 12 and 24 hours). Pollen grains looking normal and
stained red were considered viable, whereas weakly stained or colorless were recorded as non viable. Germination test
showed that pollen of cultivar Khadrawy stored at -20°C had higher germination (71.22%) when incubated at 30°C for 24
hours after 12 months of storage while least was in Hillawi i.e. 34.86%.
level, the overall point of polymorphism and important agronomic traits existing in the germplasm present in Pakistan. Forty
two qualitative and quantitative features were explored and subjected to multivariate analyses. The results brought out
important differences in phenotypic characters in all date palm cultivars. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that
trunk length and diameter, total number of leaves, rachis length, leaflets length and width, number of leaflets per side,
number of pinnae planes, length and grouping of spines were highly divergent. Similarly cluster analyses (CA) also revealed
phenotypic diversity among date palm cultivars and, some close association or heterogeneity was also observed within
cultivars of the same origin.
stages were studied in Aseel, Dhakki (Pakistan) and Deglet Nour (Algeria) cultivars. The results depicted that total
phenolic contents, antioxidant activity (DPPH), antioxidant enzymes (CAT, POD) and protein decreased gradually
from khalal to tamar stage during date fruit development in all selected cultivars. Despite, the amount of glucose
(23.89-32.31%) and fructose (20.34-30.45%) increased significantly during ripening process among examined
cultivars. The characterization of fibers of date fruits at three edible stages by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) showed lignin (1514 cm-1), amide (1649 cm-1), cellulose-I and cellulose-II (1635 and 1420 cm-
1), respectively, whereas, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed crystalline surface morphology of date
fruit fibers at last three edible stages. Furthermore, our results revealed that variation in chemical composition and a
significant variability in all the characterization techniques were recorded of date fruit fibers during ripening process.
present study reflects the relationship of different biochemical attributes with progressive date fruit
developmental stages. The study involved eight date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars from Pakistan
examined at three different edible stages of dates (khalal, rutab and tamar). The antiradical efficiency (2.14–
0.36), antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase), total phenolic contents (468.99–108 mg GAE/100g, FW)
and the soluble protein contents (5.73–2.75 g/100g) were higher in higher at khalal and thereafter, but declined
at fully ripened (tamar) stage. Moreover, glucose (16.92–31.66%) and fructose (15.25–30.58%) have lower
quantity at khalal and higher quantity at tamar stage, whereas non-reducing (sucrose) sugars were present only
at khalal and rutab stage fruits. Makran and Chohara cultivars revealed best overall values in examined
compounds. Our results revealed that variation in different biochemical attributes is mainly depended on the
difference in fruit maturity stage and cultivar. Cultivars exhibiting high values of beneficial biochemical
attributes may be considered for the expansion of date palm cultivation.