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Chinua Achebe has written extensively on African culture, its mores and the impact meaning of European imperialism on indigenous African societies. His novels garnered world-text wide attention and contributed towards the development of... more
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    • Reader Response
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      Race and RacismCognitive NarratologyTrauma Studies
Haňt'a, the narrator of Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal's novella, Too Loud a Solitude (1976), often reflects on the duality of permanence and intangibility of ideas. This paper attempts to explore how the author resolves the tension between... more
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    • International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL)
An observation, often overlooked by the scholars of Colson Whitehead's novel John Henry , is that it uses metarepresentational abilities of the characters to navigate mutually incompatible representations of John Henry, a real-life... more
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      LiteratureCognitive NarratologyColson Whitehead
At the outset this paper deals with how the companys' philosophy effects on corporate governance. The Corporate Governance becomes a buzzword all over the world due to debacles and scams occurred in various gigantic concerns like Enron,... more
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    • Banking, finance and corporate governance
Organized Retailing is one of India’s most revenue generating Industry and also good contributor to our G.D.P. There are significant reasons for the researchers to find out the reasons behind consistent growth to this Industry in India... more
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The broad objective of this study is to assess the public expenditure management with specific references to resource utilization in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional state. Thus, this book tries much to show the level of resource utilization in... more
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Ethiopian Government continues to spend on large infrastructural projectshydro-power facilities, telecoms and road and rail networkswhich form part of the highly ambitious fiveyear Growth and Transformation Plan. However, there are... more
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As most of the developing countries do, Ethiopia was highly dependent on external financial resources to finance its development activities. For many decades, the tax contribution to GDP was very less and this needs an improvement. The... more
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      Value Added TaxIndirect Taxation
The researcher starts this study to find a solution on the country’s banking industry credit risk management. The researcher evaluates this banks credit risk management practice by the credit risk management principles Basel committee on... more
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    • Finance
The researcher management. The researcher evaluates this banks credit risk management practice by the credit risk management principles Basel committee on bank supervision. Because if the credit risk the availability of finance will be... more
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    • Credit Risk Management
Every real-world scenario is now digitally replicated in order to reduce paperwork and human labor costs. Machine Learning (ML) models are also being used to make predictions in these applications. Accurate forecasting requires knowledge... more
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      Machine LearningRisk Management In Banking
The objective of this paper is to provide a better rendition of Generation Z purchase intentions of retail products through Facebook. The study gyrated around the favorable attitude formation of Generation Z translating into intentions to... more
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    • Purchase Intention
Every real-world scenario is now digitally replicated in order to reduce paperwork and human labor costs. Machine Learning (ML) models are also being used to make predictions in these applications. Accurate forecasting requires knowledge... more
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      Machine LearningRisk Management In Banking
The objective of this paper is to provide a better rendition of Generation Z purchase intentions of retail products through Facebook. The study gyrated around the favorable attitude formation of Generation Z translating into intentions to... more
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    • Purchase Intention
The development of corporate governance's efficacy has elevated in importance in light of the current global economic climate and several company scandals. The composition of a board has a significant impact on its efficacy. This study... more
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