Papers by EditorIJEE RajuAedla
The paper deals with the petrographic details of the subalkaline ferrosyenites which are emplaced... more The paper deals with the petrographic details of the subalkaline ferrosyenites which are emplaced in the Cuddapah intrusive province (CIP) of peninsular India. These leucocratic rare rock types (colour index ranges 7 to 19 vol%) are found emplaced at Gundlapalle and Gokanakonda in the Guntur district and at Uppalapadu in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. All the ferrosyenites show equigranular, hypidiomorphic texture but mineralogically they are different, even though they are uniformly subalkaline in character. Ferrohedenbergite and its altered product called nontronite are found in Gundlapalle ferrosyenite, but fayalite along with clinopyroxene are found in Gokanakonda and Uppalapadu ferrosyenite. Again, at Gokanakonda, a second type of ferrosyenite is found with fayalite along with quartz.
There is an increasing trend for using concrete pavement all over the world because of its abilit... more There is an increasing trend for using concrete pavement all over the world because of its ability to handle complex loading and environmental conditions that occur in highways. Finite element method is the best tool for analysis of the pavement slab. The pavement slab deteriorates under combined action of axle loads and temperature differential across the depth of slab. The present study illustrates a case study for thickness design and describes the different parameters associated with the design of rigid pavement for a National Highway in Punjab State using tied concrete shoulders. The possibility of bottom-up and top-down cracking was considered. The effect of moisture variations on the development of warping stresses is ignored. The thickness of a pavement slab reduces by about 30 percent if there is a tied concrete shoulder or when the slab has a widened outer lane.
An experimental study of jute fiber concrete for compressive strength of concrete is carried out ... more An experimental study of jute fiber concrete for compressive strength of concrete is carried out for making a good building material in terms of reinforcement. Jute fiber is environmental-friendly and economical fiber. The slump value and compressive strength of specimens were carried out for three different fractions of jute fiber contents by volume. The slump value decreased sharply with increase in fiber content. The results of the compression test indicated that the presence of jute fiber tends to reduce the compressive strength of concrete at higher fiber content. Despite the reduction in the compressive strength at higher jute fiber content, there is an improvement of compressive strength at low jute fiber content.

It had been a common practice in the ancient communities to reuse valuable left over materials, e... more It had been a common practice in the ancient communities to reuse valuable left over materials, e.g. metals and building materials from deconstruction of previous thing or property. But the " use-and-throwaway " philosophy had led to depletion of natural resources and pollution of world. This paper presents the use of Recycled Coarse Aggregate and Recron 3S in Concrete to be used for general building construction-residential, commercial and industrial. Replacing Natural Coarse Aggregate (NCA) with Recycled Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Aggregate and adding Recron-3S synthetic fibre. Recycled Coarse Aggregate (RCA) replaces NCA by 40% and adding Recron 3S in 0.125% , 0.25% in concrete. The use of RCA from the C & D waste proposes to be a win-win-win situation, as instead of creating big landfill, saving of natural physical topography and reducing the production of Carbon dioxide by half. The aim of this paper is to discuss the use of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) with Recron 3S fibre in construction industry.

The lives of humans and animals are affected straight by the amount of harmful substances in wate... more The lives of humans and animals are affected straight by the amount of harmful substances in water streams. Municipal wastewaters contains dissolved pollutant can therefore contaminate water resources and causes grave water/ environmental problem. In the current study, sorption capacities of Coconut Shell, Corn Cobs, Rice husk and Sugarcane Bagasse were examined for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The percent removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand and Turbidity increases with increase in impregnation ration and temperature. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were employed to the obtained data to check for fitness of the models. The percentage removal for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand and Turbidity for Rice Husk are 89%, 100% and 100%, Sugarcane Bagasse: 89%, 100% and 100%, Coconut Shell: 78%, 97% and 70% and Corn Cobs: 78%, 97% and 63% respectively. A Langmuir and Freundlich model adequately fits the adsorption data with coefficient of determination (R 2) near unity. The present data confirms that activated carbon from Rice Husk, Sugarcane Bagasse, Coconut Shell and Corn Cobs may be used as effective adsorbent for treatment pollutant from aqueous solutions.
It is generally believed that increase in subgrade strength leads to decrease in the thickness of... more It is generally believed that increase in subgrade strength leads to decrease in the thickness of a rigid pavement which helps in reducing the cost of pavement. The guidelines of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) for the design of rigid pavements also recommend the use of select soil of minimum CBR 8% in the subgrade for design of cement concrete pavement for roads having traffic greater than 450 CVPD. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the effect of variation in subgrade strength on thickness and cost of a rigid pavement. It is found that the thickness and cost of pavement may not decrease with an increase in the strength of subgrade soil. The provision of using select soil of minimum CBR 8% in the subgrade of the road as recommended by IRC, therefore, needs to be applied carefully.
The present study attempts to assess the groundwater quality of Hapur city, Uttar Pradesh. Ground... more The present study attempts to assess the groundwater quality of Hapur city, Uttar Pradesh. Groundwater samples were collected from 20 shallow wells and analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics. Water quality index (WQI) was calculated to show the overall water quality status in a single term. The results of this study revealed that the concentration of alkalinity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, nitrate, fluoride and chlorides is higher than the permissible limits as prescribed by the Bureau of Indian standards. The WQI for all samples were found in the range of 12 to 211.This study indicates that the drinking water of the city do not conform to the recommended standards and hence it is suggested to take rational steps to manage water quality in this region before it becomes a crisis, as this will affect the economy and will also lead to various water-borne diseases.

Tall buildings have been traditionally designed to be symmetric rectangular, square, triangular a... more Tall buildings have been traditionally designed to be symmetric rectangular, square, triangular as well as circular in plan, in order to avoid excessive seismic-induced torsional vibrations due to eccentricity, in seismic-prone and highly wind induced regions. But, due to architectural and structural requirements, complicated tall and slender buildings with various corner configuration and cross-sectional shapes are emerged now a day, which are difficult to design using the existing wind load standards only. The principal aim of this study is to investigate the effect of chamfered edged configuration on wind pressure distribution on tall buildings experimentally using open circuit wind tunnel. The test is conducted under a mean wind velocity profile of approaching flow 9.61m/sec. A total of 2 rigid Perspex sheet models of equal height are prepared at scale of 1:100, for this study, one with rectangular cross-section and another with chamfered vertical edges. Wind pressure values at many pressure points on the model wall surfaces are measured and wind pressure coefficients are calculated under varying wind incidence angles from 0 0 to 90 0 for rectangular shape and from 0 0 to 180 0 for chamfered edges at 30 0 interval. The surface and cross sectional variations of mean pressure coefficient are presented in this paper. From this study, it is observed that chamfering vertical edges and wind incidence angle have great effect in altering wind load magnitude.

Industrial buildings are generally provided with sloping roofs with the provision of the entry of... more Industrial buildings are generally provided with sloping roofs with the provision of the entry of natural light through it. Sky light roof is one of such roofs. The information available in the literature regarding wind pressure distribution on sky light roof is limited. An effort has, therefore, been made to carry out an experimental study on the model of low-rise building with Sky light roof in order to generate more information about wind pressure distribution on it. Inflexible model of the rectangular plan low-rise building is made of Perspex sheet. It is provided with many pressure points on the upper surface of the roof. The model is tested in an open circuit boundary layer wind tunnel to measure values of wind pressures at all pressure points. Wind is made to hit the model at seven wind frequency edges from 0° to 90° at an interim of 15°. Values of mean wind pressure coefficients are evaluated from the measured values of wind pressures and contours are plotted. Values of mean wind pressure coefficients obtained experimentally are also compared with those available in the literature.

Soil is a major reservoir for contaminants as it possesses an ability to bind various chemicals. ... more Soil is a major reservoir for contaminants as it possesses an ability to bind various chemicals. Pollution with toxic heavy metals is a serious concern because once these heavy metals enter the soil they can persist for a long time. In present investigation, the basic soil characteristics of three different soil samples are studied to understand the transport of heavy metal Copper through vertical diffusion and their by plotting breakthrough curves at different depths. The results indicate that the diffusion of Copper at different depths of soil columns is time dependent and increases with the depth of soils. The results of the study are highly useful in designing of the abatement techniques adopted for removal of containments or impurities especially focusing on inorganic pollutants, managing effluent disposals producing from industries processing heavy metals, prediction of heavy metal movement in soils and finally their way to groundwater.

Presence of moisture on road surface can result in loss of bond between aggregate and bitumen mix... more Presence of moisture on road surface can result in loss of bond between aggregate and bitumen mix due to which stripping can take place leading to reduction in pavement life. Most of the studies all over the world conclude that stripping is mainly caused due to the presence of moisture on the pavement. In this paper the results of a laboratory study that considered increased immersion time of bituminous mix in water along with the effect of moving traffic on the road have been presented on aggregate from three different sources using two bitumen grades. It is found that stripping value is affected by source of aggregate and bitumen grade. Also, it is observed that increase in immersion time and application of traffic pressure affects the stripping value. The pH value of water in which aggregates were immersed was also varied. The increase in alkalinity of water was found to increase the stripping of aggregate.
Keywords: Stripping, Immersion time, Bitumen grade, pH value, Traffic pressure
According to the Hindu mythology, river Yamuna is considered as one of the most sacred rivers aft... more According to the Hindu mythology, river Yamuna is considered as one of the most sacred rivers after the Ganges. In this study water quality of the river Yamuna was assessed at four different sampling locations during the months of May to August 2014. Physico-chemical parameters like pH, EC, turbidity, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Cl-and SO42-were analyzed and the observed results were compared with the standard limits of BIS and WHO. The mean pH, EC, turbidity, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Cl-and SO 4 2-values at the four sampling sites were observed in the range of 7.81-8.00, 1046.5-1195.3 µS/cm, 27.0-37.3 NTU, 856.5-936.0 mg/l, 4.5-5.2 mg/l, 19.3-25.8 mg/l, 58.0-85.0 mg/l, 242.5-267.0 mg/l and 97.75-114.0 mg/l respectively. The results on the water quality parameters of Yamuna river indicate that the river is not safe for domestic purposes.
Power potential of Himalayan Rivers is being harnessed with a great effect for last many decades ... more Power potential of Himalayan Rivers is being harnessed with a great effect for last many decades and will be continued in future also. The major problem with these rivers is the enormous amount of sediment they carry with them due to steep slopes and fragile geology. The suspended part of sediment load finds its way into the water conductor system through power intake causing damage to turbines and other underwater parts in the power house. The use of diversion tunnel to deal with this problem is discussed in this paper with the help of a case study conducted at Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune.
Precast cement concrete paver blocks are used for road surfacing. The performance of road surfaci... more Precast cement concrete paver blocks are used for road surfacing. The performance of road surfacing is better than asphalt and rigid concrete pavements. These are made as small elements from plain cement concrete with zero slumps. An attempt has been made to replace OPC by fly ash for manufacture of paver blocks of M35 grade with thickness 60mm and 80mm. Fly ash is a byproduct of thermal power plant which is a waste material. OPC has been replaced by fly ash in varying proportions of 0%, 20%, 30% and 40%. This paper presents the study of compressive strength and flexural strength of paver blocks and it was found that 30% of OPC replacement by fly ash is optimum.
Keywords: Compressive strength, flexural strength, fly ash, OPC, paver blocks

This study is focused on the assessment of water quality of river Satluj in North Indian state of... more This study is focused on the assessment of water quality of river Satluj in North Indian state of Punjab and evaluation of 34 physico-chemical variables monitored during the period 2015–2016, at 3 different sampling locations. Multivariate analytical techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA)/ Factor Analysis (FA) were applied to the water quality data set to identify characteristics of water quality in the studied catchment. PCA/FA was applied for source identification to data sets pertaining to 3 spatial groups (upper catchment, middle catchment and lower catchment) responsible for the data structure. These factors are conditionally named soil structure and soil erosion; domestic, municipal and industrial effluents; agricultural activities (fertilizers, livestock waste etc.) and seasonal effect factors.In the current study usefulness of multivariate analysis for evaluation of river Satluj water quality assessment and identification of dominant factors and pollution sources for effective water quality management and determination of spatial and temporal variations in water quality illustrated.

This research paper investigates the modification of wind loads on a tall building (principal bui... more This research paper investigates the modification of wind loads on a tall building (principal building) having rectangular cross-sectional shape due to the variation in height of two closely located interfering buildings having a similar plan shape. The models of the three buildings (principal and interfering buildings) are placed in a U shape plan for the study. The heights of interfering building models are varied in two different manners: (1). Height of both the interfering building models is reduced simultaneously (2). Height of only one of the interfering building model is reduced. Wind tunnel experiments are undertaken using five component force balance load cell and the results are reported in the form of X-Y plots. The interference effect causes increase in the torsional moment as height difference of the two interfering buildings increase, also shielding effect causes reduction in the along wind force as height of the interfering buildings increases. Value of torsion on the principal building is observed to be as high as 33 times of that in the isolated case. However, a reduction is high as 69 percent is observed in the force in along wind direction due to shielding.
Keywords: Wind tunnel, Tall building, Rectangular plan, Interference effects, Height variation, U-Shape, Force measurement.

Local scour around bridge pier is the main reason for failure of a hydraulic structure like as br... more Local scour around bridge pier is the main reason for failure of a hydraulic structure like as bridge piers, abutment etc. Local scour around a bridge pier is largely depending on the shape of the bridge pier and how the design is fashionable from the view of construction. Local scour is a complex phenomenon which depends on the discharge, depth of flow, geometry of the pier and type of sediment particle. In this study, geometry i.e. shape of the pier is the main concern. Research is carried out by considering three different geometry pier of rectangular, circular and oblong shape to conclude the optimal shape of the pier at a different flow velocity of 0.146m/s, 0.231 m/s & 0.323 m/s on 15m hydraulic flume under clear water condition using natural sand as the bed material in the university laboratory. Results show an idea that the scouring at the upstream face is directly proportional to the exposed upstream nose area of the pier. It is also shows that the scouring is highest in all cases for the rectangular pier and minimum for the oblong pier.

This study assessed the heavy metal concentration in groundwater for domestic purposes in the Nal... more This study assessed the heavy metal concentration in groundwater for domestic purposes in the Nalagarh tehsil of Solan district in terms of spatial variations in the heavy metal ions fluxes. The monitoring was done for the pre-monsoon season of 2012 and eight heavy metals was considered. The mean Cd2+, Hg2+, Pb2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Cr6+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ content at twenty-five sampling locations were found in the range of 0.02-0.068, 0-0.0035, 0.013-0.139, 0.002-0.06, 0.001-0.09, 0.003-0.08, 0.075-0.488, 0,001-0.389 mg/l respectively. The total heavy metal ions flux in the groundwater of the study area was found to be 11.104 mg/l. The presence of heavy metal ions in the groundwater samples suggests that, assessment of water quality parameters and water quality management practices should be done periodically in order to protect the valuable but limited fresh water resources. Principal component analysis was used to identify the major contributing factor of contamination and also to examine the spatial changes of groundwater quality of the study area.
Keywords: Groundwater, Heavy metals, Correlation analysis, Principal component analysis, Biplot.

Groundwater in the hard rock aquifers of Trivandrum district has been studied to characterize the... more Groundwater in the hard rock aquifers of Trivandrum district has been studied to characterize the groundwater potential and prospects. The study area is occupied by four watersheds (Ayirur, Vamanapuram, Karamana and Neyyar) and groundwater is one of the main sources of water for drinking and agricultural purpose. The groundwater scenario has been assessed by using the water table contour maps and groundwater level fluctuation maps based on the data obtained from 93 observation wells. The average water level in the region is 9 to 13 and 8 to 10 mbgl during pre and post monsoon seasons respectively. The deepest water level (20.21 mbgl to 26.67 mbgl) is recorded from places such as Chovvarapotta, Pazhayaucchakkada and Ozhukupara and shallowest water level (0.85 mbgl to 1.61 mbgl) is in places like Irumba, Punnamkarikkakam, Kathipara and Erattachira. Most of the deep dug wells go dry during summer months, though these wells show good water level fluctuation during rainy season. A detailed investigation has revealed that substantial quantity of groundwater is being lost as base flow. This base flow of groundwater makes the rivers and river lets, perennial in the area. The long term trend analysis shows that (ten years data), majority of the wells are showing declining trend (1.99 m/year) and this decline is attributed to the change in land use pattern in the area and less recharge from the rainfall. The rainfall analysis shows that there is not much variation in the rainfall pattern over the last few years. On the basis of mathematical projection the water level trends for the next ten years has been predicted. The analysis shows that the groundwater potential in the hard rock aquifer is depleting hence an immediate recharge measures have to be implemented in this region to arrest the decline trend and the base flow.
Keywords: Hard rock aquifer, Kerala, Groundwater resources, Hydrochemistry, Long term trend.
This study suggests a molding technology of obsidian perlite powder to improve mechanical propert... more This study suggests a molding technology of obsidian perlite powder to improve mechanical properties. Molding experiment of obsidian perlite and characteristic test of molded body were carried out. By examining the characteristics and trends of the perlite product, we show the basic data on the experiment of the perlite product.
Keywords: obsidian perlite, molding, mechanical properties
Papers by EditorIJEE RajuAedla
Keywords: Stripping, Immersion time, Bitumen grade, pH value, Traffic pressure
Keywords: Compressive strength, flexural strength, fly ash, OPC, paver blocks
Keywords: Wind tunnel, Tall building, Rectangular plan, Interference effects, Height variation, U-Shape, Force measurement.
Keywords: Groundwater, Heavy metals, Correlation analysis, Principal component analysis, Biplot.
Keywords: Hard rock aquifer, Kerala, Groundwater resources, Hydrochemistry, Long term trend.
Keywords: obsidian perlite, molding, mechanical properties
Keywords: Stripping, Immersion time, Bitumen grade, pH value, Traffic pressure
Keywords: Compressive strength, flexural strength, fly ash, OPC, paver blocks
Keywords: Wind tunnel, Tall building, Rectangular plan, Interference effects, Height variation, U-Shape, Force measurement.
Keywords: Groundwater, Heavy metals, Correlation analysis, Principal component analysis, Biplot.
Keywords: Hard rock aquifer, Kerala, Groundwater resources, Hydrochemistry, Long term trend.
Keywords: obsidian perlite, molding, mechanical properties