Papers by Subha Anirudhan

Journal of pharmaceutical research international, Mar 10, 2022
Background: Bonding of sealer to root canal walls is likely to increase the integrity of the seal... more Background: Bonding of sealer to root canal walls is likely to increase the integrity of the sealerdentin interface during mechanical stresses, thus increasing resistance to fracture. Chitra-CPC sealer is an indigenously manufactured bioceramic material and has been used as bone graft and perforation repair material. When used as a sealer, it has good potential to reinforce the root strength in addition to excellent biocompatibility. Aim: To compare the fracture resistance of teeth obturated with novel Calcium phosphate cementbased sealer viz. Chitra CPC with Endosequence BC sealer, MTA Fillapex and AH Plus Methods and Material: The study was carried out in 100 single rooted extracted, decoronated mandibular premolars of length 11 mm. The teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 20 for each group). Other than Group 1A and group1B, all other groups were restored with various endodontic sealers and obturated with Gutta Percha. In group1A, the teeth were left unprepared and unfilled (negative control), in group 1B, the teeth were left unobturated (positive control) In group 2, Epoxy resin based sealer (AHPlus) ;In group 3, mineral trioxide aggregate-based sealer (MTAFill apex); In group 4, Calcium phosphate cement based sealer (Chitra-CPC);in group Original Research Article

Journal of Endodontics, Sep 1, 2018
Introduction: This study addressed the following population, intervention, comparator, outcome, t... more Introduction: This study addressed the following population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, study design and setting question: in patients with preoperative pain who undergo single-visit nonsurgical endodontic treatment, what is the comparative efficacy of corticosteroids compared with other analgesics or placebo in reducing postoperative pain and the incidence of adverse events. Methods: Database/electronic searches were conducted using the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Cochrane databases to identify published articles using included key words in various combinations. Manual searching of articles was performed, and the site was also searched. Two independent reviewers assessed eligibility for inclusion, extracted data, and assessed quality using the risk of bias tool. Where applicable, meta-analysis was conducted on the pooled effect size. Results: The database search identified 481 citations and 37 citations through the manual search. After removing duplicates and going through abstracts, 28 full-text articles were perused. Five articles met the inclusion criteria; qualitative analysis revealed 4 studies had unclear risk of bias, and 1 study had low risk of bias. Only 1 study had a sizable sample size; the others had lesser sample sizes. Meta-analysis showed that prednisolone administered preoperatively was able to reduce the incidence of postoperative pain at 6, 12, and 24 hours. The patients in the studies reported no adverse effects. Conclusions: Corticosteroids may be more effective than placebo for the relief of postoperative endodontic pain in patients with symptomatic pulpitis undergoing single-visit root canal treatment. However, more studies need to be conducted with greater sample sizes to validate the conclusions.

Journal of clinical and translational research, 2020
Revitalization of an immature necrotic tooth is possible under conditions of total canal disinfec... more Revitalization of an immature necrotic tooth is possible under conditions of total canal disinfection. This case report describes an immature tooth #21 with periapical pathology which was treated through revascularization using 3% sodium hypochlorite and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as irrigants; calcium hydroxide was placed as an intracanal medicament, platelet-rich fibrin as a scaffold, and collagen matrix was placed as a barrier. On follow-up at 2 years, healing of periapical lesion, apical closure could be appreciated. Based on the results, we conclude that regeneration of necrotic tooth is possible under efficient disinfection. Relevance for Patients: This article documents the 2-year outcome of regenerative endodontic treatment in necrotic immature teeth. The successful outcome of this case shows that regenerative endodontic teeth can be a viable treatment option in immature teeth.

Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 2022
Aim:The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the prevalence of postoperative pain after ... more Aim:The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the prevalence of postoperative pain after single- and two-visit endodontic therapy in controlled Type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic individuals in multirooted teeth with irreversible pulpitis.Materials and Methods:Ninety patients with irreversible pulpitis (30 controlled diabetics and 60 nondiabetics), between 18 and 60 years were included in the study. After obtaining initial pain scores, patients were randomly allocated to single-visit or two-visit root canal treatment (RCT) groups to receive standardized treatment. After the first visit, patients were given visual analog scale form to mark pain intensity at 1 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 1 week. The compiled data collected were statistically analyzed using 20 SPSS software.Results:In both groups, for patients undergoing single-visit and multi-visit RCT, pain intensity was highest on 1st day of treatment and dropped afterward. A comparison of pain between single-visit and two-visit patients revealed no significant difference in pain scores for the respective time intervals. Intergroup comparison between controlled diabetics and nondiabetics showed no significant difference in pain reported between both groups.Conclusion:According to the results of this study, being diabetic or nondiabetic, no difference in pain perception was seen between single- and multiple-visit endodontics suggesting that single-visit as well as two-visit endodontic treatment can be done in controlled diabetic patients.

Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, 2021
Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the survival rate and clinical performance of cla... more Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the survival rate and clinical performance of class 1 composite restorations restored with the Filtek Bulk Fill composite material using either the bulk fill technique or the incremental technique at baseline (1 week) and at 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up. Materials and Methods: Forty-two patients with at least 2 carious teeth were selected. Following randomization, one tooth was restored with the Filtek Bulk Fill composite using the incremental fill technique, and the other tooth was restored with the same material using the bulk fill technique. Patients were recalled for follow-up at baseline (1 week) and 3, 6, and 12 months and evaluated using the FDI criteria. Results: The data were analyzed using the McNemar χ 2 test. No statistically significant differences were found between the scores of teeth restored with either technique. At baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months of follow-up; there were no significant difference in the clinical status of both groups of restorations. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, using the bulk fill technique for restorations with the Filtek Bulk Fill material seems to be equally efficient to using the incremental fill technique.

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 2020
Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the marginal adaptation of three or fou... more Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the marginal adaptation of three or four unit fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) fabricated with digital impression techniques to those fabricated using any other impression technique. Settings and Design: Database/electronic searches were conducted till August 2019 in PUBMED-MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Cochrane library. To identify published articles, multiple keywords were used to develop a search strategy in various combinations. Manual searching of articles was also done. WHOICTRP and CTRI websites were also searched. Two independent reviewers (TP and VK) assessed eligibility for inclusion, extracted data, and assessed quality using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Results: Database search identified 497 citations and four citations through manual search. After removing duplicates and going through abstracts, 23 articles were perused for full-text screening. Two articles met the inclusion criteria; characteristics were described qualitatively, with two studies having overall low risk of bias. Conclusions: Marginal adaptation of FDPs fabricated using the digital and conventional impressions method was within the clinically acceptable limits. However, more robust clinical trials need to be conducted with large sample size to validate the conclusions.
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

Journal of clinical and translational research, 2020
Partial rhinectomy is a challenge for most maxillofacial prosthodontists, as retention of the pro... more Partial rhinectomy is a challenge for most maxillofacial prosthodontists, as retention of the prosthesis is a major issue to overcome. The scenario becomes even more difficult when there is an intraoral defect. This article describes the fabrication of a removable silicone nasal prosthesis and removable PMMA intraoral obturator prosthesis to rehabilitate a patient following partial rhinectomy with associated loss of premaxilla. The retention of removable intraoral and extraoral prosthesis was achieved partially from anatomical undercuts and further enhanced by rare earth magnets placed between both prostheses. An acrylic framework was fabricated and placed inside to provide rigidity to the nasal part of the prosthesis. A customized method of making impressions using a modified syringe tube to mold the inner surface of the nasal defect is described. The obturator function scale (OFS) questionnaire was used to measure the patient's satisfaction with the obturator. After insertion of the prosthesis, there was an overall improvement in the OFS of the patient. Relevance for patients: This case report documents the rehabilitation of a patient following partial rhinectomy and associated loss of premaxilla with customized intraoral obturator prosthesis and a removable silicone nasal prosthesis. The successful outcome of this case shows that for people with similar orofacial defects, these prostheses are a good option to achieve acceptable esthetics, speech, and function.
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry
Journal of Conservative Dentistry

AIM : To isolate Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans from the plaque sample and determine ... more AIM : To isolate Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans from the plaque sample and determine their antimicrobial efficacy of the test medicaments- Nisin and Chitosan against theses microorganisms. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Plaque samples were collected from healthy human volunteers and incubated overnight. They were further streaked onto Mitis salivarius agar and Sabouraud and Dextrose Agar for the isolation of Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans .A total of 90 single rooted premolars were selected. Root canal preparation was done, and teeth were randomly divided into three groups. It is then further divided into five groups each according to the medicaments used (Saline, Calcium hydroxide, Nisin, Chitosan, Chlorhexidine). The canals were then sealed and all the samples were incubated at 37°C and the readings were taken on day 1,7, 14, and 21. RESULTS : The results obtained from Turbidity Testing and Colony Counting revealed that complete elimination of bacteria was not ach...

Aim: The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate and compare the prevalence o... more Aim: The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate and compare the prevalence of postoperative pain after single and multiple visit endodontic therapy in controlled type II diabetic and non-diabetic individuals in multirooted teeth with irreversible pulpitis. Materials and Methods: 90 patients with a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis, of which 30 were controlled diabetics and 60 non-diabetics, in the age group of 18-60 were included in this study. Initial pain scores of the patients were obtained using modified VAS. The patients were then randomly allocated to single-visit or two-visit root canal treatment groups where they received treatment according to standardized protocol. After their first visit, the patients were given visual analogue scale form and were asked to mark the intensity of pain at 1hour, 6hour, 12hour, 24hour, 48hour, 72hour and after 1week. The data collected were compiled and statistical analysis was done by using 20 SPSS software. Results: In...

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
Background: Bonding of sealer to root canal walls is likely to increase the integrity of the sea... more Background: Bonding of sealer to root canal walls is likely to increase the integrity of the sealer-dentin interface during mechanical stresses, thus increasing resistance to fracture. Chitra-CPC sealer is an indigenously manufactured bioceramic material and has been used as bone graft and perforation repair material. When used as a sealer, it has good potential to reinforce the root strength in addition to excellent biocompatibility. Aim: To compare the fracture resistance of teeth obturated with novel Calcium phosphate cement-based sealer viz. Chitra CPC with Endosequence BC sealer, MTA Fillapex and AH Plus Methods and Material: The study was carried out in 100 single rooted extracted, decoronated mandibular premolars of length 11 mm. The teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 20 for each group). Other than Group 1A and group1B, all other groups were restored with various endodontic sealers and obturated with Gutta Percha. In group1A, the teeth were left unprepared and un...
This is to certify that this dissertation titled "Comparative Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Efficac... more This is to certify that this dissertation titled "Comparative Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Efficacy Of Various Phytochemical Irrigants And 3% Sodium Hypochlorite Against An Endodontic Biofilm Model And Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation Of Surface Morphology Of Root Canal Dentin After Treatment With Different Irrigants-An Ex Vivo Study" is a bonafide record of work done by Dr. S. JAYALAKSHMI under my guidance and to my satisfaction during her postgraduate study period between 2012-2015. This dissertation is submitted to THE TAMILNADU Dr. M.G.R. MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Dental Surgery in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Branch IV. It has not been submitted (partial or full) for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 2020
Partial rhinectomy is a challenge for most maxillofacial prosthodontists, as retention of the pro... more Partial rhinectomy is a challenge for most maxillofacial prosthodontists, as retention of the prosthesis is a major issue to overcome. The scenario becomes even more difficult when there is an intraoral defect. This article describes the fabrication of a removable silicone nasal prosthesis and removable PMMA intraoral obturator prosthesis to rehabilitate a patient following partial rhinectomy with associated loss of premaxilla. The retention of removable intraoral and extraoral prosthesis was achieved partially from anatomical undercuts and further enhanced by rare earth magnets placed between both prostheses. An acrylic framework was fabricated and placed inside to provide rigidity to the nasal part of the prosthesis. A customized method of making impressions using a modified syringe tube to mold the inner surface of the nasal defect is described. The obturator function scale (OFS) questionnaire was used to measure the patient’s satisfaction with the obturator. After insertion of t...

Journal of Clinical and Translational Research
Revitalization of an immature necrotic tooth is possible under conditions of total canal disinfec... more Revitalization of an immature necrotic tooth is possible under conditions of total canal disinfection. This case report describes an immature tooth #21 with periapical pathology which was treated through revascularization using 3% sodium hypochlorite and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as irrigants; calcium hydroxide was placed as an intracanal medicament, platelet-rich fibrin as a scaffold, and collagen matrix was placed as a barrier. On follow-up at 2 years, healing of periapical lesion, apical closure could be appreciated. Based on the results, we conclude that regeneration of necrotic tooth is possible under efficient disinfection. Relevance for Patients: This article documents the 2-year outcome of regenerative endodontic treatment in necrotic immature teeth. The successful outcome of this case shows that regenerative endodontic teeth can be a viable treatment option in immature teeth.
Papers by Subha Anirudhan