Papers by Gökhan AK

At the outset, Europe needed to develop its defense policy and structure in line with its foreign... more At the outset, Europe needed to develop its defense policy and structure in line with its foreign policy while the Union was evolving in institutional enlargement process during every other 10 years of time. The reason was not behind it, but in the façade of the Union building. Otherwise the Union would not be able to enable Europe to play its full part in world affairs while the 'security' was gaining a key-role in the international politics and relations. Since there was a security vacuum in Europe after WW', the US urged European states to create a sort of defence structure embedded to already-formed NATO or integrated with NATO, but including German Army in both cases. Decades had passed and in the late 1990s the European Security Defence Identity and Policy was formed up as a parallel structure to NATO systems. Eventually in the start of 2000s, the EU system turned into a Common Security and Defence Policy for member states only. This research tries to explore and analyze the effects, paradigms, prospects and coexistence possibilities of this two polar-defence-system in the Europe, that's to say between NATO and the CFSP.
YEAR 2015, ISSUE 53 by Gökhan AK
Bu makalenin amacı, 1948’de Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi’nde akademik tasfiyeye uğrayarak 1952... more Bu makalenin amacı, 1948’de Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi’nde akademik tasfiyeye uğrayarak 1952’de yurtdışına gitmek zorunda kalan Niyazi Berkes’in, 1960’lı yıllarda Türk fikir hayatında Yön Gazetesi sayesinde kazandığı görünürlüğü ve onun bu yıllarda Yön’le olan ilişkisini sosyo-politik bir çerçeve içerisinde incelemektir. Bu bağlamda, Niyazi Berkes’in entelektüel ve politik kimliği ile 1948 DTCF Tasfiyeleri, bu akademik kıyımın yazın dünyasına ve fikriyatına etkileri, 1960’ların Türk siyasî ve fikir hayatı, Yön’ün bu dönemdeki yeri ve etkileri, Niyazi Berkes’in bu dönemle Yön üzerinden eklemlenmesi bütünsel olarak analiz edilecektir. Çalışma, konuya ilişkin tespit ve düşüncelerimizle
Papers by Gökhan AK
YEAR 2015, ISSUE 53 by Gökhan AK