Papers by Aman D . Singh

Drishti: The Sight, 2024
The term “Slow-Violence,” coined by Rob Nixon, mainly describes the small or gradual harm and its... more The term “Slow-Violence,” coined by Rob Nixon, mainly describes the small or gradual harm and its normalization in society, having no legal recognition at a systemic level. In Samit Basu’s Chosen Spirits (2020), this “slow violence” is inflicted in a dystopian setting by informational/surveillance/multinational capitalism, normalizing peoples' (netizens) discomfort and treating the human experience as a free raw material. This commodification of personal data by private corporations has led to a deterioration of privacy and a psychic numbing. Within the framework of “slow violence” and “Surveillance Capitalism,” a term coined by Shoshana Zuboff, Basu contextualizes abstract forms of subjugation or harms like emotional distress, loss of privacy, constricted user behavior, algorithmic marginalization, and traumatization to condition or normalize people. In Basu's fiction, the dystopian reflection of our society depicts the economy and digital culture as inextricably intertwined. While South Asian literature is characterized by diversity and plurality of different social groups – caste, religion, ethnicity, race, and so on – democracy and secularism uphold it. In Basu’s Chosen Spirits (2020), the virtues that democracy is supposed to protect have been depicted to be under threat, especially in the 21st century, where surveillance capitalism of the IT paradigm is gradually replacing democracy.

Rupjyoti Goswami, Jun 5, 2024
Disability studies is a multidisciplinary field relevant to liberal arts and applied fields, draw... more Disability studies is a multidisciplinary field relevant to liberal arts and applied fields, drawing on paradigms and constructs from various disciplines like literature, anthropology, sociology, history, politics, education, and others. In the postmodern novels of Kurt Vonnegut, disability serves as a figure for alienation, helplessness, and paralysis in a world dominated by hyperreality, commodity capitalism, fragmentation, and commercialization of America. SF writers like Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, Octavia Butler, and others have taken disability to a new level by adding questions about the mutability of bodily form to make SF’s productive sites for critical interrogation and construction of the dis/abled body, which this paper will discuss. Disability has more prominence within the SF genre as it frequently explores mutant body forms (posthuman), how images of disability engage with the text through a problem and crisis, and provides a restrictive or liberating view of disability via binary oppositions, i.e., human and posthuman.
Rupjyoti Goswami, May 31, 2023
Petrofiction, a term coined by Amitav Ghosh, emphasises oil encounters, explores novelistic and p... more Petrofiction, a term coined by Amitav Ghosh, emphasises oil encounters, explores novelistic and planetary problems, and creates ideologies through the nexus of oil infrastructure and extraction. Niger Delta has become one of the world’s most endangered and polluted ecosystems. In this place, lawlessness and criminality manifest themselves in theft and kidnapping, hindering the development of society. Petrofiction, like Oil on Water (2010), mainly revolves around the individual psyche and how social structures are shaped by hydrocarbon energy that marks the advent of Petromodernity, the future, a path away from poverty, and the redemption of a nation. Oil on Water (2010) challenges the Western narrative of violence and focuses on the specificity of place and its mediation by histories of economic and political relationships with the world.

Barloni Books, Jul 12, 2018
Popular Culture as a part of cultural theory and cultural studies is about culture that operates ... more Popular Culture as a part of cultural theory and cultural studies is about culture that operates within a particular cultural context. This paper analyses the Indian popular culture in terms of their cultural context. In the age of globalization and passive consumption, as depicted by Aravind Adiga, popular culture belongs to the people and not the culture industry, it is generated from within, rather than imposed by a capitalist. Indian Popular culture through its three components-practice, theory and praxis-designates a dialectic unity and an agon which is interpreted as a 'counter hegemonic intellectual engagement. Aravind Adiga, by taking 'cultural populism' and simultaneously acknowledging the social, political and economic structures within which popular culture is produced, foregrounds the extent of agency in the act of consumption. The 'cultural populism' depicted in Adiga's novels privileges the symbolic experiences and practices of ordinary people over those of cultural elites and emphasizes their productivity and subversive potential. The process of consumption and culmination of popular culture is interpreted as a political act which permeates all aspect of everyday life. The Indian popular culture has been dominated by a focus on historical origins of nation-state and its political turmoil. However, the aura of popular culture is so powerful, when combined with regional and national identity that the concept of nation proves to be " an imaginative
KY Publications, Sep 30, 2014
This paper aims at describing the process of establishing dominance within a culture, either by b... more This paper aims at describing the process of establishing dominance within a culture, either by brute force or by voluntary consent. It is through the active and passive voices in the plays that one comes to know about the ‘subalternization’ of women and their ‘struggle to signify’. Key terms such as ‘resistance’, ‘subjugation’, ‘ruling bloc’, ‘representation’, ‘patriarchy’, ‘role-playing’ and ‘power’ acquaint the readers with gender problems in India which take place at national and regional level (before and after independence). This comparative study attempts to evaluate the dimensions of hegemonic values and the contemporary woman’s transforming consciousness as a marginalized class in women’s own textual constructions.

IOSR Journals, Sep 30, 2014
My paper aims at describing the psychological complexities and internal feud which cripples the p... more My paper aims at describing the psychological complexities and internal feud which cripples the protagonists of the two novel who cannot reconcile with antithetical pulls of love and lust, art and beauty, religion and aesthetics, ethics and hypocrisy, self and society, and 'struggle to signify'. A psychoanalysis of the novels is the key aspect to explore the self in modernity, arguing that it represents the culmination of a tradition, which grew out of the confessional practices introduced by the church. Key terms such as 'desire', 'id', 'ego', 'super ego', 'oedipal complex', 'schizo-analysis', 'subject', 'subjectivity' and 'unconscious' acquaints the reader with the psychological angst and the fragmented nature of modernism. This comparative study attempts to evaluate the antithetical pulls of self versus society and dimensions of cultural and hegemonic values which cause psychological turmoil and an inner turbulence.

Quest Journals, Oct 30, 2014
This paper aims at understanding the importance of sexuality and the ways in which sexuality is a... more This paper aims at understanding the importance of sexuality and the ways in which sexuality is accorded central status in an attempt to understand human relations, pleasure and satisfaction, sexual subject in culture, to reveal varying degrees of trepidation and anxiety about the ambiguities of sexuality i.e androgyny represents the resolution of the anxieties and tensions of sexual difference in favor of complementarity. In terms of class and gender this paper explores the patriarchal and misogynistic frameworks in which gender and sex were constructed in late 19 th century and early 20 th century; and how class and power mean that, that sexual never signifies in social isolation i.e power comes into play in the machinery of production, in families, limited groups and institutions. In terms of traumatic theory, this paper will see at how sexual trauma takes form of a psychological and ontological angst after reaching sexual maturity. To quote Eugene O " Neil: " Strindberg was the precursor of all modernity in our present theater. " August Strindberg, a Swedish playwright, is one of those authors who embodied the notion of art as a product of torment and neurosis. Strindberg exerted a comparable influence on modern drama as a source for naturalism, expressionism, and various experimental modes on the modern stage. Strindberg " s writings gives the readers an insight of his mind which searches for answer in every ideology, from spiritualism to occult, from Darwinian determinism to Rousseauistic progression. Strindberg was a misogynist, admirer of authoritarianism, as well as a supporter of women " s suffrage and social democrat. His famous and controversial drama Miss Julie(1888), in which the battle for sexual mastery takes on profound, universal meaning, was banned throughout Europe in the late 19 th century as it dealt with situations and attitudes which seem morally and socially offensive. August Strindberg openly admits his morality towards women through the portrayal of Miss Julie, and he gives an ambiguous and complex account of women. The play is of the age when old beliefs were crumbling and new beliefs and dogmas were making there way; the fundamental truths were being replaced by a kind of relativity of truth which depended on the position and aspirations of individuals, and emergence of a psychologically realistic drama that breaks with theatrical convention. Miss Julie has two characters-Julie and Jean who are subjected to each others authority. While Julie is superior in terms of class, Jean is superior in terms of morality as he is a man and Julie is a woman who displays a blatant disregard for her class and gender conventions claiming that class difference should not exist and later, demands proper treatment as a woman of aristocracy. In the play, Jean becomes an instrument to aristocrat due to his masculine strength, but his inferiority due to the social environment which he inhabits expresses the discrepancies between the classes. Further, an innumerable number of power reversals occur along class and gender lines. Thus, sexuality occupies a center stage as it becomes the instrument of shifting power, as Miss Julie, by sleeping with Jean (a servant) degrades herself and is reduced below Jeans level; the power shifts again, when Julie reasserts her superior class mocking Jean " s name and family lineage. As explained in the preface to Miss Julie, these battles reflect Strindberg " s social Darwinist notions of revolutionary history and hierarchy as he writes: " I have added a little evolutionary history by making the weaker steal and repeat the words of the stronger. " By this, Strindberg suggests that the difference between man and woman is that, that women are masochistic and want to ruin themselves, while men are better equipped for evolution and want to survive. Linking the argument to the theory of power, Foucault contended that sexuality is " an especially dense transfer point for relations of power...

Prabhat Printing Works, Pune, 2016
Intertextuality as a discourse has always aroused the curiosity of readers and audience, and has ... more Intertextuality as a discourse has always aroused the curiosity of readers and audience, and has compelled them to decipher the hidden layers of a text. The place of Intertextuality within the arts and cinematic leads us towards the issue of Postmodernism; and when applied to popular English television serials like 'Lucifer', 'Under the Dome', 'Dominion', and 'Penny Dreadful', one comes to know about the ambiguities created by these television serials, how postmodern is Intertextuality, the politics of postmodern parody, interdependence of literary figures, and the difference created in the form of Intertextual space. In this contemporary era, televisual adaptations of famous texts, films and events related to history has contributed to our understanding of the Intertextual theory and devices to appeal to ones senses and the way these Intertextualities effect the thinking process of the audience will be discussed in this paper. Films and TV series have been a great source of knowledge, cultural investigations and excursions, entertainment, necessity and so on. More importantly, with reference to American TV series, television acts as the vanishing mediator between nature and culture as it conveys a value system to the audience which includes religion, culture, tradition, morals, literature, beliefs, ideology which are crucial elements in the formation of a social system and nation-state which may include political institutions, self-government, political entity, autonomy and state. Most of the contemporary serials are part of Intertextual super-system, and by using the theory of Intertextuality in production and editing of T.V serial as a cultural practice has never been immune within the broader culture in which it has been practiced. When critics say, that we are living in a 'postmodern age' then one has to update oneself and project literary/popular texts in various popular forms like films and T.V series to resurrect audience's interest in text alive that keep on fascinating them, and the popular
Conference Presentations by Aman D . Singh

IAFOR Official Conference Proceedings, Mar 15, 2024
Education has evolved through the refinement of effective teaching methods, and technology has be... more Education has evolved through the refinement of effective teaching methods, and technology has been vital. It enables teachers to use interactive whiteboards, virtual classrooms, and online learning platforms. Education has also become more personalized, allowing students to learn at their convenience and work on their metacognitive abilities. The shift towards collaborative teaching and learning techniques has been pioneered in the last few years, gaining considerable attention and being at the forefront of research. Its rapid adoption is due to its transformative potential that turns the learning environment into an interactive learning space; it implies inclusivity, participation and, most importantly, deep learning, and improving retention ability. This paradigm helps to identify and fill the gap between the real and virtual worlds, allowing learners rapid access to knowledge from any part of the world and leveraging the power of technology to firstly, make learning more engaging and effective and, secondly, foster creativity that is necessary for developing critical thinking and problemsolving skills. Technology has become the vehicle for course delivery and a place where everyone involved can meet.

Bonfring Intellectual Integrity, Jun 1, 2016
Hypertext is a collection of texts or text fragments interconnected by links or nodes known as Le... more Hypertext is a collection of texts or text fragments interconnected by links or nodes known as Lexias. The presence of a plurality of links out of a given fragment creates a choice of reading orders which characterizes hypertext as nonlinear or multilinear. The lexia correspond to units of text – the digital equivalent of the page. When the user clicks on a link, the system displays a new page on the screen. Since there are usually several links on a page, the reader can activate several different lexia, which means that the order of presentation of the lexia is variable, and this causes a hermeneutic ramification i.e. a rhizomatic reading which will be discussed in this paper. The study of lexias will help understand the possible –world theory and logic as each lexia is regarded as a representation of a different possible world and every jump to new lexia as re-centering to another world. To analyze the potential possible worlds framework, the high degree of internal contradiction, how readers are prevented from categorizing events as being textual actual world or textual possible world i.e. how reality is embedded in a fictional world, construction of multiple subjectivities and reconfiguration of consciousness that is associated with the intermediating dynamics of flickering significance, which is constituted through the fluidity mutating the connection between writer, interface and user, in a hypertext electronic fiction will be the focus of this paper. The key feature of a hypertext is its fluidity which provides for modeling the ontological structures that they can construct, giving one the opportunity to study the hermeneutic ramifications that blurs the line between fiction and reality. Language and discourses have been central to the formation of culture. Contemporary culture has expanded the means by which discourse is created and conveyed; electronic and digital media have broadened our horizons beyond the facilities of interpersonal and print technologies. These new technologies are not just tools used by the media and industry; they create ideologies, discourses and shape the meaning-making process. Hypertext refers to computer-based writing, which has revolutionized writing, extended human experience and consciousness beyond the limits of author-centered text, an interaction between reader and text takes place and the writing

Roots Journals, Oct 5, 2016
In this contemporary world of globalization and glocalisation the demarcating line between revolu... more In this contemporary world of globalization and glocalisation the demarcating line between revolution and terrorism has blurred. Revolution is often mistaken as terrorism, while according to revolutionaries it is a simple act of retaliation. This paper focuses how the popular is mobilized against neo-colonialism and neo-capitalism which gave rise to political turmoil and sense of fear in both the 'Third' world and the 'First' world. This paper will attempt a comparative study of Dario Fo's Accidental Death of an Anarchist and Ngugi Wa Thiongo's The Trial of Dedan Kimathi, as both the plays inextricably link literature and politics and question accepted versions of history; and attempt to delineate the fact that those who are in power tend to negate the interests of the weaker sections of society and in the process subalternize the masses i.e. mass consumption equals mass deception. The amalgamation of sociological and geopolitical categories with other elements like locality, region, territory, history, myths, heroes, modernity and industrialism which helps one explores and analyzes the categories in relation to contemporary culture which triggers the creation and dissemination of new meanings. Hence, this paper will focus on how both the plays by an African (Ngugi) and Italian writer (Fo) present a sharp critique of power (neo-colonialism) and the money seekers (capitalists) with an aim to destabilize oppressive cum ideological state apparatus and machinery along with educating the masses.

Shri Gyansagar Publications, Nov 18, 2016
Intertextuality as a discourse has always aroused the curiosity of readers and audience, and has ... more Intertextuality as a discourse has always aroused the curiosity of readers and audience, and has compelled them to decipher the hidden layers of a text, and has made television a 'cultural agent', particularly as a provoker and circulator of meanings. Television serials have marked the advent of 'postmodern culture' and realities in American drama series, and have formed a crucial part of the social dynamics by which the social structure maintains itself in a constant process of production and reproduction: meanings, popular pleasures, and their circulation are therefore part and parcel of this social structure. The place of intertextuality within the arts and cinematic leads us towards the issue of Postmodernism; and when applied to popular English television serials like Empire, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Star-Crossed and Sons of Anarchy one comes to know about the ambiguities created by these televisual adaptations, how postmodern is intertextuality, the politics of postmodern parody, interdependence of literary figures, and the difference created in the form of intertextual space. In this contemporary era, using Shakespeare's famous texts as intertext in films and television series has contributed to our understanding of the intertextual theory and devices which appeal to ones senses and the way these intertextualities effect the thinking process of the audience will be discussed in this paper. The paper will focus on the problem of how the textuality of these television serials is made meaningful and pleasurable by its variously situated viewers, though it will also consider the relationship between the cultural dimension and television's status as a commodity in a capitalist economy; and to interrogate the semiotic account of how television makes, or attempts to make, meanings that serve the dominant interests in society, and how it circulates these meanings amongst the wide variety of social groups that constitute its audiences.

Iyal Publications, Feb 28, 2017
Travel writing as a literary genre has not been able to create its distinct identity and has been... more Travel writing as a literary genre has not been able to create its distinct identity and has been confined to the field of creative writing i.e. magazines, newspaper and tourist guidebooks. Even in terms of literariness travel writings have not been seen beyond the broader spectrum of Postcolonial and Diaspora studies; and it continues to be a marginal discipline which is incarcerated within minor forms of literature. This paper aims to look at travel writing as distinct genre with reference to contemporary theory which has reinvigorated it by creating a hermeneutic drift, thereby, creating a heterotopias space promenading a culture of travel infused with tourism, simulation, globalization, acculturation, postmodern geography, and commoditization of space and place in travelogues of writers like Thomas Moore, Jonathan Swift, Salman Rushdie, V.S Naipaul, Vikram Seth, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut and so on. Travel writing, when seen from the lens of postmodernist, it can be related with theories of presence-absence, existence-extinction, utopia-dystopia, colonial-postcolonial, and so on. Travelogues have propounded their own theory which gives insight about the politics, positionality, spatiality and praxis of travel writing and the various dimensions of knowledge associated with postmodern, postcolonial, gender, and cultural theory. In terms of postmodern and postcolonial hermeneutics, travel writing as a genre and part of contemporary theory has triggered a cross-cultural enlightenment which is experienced by a self-exiled intellectual (authors), who like nomadic travelers frame their travelogues within the frame of " reterritorialisation " and " deterritorialisation ". Today, travel writing is highlights the realities of postcolonial migrations, globalization as postmodern phenomena which creates multi-layered spatial-temporal contortion. The research aims to look at the historical and cultural vision of some travel writers and expound the filament of knowledge and power of exploration in travel writing studies.

Shri Gyansagar Publications, Meerut, Mar 17, 2018
Postmodernism has been mainly portrayed, profoundly, by a sense of spatiality. Kurt Vonnegut work... more Postmodernism has been mainly portrayed, profoundly, by a sense of spatiality. Kurt Vonnegut works mark as an advent of new kind of narratives which has makes predominant in the theory of visual culture. Today, the people see it, mainly, as post-apocalyptic vision and pre-apocalyptic atavism. Cat's Cradle with its postmodern iconography and misanthropic vision highlights various epistemic markers carrying the idea of infinity (anti-world) and giving us a glimpse of postmodern ecologies. The novel depicts a tension which determines the asymptomatic nature of the genealogical madness of something unknown such as trauma and death. The existentialist metaphysics of being displaced in a dystopian island intensifies the theme of misanthropic humanism which marks the extinction of humanity and evolution of new species in the midst of the aftermath of a global plague as a result of genetically engineered nuclear weaponry. By mocking the jargon of survival, Kurt Vonnegut has elevated the postmodern iconography. Certainly, the genres of fantasy and science fiction suit the purpose of the novel which encloses world in flames i.e. catastrophe and post-catastrophic present. Kurt Vonnegut by picturing trauma with his colors of satire, iconoclasm and nihilism has permeated into every aspect of the ontological being. The postmodern hiatus used in Cat's Cradle also shows the essential features of postwar writers like Kurt Vonnegut, such as ambiguity, asymptomatic nature of truth, skepticism about the world and so on. This paper will be mainly focusing on the absurdity of fiction used through techniques of iconography and misanthropy.
Book Chapters by Aman D . Singh

IGI Global, 2024
Science fiction (SF) is pivotal in shaping the readers' attitudes towards the future. Still, the ... more Science fiction (SF) is pivotal in shaping the readers' attitudes towards the future. Still, the main objective of a science fiction novel or film is not to predict the future or to assess any technological advancement. SF, mainly, teaches us what it means to be humane in a changing world of citizenship cum globalization. To convey this message, novelists and movie makers portray artificial intelligence (AI) as an autonomous or human-like character to ponder the condition of humans in flux and the social, economic, and political issues regarding technological advancement. Through the perspective of Klara, the robot protagonist, we explore artificial intelligence and consciousness, the posthuman situation of humanity, the future of utopia, humanity's changing ideologies, and the human-machine relationship or human-nonhuman relationship. The way AI enacts humans is debatable as AI introspection reflects new capacities for human potential and mirrors the limits of humanity (i.e., the creature is defined and associated with its creator).
Adhyayan, 2018
Partition cum holocaust literature is an amalgamated
literature which is transnational in its ess... more Partition cum holocaust literature is an amalgamated
literature which is transnational in its essence and has created
an autonomous field in world literature. The partition of
South-Asian countries and its literature not only addressed
the horrors of war but were also acme in its racism, its attack
on civilians, and its determined plan. In partition literature,
memory of the Holocaust evolves as a cultural phenomenon
illustrating two things: there are many uncertainties
entangled in the course leading to a predicament in which
historical and cultural meaning of partition has become so
significant and institutionalized to secure its future; and that
the place of partition cum holocaust in history and culture
should be elucidated with a vicissitude in culture that takes
into account past and identity in new ways, thereby creating
the exigency for new functions of memory.

ABS Books, 2020
Films and TV series have been a great source of knowledge, cultural investigations and excursions... more Films and TV series have been a great source of knowledge, cultural investigations and excursions, entertainment, necessity, luxury and so on. Films and television have marked the advent of something new and unprecedented theorizing visual culture is de-differentiated in a way that it depicts sexuality not as “otherness”, but as an emerging issue on the very surface of representations. In twentieth century, cinema and TV series, in a way had been fabricated around sexuality and particularly around the objectification of male desire projected through the screen images of women, further objectified by patriarchal society; but in this twenty-first century, films and TV series transform the social and cultural structures, thereby, advancing to expound multitude of forms and styles, emphasizing not only about the aesthetics of serials, but about its cultural, social and psychological implications. It is through the value system in TV series that one comes to know about the amalgamation of sociological and geopolitical categories with other elements like locality, region, territory, history, myths, heroes, modernity and industrialism which helps one explore and analyze the gender categorizations in relation to contemporary culture which triggers the creation and dissemination of new meanings

vanmazhai, Jan 31, 2017
Drug-trafficking is common now these days and has penetrated into our daily lives. The virtual wa... more Drug-trafficking is common now these days and has penetrated into our daily lives. The virtual wars or 'simulation' takes place without anyone's knowledge and are often inclined towards politics, economy, society, state, terrorism and its effects are conveyed through media and television. This paper would discuss aspects related to popular culture-Films, literature, music and dance-which convey subculture or narco-culture to mainstream audience. Films integrate the process of socialization as means of communication, customs, education, social and community habits. Punjab has been the center for narcotics in India for past three decades and has ubiquitous references to violence and atrocities associated with drug wars and administrative failures; and our everyday life is effected by the increased insecurity, political instability, national disintegration, formation of subcultures as form of resistance and mass politics, created by the drug industries, will be discussed in this paper. Although Bollywood films have depicted this narco-culture, but this paper will discuss the relation between opium, state and society with reference to both Bollywood and Punjabi (regional) films which shows the cumulative cum catastrophic effect of cross-border black marketing i.e. drug-trafficking or business and its impact on transnational funds and political turmoil. Place and space plays a dual role in depicting the narco-culture and the madness associated with it, in Bollywood and Punjabi films. It is through the value system in films that one comes to know about the amalgamation of sociological and geopolitical categories with other elements like locality, region, territory, history, myths, heroes, modernity and industrialism which helps one explore and analyze the categories in relation to contemporary culture which triggers the creation and dissemination of new meanings.
thesis by Aman D . Singh
The thesis is an endeavor to convey the impact of philosophy of science and technology on mind, a... more The thesis is an endeavor to convey the impact of philosophy of science and technology on mind, as well as defends the genre of science/pulp from critics who alleged it for promoting capitalist ideology, its non-literariness, cheap fiction, fantasy, and so on. Science fiction or pulp fiction writers like Kurt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon have been seen to use wide-range of satirical criticism of western culture. Their novels are more about examining historical change in nature of human knowledge; they also imbibe the transgeneric forms which allow multiple possibilities.
Thesis Chapters by Aman D . Singh
PhD Thesis (Central University of Rajasthan), 2018
The fifth chapter titled “Existential and Epistemic Narrative Modalities” discusses the narrative... more The fifth chapter titled “Existential and Epistemic Narrative Modalities” discusses the narrative structure of fiction in terms of “modality” which refers to the belief system of the authors. The ontological modalities in the narrative are expressed through existential threats, holocaust, “Denarration”, trauma, apocalypse and post-apocalypse, and pre-apocalyptic atavism. The epistemological modalities are expressed through linguistic aspects using scientific knowledge in forming the narrative of their fictions. The chapter looks at how Vonnegut and Pynchon make use of science and technology to manipulate the epistemological as well as ontological structures of their fictions.
Papers by Aman D . Singh
Conference Presentations by Aman D . Singh
Book Chapters by Aman D . Singh
literature which is transnational in its essence and has created
an autonomous field in world literature. The partition of
South-Asian countries and its literature not only addressed
the horrors of war but were also acme in its racism, its attack
on civilians, and its determined plan. In partition literature,
memory of the Holocaust evolves as a cultural phenomenon
illustrating two things: there are many uncertainties
entangled in the course leading to a predicament in which
historical and cultural meaning of partition has become so
significant and institutionalized to secure its future; and that
the place of partition cum holocaust in history and culture
should be elucidated with a vicissitude in culture that takes
into account past and identity in new ways, thereby creating
the exigency for new functions of memory.
thesis by Aman D . Singh
Thesis Chapters by Aman D . Singh
literature which is transnational in its essence and has created
an autonomous field in world literature. The partition of
South-Asian countries and its literature not only addressed
the horrors of war but were also acme in its racism, its attack
on civilians, and its determined plan. In partition literature,
memory of the Holocaust evolves as a cultural phenomenon
illustrating two things: there are many uncertainties
entangled in the course leading to a predicament in which
historical and cultural meaning of partition has become so
significant and institutionalized to secure its future; and that
the place of partition cum holocaust in history and culture
should be elucidated with a vicissitude in culture that takes
into account past and identity in new ways, thereby creating
the exigency for new functions of memory.