Papers by Dr Betina Chandolia

Exclusive Real World Evidence Journal, 2021
Essential tremor (ET) is the most prevalent movement disorder globally and is ten times more prev... more Essential tremor (ET) is the most prevalent movement disorder globally and is ten times more prevalent than Parkinson's. It is considered one of the most common movement disorders with various treatment options reported in clinical practice but uncertainty about the most robust one. The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society recently reviewed the clinical studies of essential tremors and updated the treatment guidelines. Mild to moderate tremor severity can sometimes be managed with occupational treatment such as speech therapy or adaptation. In contrast, the first-line pharmacological treatments include symptomatic treatment with propranolol, primidone, and topiramate. Botulinum toxin is preferred for selected cases, whereas invasive treatments should be considered a severe essential tremor treatment option. Focused ultrasound thalamotomy is attracting a lot of attention as a new therapy for essential tremors. Misdiagnosis among tremor syndromes is another point ...
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2017

Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC, 2016
An eleven year old girl presented with a three months history of chronic oral ulcerations. The or... more An eleven year old girl presented with a three months history of chronic oral ulcerations. The oral ulcerations affected her normal oral functions. Intra-oral examination revealed multiple erosive, erythematous lesions on anterior gingiva and soft palate (Figure-1). There were no skin lesions, as confirmed by a dermatologist. Medical history of the patient was non–relevant, hence the possibility of lichen planus/lechenoid reaction was ruled out. 1,2 Based on clinical examination provisional diagnoses of pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid were made. A tzank smear was taken from an unroofed blister of buccal mucosa with the help of a spatula. The material was transferred to a glass slide and giemsa stain was performed. Cytological examination of the smear showed round keratinocytes having large nucleus with increased nucleo–cytoplasmic ratio and a perinuclear halo. We decided to perform an incisional biopsy, as cytology has its own limitations. Incisional biopsy was performed ...
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2017
Juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) is a rare fibro-osseous neoplasm that develops among the craniof... more Juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) is a rare fibro-osseous neoplasm that develops among the craniofacial bones at an early age; and in majority of patients, it is diagnosed in the first or second decade of life. We present a case in 41-year male patient having it in the left anterior mandibular region. Peripheral eosinophilic areas resembling psammomatoid bodies along with other features impelled the diagnosis of psammomatoid ossifying fibroma. However, the term juvenile seems to be losing impact with the patients showing such features in old age.
Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC, 2017
A 51 year old male presented to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, NIMS Dental C... more A 51 year old male presented to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, NIMS Dental College Jaipur (India) with a painless pigmented patch extending from left side of the palate to the gingiva from 9 months. The patient had noticed the growth 7 months ago; it was a small patch of 1 cm initially, which gradually increased to attain the present size. The lesion was completely asymptomatic without any ulceration and mobility of the teeth.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2017
Minor salivary glands are relatively rare location for these tumors. Microscopically, they are co... more Minor salivary glands are relatively rare location for these tumors. Microscopically, they are composed of isomorphic cells, similar to basaloid cells with palisading arrangement and distinctive basement membrane like material. Herein, we report a case of BCApresenting as a soft tissue growth of left hard palate involving maxillary alveolus of a 41-year male.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2017
Osteosarcoma (OS) is a malignant neoplasm characterised by the formation of osteoid matrix by neo... more Osteosarcoma (OS) is a malignant neoplasm characterised by the formation of osteoid matrix by neoplastic cells. It is the most common primary malignant bone tumor accounting for 20% of all sarcomas, although its occurrence in the jaw is rare. It shows typical clinical behaviour but varied radiological and histopathological features. It presents various histological aspects. We report a case of 30-year male presented with a painful swelling of mandible, diagnosed as OS after histopathological evaluation.

Centrally occurring salivary gland tumors are rare. Because of a considerable overlap between the... more Centrally occurring salivary gland tumors are rare. Because of a considerable overlap between the clinical and histopathological features, this group of tumors often produces a diagnostic difficulty to the clinicians and oral pathologists. Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is an unusual, low-grade, malignant salivary gland tumor that represents approximately 2% of the salivary gland tumors with almost 90% arising in the parotid gland. The rest involve the submandibular and the minor salivary gland. ACC of the jaw is extremely rare and, to our knowledge, only 8 cases have been reported in the English literature. Herein, a case of primary intraosseous ACC of the mandible in a 31-year-old woman is presented. The present case is unique, as the central ACC has never been reported in a patient in the third decade of life. The complete surgical removal of the tumor was carried out under general anesthesia along with the extraction of teeth #31, #32, #41, and #42. The follow-up period of 1-year w...
Orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocyst (OOC) was first identified as orthokeratinized variant of... more Orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocyst (OOC) was first identified as orthokeratinized variant of odontogenic keratocyst in 1981 by Wright, due to its different histology and relatively low recurrence rate. Parakeratinized odontogenic cyst is now considered as keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) owing to its neoplastic nature. Although rare, calcification in the form of dystrophic calcification, dentinoid and cartilage has been reported in KCOT, but calcification in OOC is extremely rare and no case in English literature has been reported so far. Here, we report the first case of OOC with calcification located in the mandible of a 40-year female.
Angiomyxolipoma is a rare histological variant of lipoma, characterized by proliferation of adipo... more Angiomyxolipoma is a rare histological variant of lipoma, characterized by proliferation of adipose tissue associated with a variable amount of myxoid stroma with numerous thick- and thin-walled blood vessels. An exhaustive literature review could reveal only 12 cases of angiomyxolipoma affecting subcutaneous tissue, subungual area and spermatic cord. In oral cavity, only 2 cases of angiomyxolipoma have been reported to date, one case in the buccal mucosa and one case in the floor of the mouth. Hence, this is only the third case of angiomyxolipoma affecting oral cavity and the first case of angiomyxolipoma of the tongue. We report a case of a 51-year male presenting with a swelling on the right lateral border of the tongue. The lesion was excised and microscopical examination confirmed the diagnosis of angiomyxolipoma.

Introduction: Use of Digital therapeutics can act as a valuable tool enabling more personalized c... more Introduction: Use of Digital therapeutics can act as a valuable tool enabling more personalized care among diabetics. The Breathe Diabetes Management Program (BDMP) delivers personalized interventions encouraging them to track their blood glucose level, weight, and physical activity. Objective: To assess BDMP app in type 2 diabetics in achieving healthy outcomes in Indian population. Methodology: The group of participants (N=181, A1C >6.5%) was divided into 3 groups - (1) patients treated with the BDMP plus Doctor-prescribed medication (n=60), (2) patients treated with the BDMP plus Doctor-prescribed medication plus Stress Reduction module (n=61) and (3) patients only taking the Doctor-prescribed medication (control group with n=60). Results: At the end of the 16 weeks, patients from Group 1 showed 81.6% program completion rate, 46.01% program adherence, an average of 5.64% of baseline body weight loss, an average of 0.68% reduction in A1C and Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) score average change from 56.3 to 44.5 (score ranges 16-80, higher score indicates higher worry). Patients from Group 2 showed 88.5% program completion rate, 51.95% program adherence, an average of 6.02% of baseline body weight loss, average of 0.74% reduction in A1C and a PSWQ score average change from 58.6 to 40.8. Patients from Group 3 showed an average of 0.38% of baseline body weight loss, average of 0.28% reduction in A1C and a PSWQ score average change from 56.2 to 55.5. The difference between all the groups was found to be statistically significant (p Conclusion: The BDMP helped the patients of Group 1 in significant weight loss, reduction in A1C, and improved stress levels. BDMP along with the Stress Reduction module in Group 2 produced even better outcomes. The results suggest that Digital Therapeutics is a scalable and sustainable solution to the growing problem of type 2 diabetes, and that mental well-being should be considered a part of the solution. Disclosure P. K. Goyal: None. R. Verma: None. A. Kaicker: None. S. Deka: None. S. Palukuri: None. B. Chandolia: None.

Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is present in the body with metabolic disord... more Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is present in the body with metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity, and cardiovascular disease. However, no significant evidence has been found till date exhibiting their association epidemiologically in Indian patients. Objective: To assess the association among NAFLD, T2DM, and obesity, and to validate the scoring system with grades of fatty liver (severity of liver disease) estimated by ultrasound vs. NAFLD fibrosis score, BARD score, and APRI score. Methodology: A retrospective, observational study was conducted out in patients with NAFLD (n=316) where diagnosis and grades of fatty liver were established via ultrasound reports. The patients were divided into two groups, Group A (n=114, NAFLD with T2DM) and Group B (n=202, NAFLD without T2DM). R 4.0.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age (in years) of the patients was 54.08 ± 10.78 in Group A and 48.10 ± 15.36 in Group B. The me...

Case Report, Mar 30, 2021
Spindle Cell Carcinoma (SpCC) is a biphasic tumor. They are proven to be monoclonal dedifferentia... more Spindle Cell Carcinoma (SpCC) is a biphasic tumor. They are proven to be monoclonal dedifferentiated forms of conventional squamous carcinomas. It is a rare tumor which is infrequently observed in head, neck and in the aerodigestive tract. The tumor is aggressive and shows high frequency of recurrence and metastasis. It is an aggressive variant of squamous cell carcinoma which resembles a true sarcoma. It is a proliferation of spindle cells and squamous cells. For confirmation of diagnosis, immunohistochemistry is used. A Rare case of spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma in a 61 years old male in the tongue.The patient reported of rapidly growing lesion from six months with pain severe pain, dysphagia and difficulty in swallowing patient had history of chewing tobacco from past 35 years. Keywords: Spindle Cell Variant, Biphasic tumor, Head and Neck, Pseudocarcinoma, Sqamous cell, Dysplastic.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a benign tumor of jaw. As compared to males, females are m... more Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a benign tumor of jaw. As compared to males, females are more commonly affected. Mandible is the common site of occurrence. Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) are cystic lesions which are expansile osteolytic blood-filled lesions. These are commonly seen in the mandible, and they also show gender-predilection towards females. Concurrence of both the lesions is rarely reported. The treatment of both CGCG and ABC depends upon the extent of the lesions as well as on their nature. Due to aggressive nature of the lesions, these usually cause disfigurement of the patients' face. Wide excision is the treatment modality for aggressive lesions to avoid recurrence. We present a case of 28-year male who showed CGCG along with ABC in the same lesion, a rare concurrence.

Electronic Journal of General Medicine
Background: Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors of soft tissue that can be found anywhere in th... more Background: Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors of soft tissue that can be found anywhere in the body: However their presence in oral cavity is very rare (4.4%). Histopathologically lipomas are classified as simple lipomas and different variants. The present study describes the prevalence of oral lipomas with relation to patient's age, their site of occurrence and histological pattern in Indian population. Methods: All cases of oral lipomas reported in the department of oral pathology and microbiology, N.I.M.S dental college Jaipur (India) from 2005 to 2017 for age, gender, site of occurrence, histopathological pattern and treatment mode were reviewed. The published case reports of oral lipomas reported in Indian patients from 1976-2017 also reviewed through pubmed by using MeSH word; oral lipoma and combined the data with the data of present study to analyze the prevalence and histopathological characteristic of oral lipomas in Indian population. Results: Total of 23 (14 males and 9 females) cases included in the study. The mean age was 34.3 years (range 17-71). The specific sites involved were buccal mucosa (n = 9) Tongue (n = 5) buccal vestibule (n = 2) Lip (n-= 3) Floor of mouth (n = 1), palate (n = 2) and retro molar pad (n = 1). Histopathological examination revealed 11 cases were diagnosed as simple lipoma, 6 cases were fibrolipoma, 2 cases were angiolipoma, 1 case each of osteolipoma, myxolioma, angiomyxolipoma and hibernoma. All cases treated with surgical excision only one case showed radiographical sign. This data was combined with the data of published cases (pubmed) of oral lipoma in Indian population. Conclusion: Oral lipomas are rare neoplasms of oral cavity; only 49 published cases have been found from 1976-2017 in Indian population. Oral lipoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis of oral soft tissue swelling. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for all such tumors.

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2017
OBJECTIVE To assess the prognostic potential for N-cadherin in oral squamous cell carcinoma and o... more OBJECTIVE To assess the prognostic potential for N-cadherin in oral squamous cell carcinoma and oral epithelial dysplasia. STUDY DESIGN Across-sectional study, analytical study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY Maharishi Markandeshwar College of Dental Science Research (MMCDSR), Ambala, India, from 2011 to 2014. METHODOLOGY Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the N-cadherin expression in 100 cases having epithelium with normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial dysplastic lesions and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). For statistical significance, SPSS 13.0 was used to calculate the data by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. RESULTS In OSCC, N-cadherin expression was more evident than in oral epithelial dysplasia followed by the normal oral epithelium that did not show any dysplastic changes (p=0.001). Conversely, N-cadherin expression was not significant among the histological grade of OSCC. CONCLUSION N-cadherin can be used as a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of OSCC. How...
Papers by Dr Betina Chandolia