I have some of the pictures from my wonderfuland amazing photographer, Ian. He rocks so much even I look pretty! :P Theres so many more that I want to share, but if you really want to see them, then pester me. Or bribe me. You figure out which will work better. ( Read more...Collapse )
Today was pretty ok for a day. I donated some extra money to Camp allen, and almost made the director cry, cause they really needed it. We all get hugs from her, by the way. YAY I donated the cash to the shelter and got a certain buitter joy out of watching one of the people responsible for me no longer being aloowed ot work or volunteer there make out the receipt. Am I weird? Or just human? I got to see Jack, who is in town. A big supper from Hungry Herbs (best food around) was enjoyed by me, J matt mom filipe and Jack. Dave H joined us a little bit late, and left with Simon. YAY. Shes going to get an awesome home, and he gets his own princess. The wedding is one month away and I have two massive choices to make. Help??
Should I change my name? 1)Keep your fathers name, pass it on to the kids! 2)change to his name, itll make things easier in the long run 3)hyphanate to a stupidly long name, but risk confusing kids! 4)force him to accept a combination of names 5)AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Shoes? 1)wear the more traditional but funky shoes. They are clean 2)wear the chucks, you have always wanted too 3)wear the chucks, but hold a massive cleansing ritual, just in case Karma travels in soles.
Les montants de l’ [url=http://www.dopimmo.com]immobilier location[/url]ancien pourraient accuser une nouvelle reduction d’au moins 10% sur les douze prochains mois, suivi de nouveaux replis de 5% en…
[url=http://nobel-textil.com]Шторы, гардины, портьеры[/url] ? Способны ли эти детали интерьера украсить наш дом? Лично мы после ремонта 2 года вообще не вешали никаких штор и были счастливы, еслине…
The UN Security Council imposed the no-fly zone over Libya on March 17,…
yay woods.