No Salem for me last night. There were no definate plans, and I was lacking energies in a massive way. At the last minute I pulled through with an idea, and Bud Bri and I went ot see a terrible black and white horror flick form 1973 called "the Satanic Rites of Dracula". The plot is that Dracula wants to kill everyone in the world with, get this, the bulbonic plauge. Clearly a classic. After I met up with someone and got tickets for the Decemberists Show on Sunday. Im thrilled. Again, Im dragging today. I needs cuddle time. Oh, and speaking of which, here is a prime example of why I have trouble getting up in the morning.
Les montants de l’ [url=]immobilier location[/url]ancien pourraient accuser une nouvelle reduction d’au moins 10% sur les douze prochains mois, suivi de nouveaux replis de 5% en…
[url=]Шторы, гардины, портьеры[/url] ? Способны ли эти детали интерьера украсить наш дом? Лично мы после ремонта 2 года вообще не вешали никаких штор и были счастливы, еслине…
The UN Security Council imposed the no-fly zone over Libya on March 17,…
yay woods.