and I saw it pass before, but its kind of neat. Passing on the book quote game * Grab the book nearest you. Right now. * Turn to page 56. * Find the fifth sentence. * Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your LJ, and post your sentence in a comment here as well. Include the title of book and author. Closest book is...The Eternals. by Neil Giaman Page 56, 5th sentence reads "Well, be nice to him, he signs the checks" Hmm, maybe if I had picked a novel instead of a graphic novel... ok, Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. Page 56. This book is numbered backwards. But Ill go by the page labeled 56. 5t sentence: "This is with the sunset red and gold on the flat Texas horizon, in a truck stop parking lot outside of Dallas proper." Thats a bit better, I think. :)
Im thinking about doing a weekly photo dump of super awesome pics I find on the internet once a week. Would that be better than spamming all of you almost everyday? heres one to get you thinking. Its called a piglet squid, and I think its beautiful
Les montants de l’ [url=]immobilier location[/url]ancien pourraient accuser une nouvelle reduction d’au moins 10% sur les douze prochains mois, suivi de nouveaux replis de 5% en…
[url=]Шторы, гардины, портьеры[/url] ? Способны ли эти детали интерьера украсить наш дом? Лично мы после ремонта 2 года вообще не вешали никаких штор и были счастливы, еслине…
The UN Security Council imposed the no-fly zone over Libya on March 17,…
yay woods.