Im still jobless, you know how it goes. Yeah, I even applied for a crappy job, but wow, it was crappy. I would end up losing money and not get benefits, even if I got it.
Nah, it doesnt really affect me too much. Sure, I hate not having a ton of cash, but I am lucky, and have a beautiful home and a man who treats me like gold, and pays me lots of attention.
During the day I do little chores, feed the baby squirrels I have for now, and make supper happen. After supper me and the man sit in front of the TV like good Americans. He continues his work stuff and I craft. Im trying to push out some dream catchers. Did I mention I am going to try vending at my first ren fair? Yeah, it is pretty scary. Im luck that most of what I use is found objects. Of course theres money involved, but it could be worse. The best parts? Ill be sitting next to a dear friend for the whole weekend! And its on an Animal Sanctuary. Cant get a lot better than that for me. I have no idea how to do pricing, though. Only two weeks left, wow.
Other than a ton of gifts from my cats, the animals are doing great. I have a mouse now, Neville Longbottom. He was saved from my moms cat, and I bottle fed him. He is a riot, super sweet. Have one tank set up, but Im going to have to move it, which is frustrating. However, things are good.
By the way, I know I meant to invite you, but I might have forgotton, you know my brain. On the weekend of July 2-4th theres a weekendlong party at my new house. Should be a ton of fun, you really should stop by. Id love to see you.
I guess Ill get going. Have to be domestic. Grocerys wont buy themselves. Besides, I was promised a date tonight. Makes me all fluttery. What will I wear?
It was good to catch up. Yeah, Id love to do it again. Call me.
If anyone has time on Sunday (the 11th) I could use some help moving items, mostly boxes.
I know there is an event that day, but Im hoping some non newbies will be free. Because Newbies should be hitting the event, which I fully endorse.
Thanks all, email or comment for details
Cant wait to putter in a yard, paint and make the house OURS.
Mice are doing well, all things considered. If you missed it, I had to remove 4 baby mice (about 24 hours old) from my moms grill. The mother ran away, and the cats were lurking. So I took them home. One died on the way home, one was almost dead. Managed to get it going again by rubbing it. they are too small to feed with an eye dropper, so they get the tip of a qtip soaked in formula every 2 hours. Its going well, altho at the last feeding (about 1 hr ago) the almost died one is almost dead again. the other two are doing well. ears are up, the have whiskers and teeth showing. eyes are tightly closed, and no fur at all. But you can see their hearts through the skin, pretty cool.
Im researching a SCA persona. Im leaning towards 10-1100 vikings (scandinavian)
Ive got the outfitt planned, a simple apron dress. but the name is turning out to be tricky. I found one list of female names, which kind of crack me up. Names like Thora, Hellgarda, Ingun, and Borghilde. I like Astrid, Swanwhite (no kidding) and Dylla. Tough Fenja is kinda cool, like Freya.
Also debating a medieval type of char, but would go for 13-1500s, no clue on where.
I just want to make pretty dresses. :)
Both dogs leaped up, barked at us twice, then chased a random cat out of the room.
What the hell were they thinking?
(Who cares what the neighbors think)
But, all you really need to know is that, while things are not perfect, they are pretty close.
Jay and I are doing great. All the risks and the rough start were worth it. Its good to have something stable and sure in life. our house is going to be a real home, and our friends will visit us, I can feed them. in the summer I can plant a garden, swim in the pool, and dabble in the fish pond (to be built)
While I miss friends who have moved on, I am not lonely. Living with your best friend is wonderful. I honestly heard it could be this sweet, but didnt know it was real. It was worth the fight to get to this height. I know why people climb mountains now.
but, still no job. At this point, I think my job will be packing, moving and unpacking. While this is happening, I am going to plink at emerson hospital until they get sick of me and employ me.
Yup, thats the plan. Its going to work, too.
PS. i love you all, but dont check LJ every day. If you want me to see a post, just lemme know.
House hunting is hopefully at an end. We had the home inspection today for 12 Second St in Maynard. 90% of the house is perfect. However, the roof, and the foundation under the screen porch need some serious work. Trying to figure out the way to make this deal a go.
The land is pretty, the house is SO well kept its crazy. The only room I want to repaint is the master bedroom, which is a pale melon green, a very pastel color. Its really not awful, but Id like something a little more earthy, I think. But as the master bath is my fav shade of green, not sure what to paint the main room. suggestions?
That being said, I have a pile of projects Im thinking of tinkering with. anyone want to help me?
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No major projects for now, still wary of getting super involved again, but this is enough to test the waters.
1 my laptop is dying. thinking of a netbook. thoughts? I only want to play online, watch movies, listen to music type of thing.
2- this is the video of how to make nickleback barable it makes me laugh SO hard.
it IS SFW, but you need sound.
The UN Security Council imposed the no-fly zone over Libya on March 17,…
yay woods.