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Burrows may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
Are you 18 years of age or older?

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
Warning: This game will include themes that some might find distressing, such as the topic of suicide, self harm, sexual assault, violent imagery, depression and other mental illnesses. If you find these topics stressful or triggering please take that into consideration before playing. Thank you!
After leaving behind his former life in 1920's New Orleans, a jaded possum named Grey finds himself thrown into an unending nightmare by the enigmatic bartender, Virgil. Lost in a churning sea of souls, Grey comes across a group of men somehow connected to his former home, a plantation replete with it's own dark history. Just as quickly as they find each other they're suddenly taken away, leaving Grey only one option:
Dig a little deeper.
*This game will feature 18+ content including NSFW scenes (mostly M/M focused) which can be toggled in the preferences. This game is ONLY intended for those ages 18 and older, please play at your own discretion.
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You can support our project and play early versions of new builds at our Patreon
Also, feel free to join our community Discord and discuss your theories!
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Development log
- 12/31/2024: UI Update: Archives Menu!67 days ago
- 11/25/2024: Public Build 0.15.1 Release!Nov 25, 2024
- 10/08/2024: Public Build 0.15 Release!Oct 08, 2024
- 07/03/2024: Public Build 0.14 Release!Jul 03, 2024
- 04/01/2024: April Fools Update!Apr 01, 2024
- 03/10/2024: Build 0.13 Public Release!Mar 10, 2024
- 01/02/2024: Build 0.12.2 Public Release!Jan 02, 2024
- 11/13/2023: Build 0.12.1 Public Release!Nov 14, 2023
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Zeppelins are mentioned in Mark's story line, which could hint @ Hiro's, & in Gabriel's a character mentions "The Empire Incident" hinting @ Mark's story line. I TRULY hope all 4 timelines reconverge at some point!!!
Just waiting for Ken's update 😈
One of the most well written (and definitely the one with the best artwork/designs) fvn i have played! it's definitely not for everyone because of its heavy themes (only played mark/ken for now so idk about the other two)
Is there any way to see how far % each route is to be finished?
To think I kept putting off playing this game because I have a hate boner for pre computer era. WOW this game is horrifying and delightful at the same time. so much wow I wont spoil it for anyone, just wow wow wow dont play it late at night.
I can’t be the only one who wants to get down with Virgil lmao he is so prettyyyy
I'm reporting you
-Yolanda Triangle
I was ready to risk it all when I saw his fkn dick on my screen lol
I have a question about the games soundtrack. Are the songs free to use? (like for animatics or any animations)
I was thinking of using one of the songs for an animatic but i wanted to make sure that its okay with the creator first.
(I really love the soundtrack btw)
you can use the songs so long as you give credit
ok thank you :3
So I've gotten into to Hiro's route and I'll admit I'm a bit confused on how I feel. Now I want to start by saying that I love the idea of a trans character in a fvn. But my main issue comes with Grey sexualilty? Is he gay or bisexual as it seems like Hiro still has female bits?
Grey is a Pansexual
Ahhhh thank you! I was foolishly thinking he was gay lol
When will we have the continuation of Ken's route added? I love he
Ken's route will be next, you can follow Nikko on twitter, bsky, and on the discord for future updates!
What's this? A shark character in an anthro VN? That's not an animal that we see everyday. Is he dateable? Also, is this horror? If so, color me interested!
Yes and yes!
Nice! Always like a mystery/horror story. And thanks for including sharks! We (or me specifically) could use more of them :3
Will mark's route be updated in the next update?
Oh, alright
Hello! I was wondering if burrows had any EULA or guidelines for modding, as I wouldn't want to infringe upon any copywrite laws or things developers didn't want people to do. I'm not looking to make a whole new game, but to just make an addition. The base game would still be required to run the mod.
I would prefer if you didn't.
One question! Would you translate the VN into other languages once it is finished or in one of the updates? I would love it if this wonderful game was fully translated into Portuguese! And I absolutely love this VN, and I'm looking forward to the next updates!
mild spoilers!
on ken's route, i was really amazed when the game suddenly went full portuguese, i was reading like something was wrong and only then i saw what was happening! i just kinda wished it was a tad little less formal, cause even if it was my main language, i struggled a bit on reading those. not the dream, i know it was supposed to be like that, but the red room stuff. other than that, great stuff! i'm already halfway through the whole game, leaving mark's route last. excited for future updates!
Noway you left mark on that state for the cliffhanger 😭. His eyeeeeeee!!!!!!
is it okay to use the cgs/characters to make a fan version? if so then where can i find them?
The game's assets are not for personal use. Please make your own artwork if you wish to make a fan game.
could you give us a rough date on when the game will be finished? just your expectation? expectancy? idk the word i speak taco
each of the four routes is divided into six parts
we get one part per update
we are three parts in for Gabe, Ken, and Hiro
and five parts in for Mark
but some routes are divided into different paths
with Mark's route dividing on day 4 into a Mark path and a Simone/Ollie path
and Hiro's divides also into a Hiro path and an Atri path
based on narrative clues, it is safe to assume that Gabe and Ken's routes will similarly spit
we get about one part per update, and once the paths spit, it takes two, one for each path, and we get one update each two months
that means it will take 18-20 updates to finish Burrows depending on whether Gabe and/or Ken's route spit on day 4 or 5
which means it will take 36-40 months (around 3 years) to finish Burrows
damnnnnnn! thanks for the maths there, 3 years is a lot, but this project deserves that time, at this point this isnt even a project, its a master piece. take as long as you need! @nikko and the team ;)
I am hoping Nikko finishes the project. Since I joined this site in 2020, I have played 75+ VNs and only 4 were ever completed. More than 80% have been abandoned by unprofessional creators who couldn't commit to finish the project before starting another, or disappearing altogether.
weird thing I notice on the profiles about Gabe's ethnicity
he is listed as Chicano/Mexican American
he gets the Chicano from his mother but...
his father and grandmother are Peruvian, not Mexican
I think there was a mistake
He is Chicano culturally, but identifies as a Mexican American and would be a self-described American (born in the states) vs his mother (born in Mexico)
Is there a way to backup my saves? (Android)
nope, if you uninstalled the app, unfortunately everything is lost and you have to do everything again :[
Awh, well ig I'll have to reply it then (not complaining cause I fkn love this vn)
damnnnnn, the dialogue is so good, the part with ken and grey on the pool, nahhhh, absolute cinema. @nikko did you write all this stuff, how do you get the inspo and all that, its amazing, not only is it a poem, its a dialogue between two people, deeper than my love for ice cream, i need to know who writes the dialogues, where can i find the whole team involved in this?
Hello! I (Nikko) do the writing and artwork. You can find our team credits in the About section in the game.
Could someone please tell me how to unlock 3rd CG on 8th page of Mark's Route in Gallery?
I haven't been able to unlock the 3rd and 5th CG on Mark's page 8 also
I think it's a glitch
I surmised that these CGs are: Mark and Grey kissing in the elevator, and Mark giving Grey a blowjob (bloody version where you failed the time event during the monster attack)
to unlock the 5th CG on 8th page you have to pick Virgil toy while Grey is jerking off and pick to go see Mark while talking with Simone
it worked, thanks; you don't happen to also know how to get fragment 39? is the only one I'm missing
You're welcome; unfortunately I have no idea, it's the only one I'm missing too :[
I found 3rd CG on page 8, it finally worked when you pick "go see mark" while talking with Simone, and I skipped exploring the room, and as last choice while running from monster choose "Let him take over"
it worked thanks
you're welcome!! <3
i'm also missing CGs 1 and 2 from Ken's page 8, do you know where they are?
when you're playing strip poker with Colt and Jessie, you have to make Jessie lose, so he's the one who strips
thank you so much, if you wouldn't mind, do you know where I can find the following CGs from Hiro's route:
CG 6 page 10
CGs 1, 2, 3, and 4 page 11 (I believe these 5 CGs are a sex scene with Atri, I had triggered it once but can't figure out how to do it again)
CGs 5 and 6 page 12
all CGs from page 13
CG 1 page 14 (probably another whole scene I can't find)
CG 3 page 15
Forewarning: English isn't my first language, so I might make some spelling/grammar mistakes in English.
Very mild spoilers ahead, but its mainly about grammar.
It's nothing big, but I noticed a slight grammatical error in the beginning of Hiro's route. When the two unnamed german scientits speak, they say "Ha-ha! Hoffentlich er nicht explodiert wieder vor meinem gesicht", which gets the meaning across, but the proper way to say that would be to switch "explodiert" and "er nicht", to make the sentence "Ha-ha! Hoffentlich explodiert er nicht wieder vor meinem gesicht". The difference being the first one is a word for word literal translation, and the second one being adjusted for German grammar, as German grammar writes the verb before the subject. ill update this comment as I progress through his story with other German grammar errors.
Error 2: When Hiro says "Wenn Sie nicht gehen, ich werfe Sie raus". while the sentence is technically correct (for the most part, the same error of subject-verb switching happened at the end again), it translates to "When you don't go, ill Throw you out", which I guess could be the desired meaning, but I think its more common to say "If you don't go, ill Throw you out", which would be better communicated if he said something like "Falls Sie nich gehen, werfe ich Sie raus"
Error 3: When Hiro says "Mist! I-Ich Entschuldigung". This is once again a direct, word for word translation, which doesn't quite work the same in german. in German you don't say "im sorry"(at least not like that, the best way to say that would be "tut mir leid", which translates more to "causes me suffering"). you could say "sorry", or "sorry for me", which translate to "Entschuldigung" and "Entschuldigen Sie mich". the proper way to say what hes trying to say in this context would be either "Mist! Entschuldigung!", or "Mist! Tut mir leid". Either one would work fine in this context.
Error 4: When Hiro says "Was verdammt Sie machen hier, Herr Ratte?", which I assume is meant to translate to "What the fuck are you doing here, Mr. Rat?". outside of the same "subject-to-verb switching" error, the only other one would be that verdammt isnt used like that, a better substitution would be "um Teufels willen", which is a much more common phrase, meant to mean "by Devils will", similar to "um Gottes willen", which meant "by Gods will" (similar to the english phrases "what in gods name"). A better way to say what Hiro said would then be "Was, um (Teufels/Gottes) willen machen Sie hier, Herr Ratte?"
Error 5: When Hiro says "Ich muss sein negativ geladen. Wenn ich Kabel berühre, Kurzschluss den ganze Motor", which would be as if you said "I charged negatively must be. when I touch cables, short circuits the entire motor". Germans do a similar thing with descriptors, where the descriptors go before the noun. Anyways, the correct way to say the first sentence would be to say "Ich muss negativ geladen sein". The second one is a bit more tricky, as it does make sense, but isnt optimal. Theres two waiys to say that when he touches cabl;es, the motor short-circuits, Nr. 1 being "Wenn ich Kabel berühre, Kurzschluss ich den ganzen motor", which implies its his action to short cuircut the motors, and Nr. 2, "Wenn ich Kabel berühre, Kurzschlusst der ganze Motor", which would imply that it just kinda happens without his intention. id reccomend Nr. 2, giving us a final phrase of "Ich muss negativ geladen sein. Wenn ich Kabel berühre, Kurzschlusst der ganze Motor"
Error 6: When Hiro says "Auch wenn ich umdrehe Ladung, Kabel hat noch Elektrizität. Sie sind positiv geladen, Sie keiegen Schock nächster". The same mistake of putting the noun second is present in the first sentence, the sentence should be "Auch wenn ich die Ladung umdrehe, das Kabel hat noch Elektrizität". the second sentence is perfectly fine as far as i can tell, so the complete sentence would be "Auch wenn ich die Ladung umdrehe, das Kabel hat noch Elektrizität. Sie sind positiv geladen, Sie keiegen Schock nächster".
Error 7: When the Worker says "Der Chef sollte halt nicht versuchen, uns durch welche von seiner Art zu unterbieten". To be completely honest, I couldnt understand the second part of the sentence at all, and had to use google translate to understand it. Apparently its meant to mean that "The boss should not try to undercut us with some of his kind", which would be much better written by writing "Der Chef sollte halt nicht versuchen, uns durch seine sorte zu ersetzen".
That's all the ones I could find so far. I'm realizing now it might well just be a writing style choice to have Hiro make mistakes in German, but this doesn't feel like the type of mistakes someone would intentionally write into a characters speech. if I'm wrong, please let me know!
Hello! The choices to make hiro's German stilted/awkward were intentional. Not sure about the worker's speech, I had a few german speakers look at it and they helped make it sound antiquated.
Alrighty! Fantastic attention to detail in that case! There's also a solid chance that anything from the Workers that I marked as an "Error" could just be due to the difference in time period, or maybe even my own misunderstanding.
There is something very peculiar about this work
am i the only one doing all the routes at the same time bc of the great storywriting?
It wrapped me up, grabbed me and is now one of my favorites, especially Gabe. He is so cute. Mark has his charm and Ken...God, he's so sexy.
A masterpiece. I love Mark so much.
He's like the lover that I always dreaming of. I just want to be with him forever.
YES! He is literally perfect.
Falling for all the characters x_x
Hiro and Ken are my favorites
Burrows is so freaky and cathartic. I feel like whatever chapter comes next for these characters (that i've come to love so much, oh man) will knock the air out of my lungs while this gorgeous soundtrack is playing and I'm left speechless waiting for it to loop...
Please give it a try!
This is like in my top 5 VNs I've ever read and I can't wait for more. This VN has been a hyperfixation for me among a few others and it's scared the absolute crap out of me a few times xd
Join the hivemind
I'm already a part of it! Hell yeah hivemind >:3
Beautiful, lowkey would love more foot stuff
Edit: Plus side art like Ollie and the Bird bartender in the 50's
ReEdit: 10/10 Art tbh, ain't a character I wouldn't (cept the Gator)
tf you mean "more"??
So far its just Mark (even the coach said so in the Fools Update) 😂
Gyat Simone
😭 this VN is good damn but I'm too afraid to continue since I'm the type that gets too Immersed in the story. Are you with echo project? It's givin me skizo vibe. At this point i have trauma everytime i remember anchors.
Is the game also in Spanish or will there be an option in the future to read it in Spanish?
What's new on this update?
read the devlog
Oh right, my bad. Just wanted to say that my mark route save file is corrupted after I update the game
Omg this game is SO GOOD I just finished Gabe's route and I LOVED it. This game managed to keep me entertained 100% of the time, and I was genuinely scared at some parts. The haunted house part genuinely made me uncomfortable due to the sensitive topics, and I can't remember the last time a VN made me feel that way.
Started off by playing Ken's route and it wasn't long before I fell in love with Colt and started ghosting Ken for the rub club duo. They're such good boys!
This game makes me feel like I'm dreaming and not playing.
Q: How explicit does this game get?
A: Yes
how do I get fragment 39?
please help complete the Burrows fanwiki
Best Visual Novel ever if I didn't stop typing I'd be writing paragraphs so here's some bullet points for anyone looking to pick it up
- Amazing soundtrack
- Amazing artwork and unique anthro character designs (Fucking love our MC being a possum)
- Well written characters
- Entertaining and engaging plot that made me not sleep because I was too hooked onto the current playthrough I was reading
- 10/10