Papers by Karl-Ernst Behre
Monograph of the botanical results from a long-running interdiscipinary research project in the N... more Monograph of the botanical results from a long-running interdiscipinary research project in the Nortwest German lowlands
Results of the investigation of the botanical material from the Haithabu excvation in N. Germany ... more Results of the investigation of the botanical material from the Haithabu excvation in N. Germany (Viking Age). Establishment of the food economy of this settlement.
History of the cultural landscape including archaeology in N. Germany. Book-
Mesolithic agriculture in central Europe is questioned. Pollen of Cerealia-type.
Sea-level changes and its consequences along the German North Sea. Coastal processes, Prehistoric... more Sea-level changes and its consequences along the German North Sea. Coastal processes, Prehistoric and historic settlement history in the coastal region. Changes of shore lines along the coast of Lower Saxony
North Sea - Germany - Lower Saxony - Holocene - Sea-level changes - Former shore lines - Occupati... more North Sea - Germany - Lower Saxony - Holocene - Sea-level changes - Former shore lines - Occupation history - History of diking
Pollen diagrams from a middle Pleistocene interglacial in NW Germany. Stratigraphy and the lack o... more Pollen diagrams from a middle Pleistocene interglacial in NW Germany. Stratigraphy and the lack of Carpinus hint to a correlation with the Polish Ferdinandowo interglacial. The position is assumed to be between Elsterian I and II
Plants reported for flowering beer. Review and maps of records of Humulus and Myrica gale in Eupe... more Plants reported for flowering beer. Review and maps of records of Humulus and Myrica gale in Eupe. Written sources for the use of hops and sweet gale in brewing
Quaternary chronology with C14-dates - Weichseilan interstadials: Brörup, Odderade and new ones i... more Quaternary chronology with C14-dates - Weichseilan interstadials: Brörup, Odderade and new ones in the Pleni-Weichselian: Oerel and Glinde. Weichselian climate oscillations
Secale: domestication, spread to Europe, acculturation. First cultivation in Pre-Roman Iron Age; ... more Secale: domestication, spread to Europe, acculturation. First cultivation in Pre-Roman Iron Age; increase in Roman period, Main medieval cereal in many parts of Europe. Mapping of fossil records.
NW Germany/Europe - Quaternary stratigraphy - Weichselian - New interstadials after Brörup and Od... more NW Germany/Europe - Quaternary stratigraphy - Weichselian - New interstadials after Brörup and Odderade: Oerel and Glinde - Detailed pollen diagrams - Quaternary climate history
Southern North Sea - N Germany - Sea-level changes - Regressions - Compaction - Intercalated pea... more Southern North Sea - N Germany - Sea-level changes - Regressions - Compaction - Intercalated peats - Coastal archaeology
Pre-Roman Iron Age - NW German Lowlands - Agriculture - Vegetation history - Celtic fields - Pol... more Pre-Roman Iron Age - NW German Lowlands - Agriculture - Vegetation history - Celtic fields - Pollen analysis
Pollen analysis - Macro-remains - Mesolithic agriculture - Cereals - Neolithic - Europe
Sea-level changes - North Sea - N Germany - Transgressions - Regressions - Holocene - Shore lines
Pollen analysis - Biostratigraphy - Weichselian - Standard profile Oerel - NW Germany - 4 Interst... more Pollen analysis - Biostratigraphy - Weichselian - Standard profile Oerel - NW Germany - 4 Interstadials - New interstadials Oerel and Glinde
Pollen analysis - Anthropogenic indicators - History of agriculture - Settlement history
Preboreal oscillations - Holocene - NW Germany -pollen analysis
Vegetation history - Pollen analysis - Nw Germany - Late glacial - Early Holocene - Preboreal osc... more Vegetation history - Pollen analysis - Nw Germany - Late glacial - Early Holocene - Preboreal oscillations - Friesland oscillation
Papers by Karl-Ernst Behre