Papers by Semiha Akçaözoğlu

In this study, the influence of elevated temperature on the physical and mechanical properties of... more In this study, the influence of elevated temperature on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete produced by expanded clay aggregate and calcium aluminate cement (CAC) was investigated. For this purpose three different mixture were prepared. First mixture was produced by using ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and natural aggregate. Second mixture was prepared by OPC and expanded clay aggregate. Third mixture was produced by using CAC and expanded clay aggregate. The water-cement (w/c) ratio used in the mixtures was determined as 0.50. The concrete specimens were heated in an electric furnace up to 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 °C and kept at these temperatures for one hour. Two cooling regimes (slow and fast) were used. The residual compressive strength, weight loss, water absorption and porosity ratio and ultrasonic wave velocity values of the specimens were measured. The test results show that exposing to elevated temperatures adversely affected the mechanical and physical p...

Ulkemizde yakin zamanlarda yasanan deprem felaketlerinden sonra, deprem etkisiyle prefabrik endus... more Ulkemizde yakin zamanlarda yasanan deprem felaketlerinden sonra, deprem etkisiyle prefabrik endustri yapilarinda olusan hasarlarin yalnizca yapi duzeyinde kalmadigi; buyuk oranda makine, donanim ve malzemenin de zarara ugradigi gorulmektedir. Bu zararlar ayni zamanda ulke ekonomisinde de buyuk kayiplara yol acmaktadir. Bu sebeple "depreme dayanikli prefabrik yapi" kavrami ulkemizde giderek daha onemli bir hale gelmektedir. Prefabrik birlesimler yerinde dokme betonarme birlesimlerin beton ve donati surekliligi avantajlarina sahip degildir. Ancak prefabrik yapilarin zayif olarak gorulen kolon-kiris baglanti bolgeleri bilincli olarak detaylandirildiklarinda ve tasiyici sistemlerinin yeterli suneklik ve rijitlige sahip olmasi durumunda, deprem davranislarinin monolitik yapilar kadar iyi olacagi dusunulmektedir. Bu arastirmada, endustri yapilarinin uretiminde, kullanilan prefabrik betonarme iskelet sistemler depreme dayaniklilik acisindan ele alinmistir. Ulkemizde son yillarda ...

27 Haziran 1998 Adana-Ceyhan Depreminde Adana Organize Sanayi Bolgesi'ndeki prefabrik yapilar... more 27 Haziran 1998 Adana-Ceyhan Depreminde Adana Organize Sanayi Bolgesi'ndeki prefabrik yapilarin bazilarinda bu siddetteki bir deprem icin buyuk sayilacak hasarlar meydana gelmistir. Bunun yani sira depremi hasarsiz olarak atlatan cok sayida prefabrik sanayi yapisi da mevcuttur. Bu durum, yerinde dokme betonarme yapilarda oldugu gibi, tasarim ve montajina yeterli ozen gosterilmeyen, bilinen hesap ve birlesim detaylari yontemlerine uyulmayan prefabrik yapilarda az siddetli depremlerin bile onemli hasarlara neden olacagi gercegini bir kez daha gozler onune sermektedir. 1998 Adana-Ceyhan depreminden sonra tek katli prefabrik endustri yapilarinda gorulen hasarlarin genelde birlesim noktalarinda yapilan projelendirme, detay ve yapim yetersizliklerinden kaynaklandigi gorulmustur. Bu calismada Adana-Ceyhan Depremi ornegi ile hasar goren prefabrik endustri yapilari incelenmis ve hasar tipleri belirlenmistir. Olusan hasarlarin nedenleri arastirilmis ve hasar goren yapilarin durumunun iyil...

Bu calismada, Nigde’de bulunan bazi konut orneklerindeki pasif yangin guvenlik onlemleri, Binalar... more Bu calismada, Nigde’de bulunan bazi konut orneklerindeki pasif yangin guvenlik onlemleri, Binalarin Yangindan Korunmasi Hakkinda Yonetmelik (BYKHY 2007) esaslarina gore degerlendirilmistir. Calisma kapsaminda 2016-2017 yillari arasinda yapilmis olan ve yuksek bina sinifina giren bes konut binasi incelenmistir. Degerlendirme sonucunda, calisma kapsaminda incelenen bina orneklerinde alinan pasif yangin guvenlik onlemlerinin genel olarak BYKHY esaslarina uygun oldugu gorulmektedir. Incelenen bazi orneklerde catilarda kullanilan malzemelerin yonetmelige uygun olmadigi tespit edilmistir. Incelenen orneklerin tamaminda gorulen diger onemli bir sorun ise yangin guvenlik holu olan ve basinclandirilan yangin merdiveni sayisinin BYKHY esaslarina uygun olmamasidir. Tasarim asamasinda yonetmelik hukumlerinin dikkate alinmasi ve projede kullanilacak malzeme detaylarinin belirtilmesi durumunda, uygulamada gorulen eksikliklerin onlenebilecegi dusunulmektedir.

2018 UBT International Conference, Oct 27, 2018
Wastes in coal quarries and coal power plants are significant issues. Coal washing plant tailings... more Wastes in coal quarries and coal power plants are significant issues. Coal washing plant tailings as waste coal powder is one of these issues. Today, their ecological and economical utilization, control and management are of main subjects for ongoing researches throughout the world. On the other hand, researchers still carry out intense investigations on the production of lightweight and sustainable products for construction industry. In Turkey, approximately 20 coal mines and 1 coal power plant do have coal washing plant. In this study, waste coal powder obtained from Soma, Manisa were replaced with clay obtained from Niğde Kolsuz Region in amount of 10%, 20% and 30% by weight and fired at 1000 ° C to produce bricks. Unit weight, compressive strength, flexural tensile strength and water absorption tests were carried out on the samples. Experimental results showed that the addition of coal powder at the replacement ratio of 10% increased the compressive strength and flexural tensile strength of the samples. Use of produced samples in the construction industry will provide produce of high strength bricks of developed features besides contributing to the utilization of coal powder by recycling.

Plastic is one of the key ingredient groups in the petrochemical industry, which uses petroleum-b... more Plastic is one of the key ingredient groups in the petrochemical industry, which uses petroleum-based products and natural gas as raw material, obtained by chemical conversion of these two. In addition to being lightweight; noncorrosive, soft, flexible, non-easily damageable its high heat and electrical insulation features make plastics an indispensable packaging material [1]. Because of socio-economic characteristics, Variety of consumption and differences in waste management programs; waste composition is different in each country. However, plastics rank first in the total amount of global waste. Four percent of the oil produced in the world is used in the plastics production. Plastics are mostly used in packaging and construction industries [2]. Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polystyrene (PS) are the main types of plastics. Since natural resources have decreased and environment pollution has reached to threatening size for humanity using recycled or waste materials which do not damage the ecological balance is one of the basic elements of sustainable building design. Construction industry is one of the areas in which plastic wastes can be used in large quantities in order to reduce the use of large amounts of natural resources such as aggregate and timber. Utilization of waste plastics in construction industry may also be helpful in reducing environmental problems such as reduction of landfill disposal and
Construction and Building Materials
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
Bu çalışmada, Niğde'de bulunan bazı konut örneklerindeki pasif yangın güvenlik önlemleri, Binalar... more Bu çalışmada, Niğde'de bulunan bazı konut örneklerindeki pasif yangın güvenlik önlemleri, Binaların Yangından Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik (BYKHY 2007) esaslarına göre değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında 2016-2017 yılları arasında yapılmış olan ve yüksek bina sınıfına giren beş konut binası incelenmiştir. Değerlendirme sonucunda, çalışma kapsamında incelenen bina örneklerinde alınan pasif yangın güvenlik önlemlerinin genel olarak BYKHY esaslarına uygun olduğu görülmektedir. İncelenen bazı örneklerde çatılarda kullanılan malzemelerin yönetmeliğe uygun olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen örneklerin tamamında görülen diğer önemli bir sorun ise yangın güvenlik holü olan ve basınçlandırılan yangın merdiveni sayısının BYKHY esaslarına uygun olmamasıdır. Tasarım aşamasında yönetmelik hükümlerinin dikkate alınması ve projede kullanılacak malzeme detaylarının belirtilmesi durumunda, uygulamada görülen eksikliklerin önlenebileceği düşünülmektedir.

International Journal of Business & Technology
In this study, the effect of waste PET as lightweight aggregate (WPLA) replacement with conventio... more In this study, the effect of waste PET as lightweight aggregate (WPLA) replacement with conventional aggregate on the some physical and mechanical properties and residual compressive strength of concrete was investigated. For this purpose, five different mixtures were prepared (the reference mixture and four WPLA mixtures including 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% waste PET aggregate by volume). The fresh and dry unit weights, compressive strengths, flexural-tensile strengths, water absorption and porosity ratios of the mixtures were measured. In addition the specimens exposed to elevated temperatures at 150, 300 and 450 °C and the residual compressive strengths were measured. Test results indicated that the unit weight, compressive strength and flexural-tensile strength of the specimens decreased as the amount of WPLA increased in concrete. After exposing to elevated temperature, WPLA mixtures retained their structural integrity and compressive strengths at 150 °C and 300 °C. However there wa...

Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
Bu çalışmada Kütahya Emet Kolemanit Borik Asit İşletmesinde bor üretimi sırasında ortaya çıkan ve... more Bu çalışmada Kütahya Emet Kolemanit Borik Asit İşletmesinde bor üretimi sırasında ortaya çıkan ve "kil pestili" olarak adlandırılan katı atıklar ve İskenderun Demir Çelik Fabrikası'nın atığı olan öğütülmemiş cüruf agregalar, atık PET şişe kırıkları çeşitli oranlarda karıştırılarak kompozit bir malzeme üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Sadece atık PET kırıkları içeren şahit karışım, dere kumu agregalı 4 karışım, cüruf agregalı 4 karışım ve kil pestili agregalı 4 karışım olmak üzere toplam 13 farklı karışım hazırlanmıştır. Karışımlarda agregalar, atık PET şişe kırıkları ile ağırlıkça % 20, 40, 60 ve 80 oranlarında yer değiştirilerek kullanılmıştır. Karışımlar 70x70x70 mm boyutlarında kalıplara dökülerek 300°C sıcaklıktaki fırında 140 dakika süreyle ısıtılarak küp numuneler elde edilmiştir. Numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen birim ağırlık ve basınç dayanımı deneyleri sonucunda, cüruf agreganın ve atık kil pestilinin kompozit yapı malzemesi üretimi amacıyla % 40-60 oranları arasında kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bor üretimi sırasında ortaya çıkan atık kil pestilinin ve demir çelik fabrikası atığı olan cürufların atık PET'lerle karıştırılarak geri dönüşümlü kompozit üretiminde değerlendirilmesinin; sözü edilen atıkların depolanma sorunun ortadan kaldırılması ve çevresel zararların azaltılmasına katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir.
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi

Urban renewal projects, in a manner of speaking, are reconfiguration/reconstitution of residentia... more Urban renewal projects, in a manner of speaking, are reconfiguration/reconstitution of residential/commercial/industrial quarters that have lost their socioeconomic values and are practises that should be implemented on any city at certain periods. Contemporarily, zones in developing cities confront renewal processes as a result of new spacial assignments. This makes urban renewals one of the most importants issues of local authorities and planing. Manucipality of Niğde, as the administration of a city whose history dates far back, has got a renewal project prepared that covers Efendibey District, one of the oldest residential areas of the city, and has started necessary studies to put the project into practice, being a late but proper decision for a provincial center. The Project covers an urban area of 1,210,000 m2. Within the framework of the renewal, 6,000 apartments of various sizes, 240,000 m2 recreation areas, 120,000 m2 urban parklands, 2 new and 3 to-be-preserved mosques; c...

Waste Management, 2010
In this work, the utilization of shredded waste Poly-ethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle granules... more In this work, the utilization of shredded waste Poly-ethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle granules as a lightweight aggregate in mortar was investigated. Investigation was carried out on two groups of mortar samples, one made with only PET aggregates and, second made with PET and sand aggregates together. Additionally, blast-furnace slag was also used as the replacement of cement on mass basis at the replacement ratio of 50% to reduce the amount of cement used and provide savings. The water-binder (w/b) ratio and PET-binder (PET/b) ratio used in the mixtures were 0.45 and 0.50, respectively. The size of shredded PET granules used in the preparation of mortar mixtures were between 0 and 4 mm. The results of the laboratory study and testing carried out showed that mortar containing only PET aggregate, mortar containing PET and sand aggregate, and mortars modified with slag as cement replacement can be drop into structural lightweight concrete category in terms of unit weight and strength properties. Therefore, it was concluded that there is a potential for the use of shredded waste PET granules as aggregate in the production of structural lightweight concrete. The use of shredded waste PET granules due to its low unit weight reduces the unit weight of concrete which results in a reduction in the death weight of a structural concrete member of a building. Reduction in the death weight of a building will help to reduce the seismic risk of the building since the earthquake forces linearly dependant on the dead-weight. Furthermore, it was also concluded that the use of industrial wastes such as PET granules and blast-furnace slag in concrete provides some advantages, i.e., reduction in the use of natural resources, disposal of wastes, prevention of environmental pollution, and energy saving.
and sharing with colleagues.
Microstructure of clinoptilolite concrete exposed to high temperature was examined. Thermal condu... more Microstructure of clinoptilolite concrete exposed to high temperature was examined. Thermal conductivity values decreased depending on increasing clinoptilolite amount. The textural changes showed variety depending on the amount of clinoptilolite. Texture differentiations were more significant at the outer surface of specimens. Textural changes in quartz crystals decreased depending on increasing clinoptilolite.

In this study, the influence of waste PET as lightweight aggregate (WPLA) replacement with conven... more In this study, the influence of waste PET as lightweight aggregate (WPLA) replacement with conventional aggregate, on thermal conductivity, unit weight and compressive strength properties of concrete composite was investigated. For this purpose, five different mixtures were prepared (the control mixtures and four WPLA mixtures including 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% waste PET aggregate by volume). Thermal conductivity (TC) coefficients of the specimens were measured with guarded hot plate apparatus according to TS ISO 8302 [1]. The thermal conductivity coefficient, unit weight and compressive strength of specimens decreased as the amount of WPLA increased in concrete. The minimum thermal conductivity value was 0.3924 W/m K, observed at 60% WPLA replacement. From this result, it was concluded that waste PET aggregates replacement with conventional aggregate in the mixture showed better insulation properties (i.e. lower thermal coefficient). Due to the low unit weight and thermal conductivity values of WPLA composites, there is a potential of using WPLA composites in construction applications.
Papers by Semiha Akçaözoğlu