Papers by Dr.Narasimha kaulgud
2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC)
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), Oct 16, 2022
Soft Computing, May 31, 2022
The development of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers is expected to signify the potentia... more The development of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers is expected to signify the potential advantages of quantum computing over classical computing. This paper focuses on quantum paradigm usage to speed up unsupervised machine learning algorithms particularly the K-means clustering method. The main approach is to build a quantum circuit that performs the distance calculation required for the clustering process. This proposed technique is a collaboration of data mining techniques with quantum computation. Initially, extracted heart disease dataset is preprocessed and classical K-means clustering performance is evaluated. Later, the quantum concept is applied to the classical approach of the clustering algorithm. The comparative analysis is performed between quantum and classical processing to check performance metrics.
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon)
2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC)
Computer vision applications such as Object Detection, Outdoor Surveillance, Object Tracking, Seg... more Computer vision applications such as Object Detection, Outdoor Surveillance, Object Tracking, Segmentation, consumer electronics and many more require restoration of images captured in foggy environment. Fog/haze is formed as a result of environment attenuation and air light (scattering of light) resulting in image degradation since the contrast of the scene is reduced by attenuation while the whiteness in the scene is increased by airlight. Hence, the objective of fog removal algorithms is to recover the color and contrast of the scene. Also, formation of fog is the function of the depth and estimation of depth information requires assumptions or prior information of the single image. Hence, with various assumptions on the single image, fog removal algorithms estimate the depth information, which are discussed in this paper.

Surface crack detection is useful in structural engineering. Early detection of surface crack can... more Surface crack detection is useful in structural engineering. Early detection of surface crack can prevent damages and disasters. If the surface cracks are detected early, we can avoid costly repairs to the structures and damages to structures and human life. Regular curve tracing methods fail to detect cracks because cracks are non-continuous. We need to explore different technique to detect cracks in the surface. Cracks can be in concrete walls or in the asphalted roads. In this paper, we propose to use morphological techniques to detect surface cracks, along with regular edge detection techniques. Morphological operations can be used to enhance discontinuities in image and join the missing pixels. Combination of edge detection as pre-processing and filtering as post-processing seems to be an effective way to detect the surface cracks effectively. Keywords—Crack detection, Morphology, Image processing, Edge detection _________________________________________________________________...
Evolutionary Intelligence

Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks, 2020
Most of dual-rail CMOS circuits are loosely based around differential cascade voltage logic switc... more Most of dual-rail CMOS circuits are loosely based around differential cascade voltage logic switch. DCVSL provides dual-rail logic gates that have latching characteristics built into circuits itself. In CVSL logic output results are held until inputs induce a change, so that there is no loss of data, thereby saving energy and power. In today's digital application low power has become a key factor in high-speed computations. The proposed work gives an insight into the working of CVSL and the proposed method, showing a reduced number of gates, and thereby reducing area and power constraints. In this paper, exclusive detailed use of pass gate logic structure to put back the nMOS logic structure in conventional DCVSL circuit along with the implementation of adders are provided. The proposed circuit designs and results are compared and implemented using a cadence software tool and for quantum circuits QCAD tools are used. The study shows the optimization in case of power, area and speed achieved in comparison with conventional circuits.

2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon), 2017
This paper deals with the automatic control of special purpose machine (SPM) named 2-way boring m... more This paper deals with the automatic control of special purpose machine (SPM) named 2-way boring machine which is controlled using PLC and Servo drives. The machine is designed to provide fine finish to the holes present in the engine body through boring process. The manual control of the same would result in expanded time and poor accuracy which is now being solved using automation. In order to have reduced machining time two servo drives are located on either side of the machine. The movement of material to feed the cutting tool is carried out by the sliding axis which is controlled by the servo drives and sequenced according to the program developed in PLC. This paper significantly reduces time of operation with increased accuracy and maintains precise dimensions of the product. HMI is used for interfacing between human and machine.

2019 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering (ICATIECE), 2019
Images captured may suffer from attenuation due to the transmission medium and scattering of the ... more Images captured may suffer from attenuation due to the transmission medium and scattering of the air-light. When the weather is foggy the scattering is more, so the attenuation is also to a larger extent resulting in degraded image. Most of the automated and computer vision based systems (like image classification and retrieval, vehicle navigation aids, remote sensing etc.,) which depend on the image captured outdoor may not work effectively with the degraded images. Several researches have been done to enhance the foggy images captured outdoor and indoor. Amongst them Dark Channel Prior with guided filtering is a traditional method, while Color Attenuation Prior is a linear model developed based on the relation between depth of the scene, brightness, concentration of the fog and saturation of the image. But an algorithm will be effective and efficient if it can be implemented with available resources and consumes less processing time. We compare in this paper the performances of two dehazing algorithms using different platforms like Windows and Unix and different tools like Matlab and OpenCv python. The comparison shows that OpenCv python implementation is much faster and cost effective than Matlab tool since Matlab is a proprietory tool whereas OpenCv python is an open source.
2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology (ICRAECT), 2017
Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in daily experience. It... more Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in daily experience. It improves the performance and also reduces human intervention. With the rapid development in technology, the more focus is on selection of application oriented controllers and tools, hence most of the control application is combined with PLC. This paper, we explore the application of the PLC and its use for developing automation in the field of storage battery testing facility. The work is executed at "Exide industries", a storage battery manufactures and the working procedure and results are represented.
Median filtering is a nonlinear neighborhood technique which is widely used to remove noise in th... more Median filtering is a nonlinear neighborhood technique which is widely used to remove noise in the image especially salt and pepper noise. Furthermore, median filtering techniques is efficient technique compared to other linear techniques which preserve the edges of the image. However in the median filtering majority of the time will be spent on calculating a median of the each window which results in high computation and time. The purpose of this paper is to design an efficient algorithm for median filtering using python programming and multi-core processor architecture in general purpose operating system which reduces time complexity.
The development of Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum computers is expected to signify potential ad... more The development of Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum computers is expected to signify potential advantages of quantum computing over classical computing. This paper focuses on quantum paradigm usage to speed up unsupervised machine learning algorithms particularly the K-means clustering method. The main approach is to build a quantum circuit that performs the distance calculation required for the clustering process. This proposed technique is a collaboration of data mining techniques with quantum computation. Initially extracted heart disease dataset is preprocessed and classical K-means performance is evaluated. Later, the quantum concept is applied to the classical approach of the clustering algorithm. The comparative analysis is performed between quantum and classical processing to check performance metrics.
The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
Here we propose a method to zoom a given image in wavelet domain. We use ideas from multiresoluti... more Here we propose a method to zoom a given image in wavelet domain. We use ideas from multiresolution analysis and zerotree philosophy for image zooming. Wavelet coefficient decay across scales is calculated to estimate wavelet coefficients at finer level. Since this amounts to adding high frequency component, proposed method does not suffer from smoothing effects. Zoomed images are (a) sharper compared to linear interpolation, and (b) less blocky compared to pixel replication. Performance is measured by calculating signal to noise ratio (SNR), and the proposed method gives much better SNR compared to other methods.
Proc. of Eighth National Conf. on …, 2002
... References [1] JK Aggarwal and N. Nandhakumar. On com-putation of motion from sequence of im... more ... References [1] JK Aggarwal and N. Nandhakumar. On com-putation of motion from sequence of images-A re-view. Proc. ... IEEE PAMI, 14:700732, 1992. [15] B. Natarajan and V. Bhaskaran. A fast approxi-mate algorithm for scaling down digital images in the DCT domain. ...

Transmitting medical data from one location to other can provide better healthcare services in re... more Transmitting medical data from one location to other can provide better healthcare services in remote locations. Image steganography is an approach, where patient reports are embedded in lower bit planes of an image and are then transmitted. Former techniques employ encoding of raw text and placing them on lower bit planes providing single layer of security. Standard encoding and decoding methods are incorporated to cipher the information .In this proposed method encrypted data is inserted into quick response codes as it increases data holding capacity and also provides an extra layer of security. The Stego (image in which QR code is hidden) image and original image are similar in appearance ensuring secrecy. There will be no loss of any information in QR code as original pixel values are retained during the reception. Data retrieval is smooth and can be performed without having any distortion. Implying this mechanism provides multilayer security, improved readability and makes tran...
Abstract—Surface crack detection is useful in structural engineering. Early detection of surface ... more Abstract—Surface crack detection is useful in structural engineering. Early detection of surface crack can prevent damages and disasters. If the surface cracks are detected early, we can avoid costly repairs to the structures and damages to structures and human life. Regular curve tracing methods fail to detect cracks because cracks are non-continuous. We need to explore different technique to detect cracks in the surface. Cracks can be in concrete walls or in the asphalted roads. In this paper, we propose to use morphological techniques to detect surface cracks, along with regular edge detection techniques. Morphological operations can be used to enhance discontinuities in image and join the missing pixels. Combination of edge detection as pre-processing and filtering as post-processing seems to be an effective way to detect the surface cracks effectively.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2013
This paper addresses the problem of color image restoration, distorted by intra- and inter-channe... more This paper addresses the problem of color image restoration, distorted by intra- and inter-channel blur, and coitupted by additive noise. The image is modeled as Markov random field, and color image restoration is cast as a maximum a Postion priori (MAP) estimation problem. We propose a first-order interchannel interaction model for restoration. We compare this model with the results when interaction is not considered. The proposed model is fairly general. and the result, are satisfactory even when interchannel degradation parameter is unknown.
Papers by Dr.Narasimha kaulgud