A class project that turned into an indictment of various fallacies at play in educational “theor... more A class project that turned into an indictment of various fallacies at play in educational “theory” which isn’t a theory but rather hypothesis long since falsified.
This article presents a mixed-methods, interdisciplinary study on educational policy and practice... more This article presents a mixed-methods, interdisciplinary study on educational policy and practice, with the aim of offering solutions to fossilized problems extant across the United States' elementary and secondary schools. Analysis of historical Supreme Court decisions and statutes show trends over the latter-half of the twentieth century. Linguistic comparisons of two milestone revisions of 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, No Child Left Behind and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), show Congress granted more flexibility and authority to local districts and states under ESSA, which reflected trends in Supreme Court opinions over several decades. Comparative statistical analysis of state ESSA plans discovered zero states met interim or long-term academic achievement targets. Sources show American education law intersects with civil and human rights, but public policy and practice have yet to demonstrate consistent adherence to such emergent and enduring principles. In response to failures and shortcomings, policy recommendations include student and teacher Bills of Rights, cross-curricular assessment systems, redefining "proficiency", and enhanced collaboration among stakeholders in education.
A different view of theories of law, issues at-law, legal environments; social, economic, cultura... more A different view of theories of law, issues at-law, legal environments; social, economic, cultural, and political inputs. This file is the edited, merged version of three prior works under the same Legal Navel Gazing title. At once a serious piece of legal scholarship and entertainment piece, the book blends culture, science, and law. Music and entertainment media tie together various quasi-autonomous parts of a unified theory of law, personality, and society. The work bridges gaps between the individual and collective. Part III includes original poetry and strong recommendations for American law aimed at continual improvement under a scientific system of laws that takes into consideration nuanced, complex interconnectivities among all people, from deep within the individual to the furthest reaches of the human population. Peace is the ultimate objective, which requires economic opportunities, civil and human rights that are actionable against intrusion. Law is the connective tissue in the body human as market order presupposes legal order.
The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers fr... more The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers from around the world access, copy, and share with relative ease. Data and qualitative reviews suggest infringement is ubiquitous in the streaming and downloading domain. The current approach to copyright enforcement places undue burdens on copyright owners who cannot economically advance claims against millions of individual users. Poorly constructed copyright laws and misguided Court decisions have left rights-holders with too few remedies against commercial entities involved in the storage, retrieval, transmission, access, and streaming of their works. A five-year exploratory and observational study were conducted to discover facts about online pirate media, how services function, how companies make money, and how they skirt around laws prohibiting unauthorized commercial exploitation of copyright. Sites discovered had multimillion-dollar valuations and annual revenues, mostly derived from third-party advertise-
The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers fr... more The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers from around the world access, copy, and share with relative ease. Data and qualitative reviews suggest infringement is ubiquitous in the streaming and downloading domain. The current approach to copyright enforcement places undue burdens on copyright owners who cannot economically advance claims against millions of individual users. Poorly constructed copyright laws and misguided Court decisions have left rights-holders with too few remedies against commercial entities involved in the storage, retrieval, transmission, access, and streaming of their works. A five-year exploratory and observational study were conducted to discover facts about online pirate media, how services function, how companies make money, and how they skirt around laws prohibiting unauthorized commercial exploitation of copyright. Sites discovered had multimillion-dollar valuations and annual revenues, mostly derived from third-party advertise-
This study surveyed 135 individuals, of which 68 were native English speakers and 67 were native ... more This study surveyed 135 individuals, of which 68 were native English speakers and 67 were native Thai speakers. Respondents answered questions on issues related to human trafficking, its causes, and potential solutions. Statistical tests showed significant variance in opinions between language and other groups regarding factors associated with trafficking and regarding the potential impacts of the legalization of prostitution. Thai responses reflected collectivist cultural perceptions, while English responses reflected more individualistic views. Males and English speakers were most likely to think legalized prostitution would lead to a reduction in human trafficking while females and Thai speakers were most likely to believe legalized prostitution would increase trafficking.
This study surveys 156 Saudi male and 131 Saudi female students in their first year at King Faisa... more This study surveys 156 Saudi male and 131 Saudi female students in their first year at King Faisal University in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Demographic data is collected along with quantitative data using a self-reporting Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) with a 5-point Likert scale. English performance data is collected via course grades. Comparisons are made between genders, majors, course levels and academic terms using ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Correlations and regression assess relationships between FLCA and English performance. Results show moderate levels of FLCA and moderate, negative correlations with performance. Further qualitative data is collected in the form of feedback from foreign English instructors and university administration. Qualitative data is compared to prior research and results from the quantitative study in order to ensure reliability. The discussion and conclusion leads to recommendations for teachers and administrators with the intent of reducing FLCA and increasing educational opportunity.
German courts authorized the Crown Prince of Thailand's airplane to be impounded in pursuit of co... more German courts authorized the Crown Prince of Thailand's airplane to be impounded in pursuit of compensation from a case decided by an international arbitral tribunal in 2009. The arbitral tribunal decided in favor of an insolvent German construction firm, Walter Bau AG, which was contracted as part of a group of companies in the Kingdom of Thailand to build and operate a tollway in Bangkok starting in the late 1980s. The business deal quickly went bad, and by the end of arbitration nearly €30 million was awarded to Walter Bau AG, by then in liquidation. Thailand temporarily defaulted on payment. Violations of international law and business custom had occurred, though some crafty politics and diplomacy solved the problem quickly after the Crown was involved. In view of the difficulties that the Claimant encountered while collecting its award, it is clear that some resolutions are necessary to protect the integrity of the international system and some additions to the enforcement mechanism would be favorable.
This article reflects upon effects of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and related treat... more This article reflects upon effects of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and related treaties since their inception, with a focus on the ASEAN group. Literature, legal and statistical review and analyses show successes and failures on several points: nutrition, child soldiers, child sexual exploitation, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, child labour, violence, and education. The research found abuse of children's rights is high enough to warrant serious concern. Violations of rights both come from and lead to deep poverty, leaving the ASEAN community vulnerable in the present and future. Creative, aggressive policy changes are promoted while universal acceptance and enforcement of children's rights, like any human rights, are likely to succeed or fail due to actions or inactions in smaller social segments and communities.
focuses on intellectual property disputes with a dual aim of proposing ways to improve time and c... more focuses on intellectual property disputes with a dual aim of proposing ways to improve time and cost efficiencies in existing dispute resolution processes, and to develop new systems. Litigation and arbitration are reviewed for their strengths and weaknesses. Arbitration has weaknesses including the mutual consent requirement, lack of appeal, absence of a system of case law, and jurisdictional variations relating to arbitrability of certain IP disputes. However, advantages of arbitration such as confidentiality, international applicability under the New York Convention, limited discovery, and use of specialized tribunals support a recommendation of arbitration as the better method.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are essential to functioning economies. Nearly all nations ad... more Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are essential to functioning economies. Nearly all nations adopt treaties and enact statutes supporting IPRs. Moderate uniformity is found in legislative branches, but actions from executive and judicial branches vary among cultures, traditions and nations. Piracy and counterfeiting, both online and in physical markets, are prevalent within and between States, necessitating new and enhanced enforcement partnerships. Most research on the subject focuses on Eastern production and physical market counterfeiting rather than Western consumption and internet piracy. This article addresses IP enforcement problems among Eastern and Western nations. A survey is taken of Western consumers in a Thai physical market, and an inquiry into infringing websites is made.Game theory helps analyze the IP protection environment. A more realistic approach to international IPR enforcement is advocated, one including ex officio action and a new online copyright dispute resolution system resembling UDRP.
Thailand boasts a robust English as second language ESL/EFL system in both public and private sch... more Thailand boasts a robust English as second language ESL/EFL system in both public and private schools, where students learn various subjects from native speakers in the English language. Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is a subject that is relevant to ESL instruction and learning. This study assesses associations between FLCA and academic performance in English and maths subjects at a Thai government school that is in its second year of employing native English speaking teachers. Four-hundred-and-twenty-four students were administered FLCA surveys, which were compared to English and maths exams. Moderate-high FLCA levels were found in the sample, with no difference between an immersion group and non-immersion groups. A weak, negative correlation (r =-.163 was found between FLCA and English performance). Thai language maths exam scores were significantly better than English language maths exam scores. No correlation between FLCA and maths performance was found.
This article focuses on the past, present, and future of environments in the Association of South... more This article focuses on the past, present, and future of environments in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as the region moves toward the 2015 launch of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Policies and data are compared between the ten nations in the group and with others such as the United States, Australia, and European Union (EU) members. Opportunities to promote and support expansion of renewable energies are explored alongside factors constraining green growth initiatives. Climate science and statistical analyses are used to bolster recommendations in favor of implementation of new environmental legislation such as a regional cap-and-trade mechanism and carbon tax. A holistic approach to environmental protec-tionism is proposed in consideration of conflicting economic and scientific interests, which have resulted in poor enforcement of existing regulations.
This article endorses arbitration as a superior dispute resolution method (DRM) for construction ... more This article endorses arbitration as a superior dispute resolution method (DRM) for construction disputes. The study takes an 5 interdisciplinary approach with the aim of assisting professionals to develop new construction business strategies to react to recent and 6 ongoing financial difficulties, which increase the importance of reducing legal costs and time spent in dispute resolution procedures. 7 Litigation and arbitration are briefly compared. Expert opinions and academic studies support arbitration. American (federal and state) and 8 Canadian case law is reviewed to advocate arbitration and provide information with respect to conflicts of laws. Treaties and implementing 9 statutes support more universal acceptance of arbitration, although some American state laws pose difficulties, which are noted. Alternative 10 dispute resolution methods (ADRMs), such as mediation, negotiation, and adjudication, are considered options for predispute phases,
Civil engineers are instrumental in developing industries and economies. Engineers have direct in... more Civil engineers are instrumental in developing industries and economies. Engineers have direct influence on company systems, which in turn shape broader society. Sustainability and environmental and social responsibility are explicit goals of corporations, communities , and professional organizations like the American Society of Civil Engineers. The oil industry has significant effects on sustainability. Risk-taking petroleum companies have frequently failed to ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental codes, leading to costly disputes and stalling sustainability. Engineers are in a position to help change habits from within corporations and support expansion of external projects aimed at offsetting negative impacts from petroleum. This article examines current and future oil markets, risk analysis, safety and health issues, legal disputes, and theories of sustainability. Corporations are expected to implement improved internal safety and prevention systems. Community involvement in sustainability projects is projected to help offset negative impacts of petroleum. Engineers are encouraged to take larger leadership roles within companies and outside of work.
exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportu... more exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportunity to exploit people in sex industries, while international travel provides consistent demand and a sense of anonymity to the practices. Sex tourism generates billions of dollars annually, and some national economies are partially dependent upon illicit proceeds from sex, including those relating to exploitation of children. Domestic and international laws have been established to protect children in theory, but in reality the industries proliferate, some with the assistance of law enforcement personnel. This article focuses on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) group as a major supplier of illicit sexual services involving minors. Americans and Canadians are considered major consumers of those services. Relevant literature is reviewed along with international legal conventions, psycho-social theory, economic and crime statistics. Domestic laws from the 12 nations studied are compared. The potential to change social conditions from outside of a targeted group is discussed and a dynamic new approach to the problem is introduced.
In this, the third installment of the Legal Navel Gazing series, Dr. T continues to bridge gaps a... more In this, the third installment of the Legal Navel Gazing series, Dr. T continues to bridge gaps across disciplines with the aim of getting to the other side before the bridge is burned by malefactors mentioned throughout the piece. This episode follows parts 1 & 2 with their inclusion of artistic points of view and music lyrics. Dr. T also added some of his original poetry to this edition.
A class project that turned into an indictment of various fallacies at play in educational “theor... more A class project that turned into an indictment of various fallacies at play in educational “theory” which isn’t a theory but rather hypothesis long since falsified.
This article presents a mixed-methods, interdisciplinary study on educational policy and practice... more This article presents a mixed-methods, interdisciplinary study on educational policy and practice, with the aim of offering solutions to fossilized problems extant across the United States' elementary and secondary schools. Analysis of historical Supreme Court decisions and statutes show trends over the latter-half of the twentieth century. Linguistic comparisons of two milestone revisions of 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, No Child Left Behind and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), show Congress granted more flexibility and authority to local districts and states under ESSA, which reflected trends in Supreme Court opinions over several decades. Comparative statistical analysis of state ESSA plans discovered zero states met interim or long-term academic achievement targets. Sources show American education law intersects with civil and human rights, but public policy and practice have yet to demonstrate consistent adherence to such emergent and enduring principles. In response to failures and shortcomings, policy recommendations include student and teacher Bills of Rights, cross-curricular assessment systems, redefining "proficiency", and enhanced collaboration among stakeholders in education.
A different view of theories of law, issues at-law, legal environments; social, economic, cultura... more A different view of theories of law, issues at-law, legal environments; social, economic, cultural, and political inputs. This file is the edited, merged version of three prior works under the same Legal Navel Gazing title. At once a serious piece of legal scholarship and entertainment piece, the book blends culture, science, and law. Music and entertainment media tie together various quasi-autonomous parts of a unified theory of law, personality, and society. The work bridges gaps between the individual and collective. Part III includes original poetry and strong recommendations for American law aimed at continual improvement under a scientific system of laws that takes into consideration nuanced, complex interconnectivities among all people, from deep within the individual to the furthest reaches of the human population. Peace is the ultimate objective, which requires economic opportunities, civil and human rights that are actionable against intrusion. Law is the connective tissue in the body human as market order presupposes legal order.
The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers fr... more The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers from around the world access, copy, and share with relative ease. Data and qualitative reviews suggest infringement is ubiquitous in the streaming and downloading domain. The current approach to copyright enforcement places undue burdens on copyright owners who cannot economically advance claims against millions of individual users. Poorly constructed copyright laws and misguided Court decisions have left rights-holders with too few remedies against commercial entities involved in the storage, retrieval, transmission, access, and streaming of their works. A five-year exploratory and observational study were conducted to discover facts about online pirate media, how services function, how companies make money, and how they skirt around laws prohibiting unauthorized commercial exploitation of copyright. Sites discovered had multimillion-dollar valuations and annual revenues, mostly derived from third-party advertise-
The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers fr... more The internet is a treasure chest of infringing or "pirated" entertainment media, which viewers from around the world access, copy, and share with relative ease. Data and qualitative reviews suggest infringement is ubiquitous in the streaming and downloading domain. The current approach to copyright enforcement places undue burdens on copyright owners who cannot economically advance claims against millions of individual users. Poorly constructed copyright laws and misguided Court decisions have left rights-holders with too few remedies against commercial entities involved in the storage, retrieval, transmission, access, and streaming of their works. A five-year exploratory and observational study were conducted to discover facts about online pirate media, how services function, how companies make money, and how they skirt around laws prohibiting unauthorized commercial exploitation of copyright. Sites discovered had multimillion-dollar valuations and annual revenues, mostly derived from third-party advertise-
This study surveyed 135 individuals, of which 68 were native English speakers and 67 were native ... more This study surveyed 135 individuals, of which 68 were native English speakers and 67 were native Thai speakers. Respondents answered questions on issues related to human trafficking, its causes, and potential solutions. Statistical tests showed significant variance in opinions between language and other groups regarding factors associated with trafficking and regarding the potential impacts of the legalization of prostitution. Thai responses reflected collectivist cultural perceptions, while English responses reflected more individualistic views. Males and English speakers were most likely to think legalized prostitution would lead to a reduction in human trafficking while females and Thai speakers were most likely to believe legalized prostitution would increase trafficking.
This study surveys 156 Saudi male and 131 Saudi female students in their first year at King Faisa... more This study surveys 156 Saudi male and 131 Saudi female students in their first year at King Faisal University in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Demographic data is collected along with quantitative data using a self-reporting Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) with a 5-point Likert scale. English performance data is collected via course grades. Comparisons are made between genders, majors, course levels and academic terms using ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Correlations and regression assess relationships between FLCA and English performance. Results show moderate levels of FLCA and moderate, negative correlations with performance. Further qualitative data is collected in the form of feedback from foreign English instructors and university administration. Qualitative data is compared to prior research and results from the quantitative study in order to ensure reliability. The discussion and conclusion leads to recommendations for teachers and administrators with the intent of reducing FLCA and increasing educational opportunity.
German courts authorized the Crown Prince of Thailand's airplane to be impounded in pursuit of co... more German courts authorized the Crown Prince of Thailand's airplane to be impounded in pursuit of compensation from a case decided by an international arbitral tribunal in 2009. The arbitral tribunal decided in favor of an insolvent German construction firm, Walter Bau AG, which was contracted as part of a group of companies in the Kingdom of Thailand to build and operate a tollway in Bangkok starting in the late 1980s. The business deal quickly went bad, and by the end of arbitration nearly €30 million was awarded to Walter Bau AG, by then in liquidation. Thailand temporarily defaulted on payment. Violations of international law and business custom had occurred, though some crafty politics and diplomacy solved the problem quickly after the Crown was involved. In view of the difficulties that the Claimant encountered while collecting its award, it is clear that some resolutions are necessary to protect the integrity of the international system and some additions to the enforcement mechanism would be favorable.
This article reflects upon effects of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and related treat... more This article reflects upon effects of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and related treaties since their inception, with a focus on the ASEAN group. Literature, legal and statistical review and analyses show successes and failures on several points: nutrition, child soldiers, child sexual exploitation, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, child labour, violence, and education. The research found abuse of children's rights is high enough to warrant serious concern. Violations of rights both come from and lead to deep poverty, leaving the ASEAN community vulnerable in the present and future. Creative, aggressive policy changes are promoted while universal acceptance and enforcement of children's rights, like any human rights, are likely to succeed or fail due to actions or inactions in smaller social segments and communities.
focuses on intellectual property disputes with a dual aim of proposing ways to improve time and c... more focuses on intellectual property disputes with a dual aim of proposing ways to improve time and cost efficiencies in existing dispute resolution processes, and to develop new systems. Litigation and arbitration are reviewed for their strengths and weaknesses. Arbitration has weaknesses including the mutual consent requirement, lack of appeal, absence of a system of case law, and jurisdictional variations relating to arbitrability of certain IP disputes. However, advantages of arbitration such as confidentiality, international applicability under the New York Convention, limited discovery, and use of specialized tribunals support a recommendation of arbitration as the better method.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are essential to functioning economies. Nearly all nations ad... more Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are essential to functioning economies. Nearly all nations adopt treaties and enact statutes supporting IPRs. Moderate uniformity is found in legislative branches, but actions from executive and judicial branches vary among cultures, traditions and nations. Piracy and counterfeiting, both online and in physical markets, are prevalent within and between States, necessitating new and enhanced enforcement partnerships. Most research on the subject focuses on Eastern production and physical market counterfeiting rather than Western consumption and internet piracy. This article addresses IP enforcement problems among Eastern and Western nations. A survey is taken of Western consumers in a Thai physical market, and an inquiry into infringing websites is made.Game theory helps analyze the IP protection environment. A more realistic approach to international IPR enforcement is advocated, one including ex officio action and a new online copyright dispute resolution system resembling UDRP.
Thailand boasts a robust English as second language ESL/EFL system in both public and private sch... more Thailand boasts a robust English as second language ESL/EFL system in both public and private schools, where students learn various subjects from native speakers in the English language. Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is a subject that is relevant to ESL instruction and learning. This study assesses associations between FLCA and academic performance in English and maths subjects at a Thai government school that is in its second year of employing native English speaking teachers. Four-hundred-and-twenty-four students were administered FLCA surveys, which were compared to English and maths exams. Moderate-high FLCA levels were found in the sample, with no difference between an immersion group and non-immersion groups. A weak, negative correlation (r =-.163 was found between FLCA and English performance). Thai language maths exam scores were significantly better than English language maths exam scores. No correlation between FLCA and maths performance was found.
This article focuses on the past, present, and future of environments in the Association of South... more This article focuses on the past, present, and future of environments in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as the region moves toward the 2015 launch of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Policies and data are compared between the ten nations in the group and with others such as the United States, Australia, and European Union (EU) members. Opportunities to promote and support expansion of renewable energies are explored alongside factors constraining green growth initiatives. Climate science and statistical analyses are used to bolster recommendations in favor of implementation of new environmental legislation such as a regional cap-and-trade mechanism and carbon tax. A holistic approach to environmental protec-tionism is proposed in consideration of conflicting economic and scientific interests, which have resulted in poor enforcement of existing regulations.
This article endorses arbitration as a superior dispute resolution method (DRM) for construction ... more This article endorses arbitration as a superior dispute resolution method (DRM) for construction disputes. The study takes an 5 interdisciplinary approach with the aim of assisting professionals to develop new construction business strategies to react to recent and 6 ongoing financial difficulties, which increase the importance of reducing legal costs and time spent in dispute resolution procedures. 7 Litigation and arbitration are briefly compared. Expert opinions and academic studies support arbitration. American (federal and state) and 8 Canadian case law is reviewed to advocate arbitration and provide information with respect to conflicts of laws. Treaties and implementing 9 statutes support more universal acceptance of arbitration, although some American state laws pose difficulties, which are noted. Alternative 10 dispute resolution methods (ADRMs), such as mediation, negotiation, and adjudication, are considered options for predispute phases,
Civil engineers are instrumental in developing industries and economies. Engineers have direct in... more Civil engineers are instrumental in developing industries and economies. Engineers have direct influence on company systems, which in turn shape broader society. Sustainability and environmental and social responsibility are explicit goals of corporations, communities , and professional organizations like the American Society of Civil Engineers. The oil industry has significant effects on sustainability. Risk-taking petroleum companies have frequently failed to ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental codes, leading to costly disputes and stalling sustainability. Engineers are in a position to help change habits from within corporations and support expansion of external projects aimed at offsetting negative impacts from petroleum. This article examines current and future oil markets, risk analysis, safety and health issues, legal disputes, and theories of sustainability. Corporations are expected to implement improved internal safety and prevention systems. Community involvement in sustainability projects is projected to help offset negative impacts of petroleum. Engineers are encouraged to take larger leadership roles within companies and outside of work.
exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportu... more exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportunity to exploit people in sex industries, while international travel provides consistent demand and a sense of anonymity to the practices. Sex tourism generates billions of dollars annually, and some national economies are partially dependent upon illicit proceeds from sex, including those relating to exploitation of children. Domestic and international laws have been established to protect children in theory, but in reality the industries proliferate, some with the assistance of law enforcement personnel. This article focuses on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) group as a major supplier of illicit sexual services involving minors. Americans and Canadians are considered major consumers of those services. Relevant literature is reviewed along with international legal conventions, psycho-social theory, economic and crime statistics. Domestic laws from the 12 nations studied are compared. The potential to change social conditions from outside of a targeted group is discussed and a dynamic new approach to the problem is introduced.
In this, the third installment of the Legal Navel Gazing series, Dr. T continues to bridge gaps a... more In this, the third installment of the Legal Navel Gazing series, Dr. T continues to bridge gaps across disciplines with the aim of getting to the other side before the bridge is burned by malefactors mentioned throughout the piece. This episode follows parts 1 & 2 with their inclusion of artistic points of view and music lyrics. Dr. T also added some of his original poetry to this edition.
The follow-up second level of navel-gazing in the legal context - this booklet delves deeper into... more The follow-up second level of navel-gazing in the legal context - this booklet delves deeper into philosophical and methodological underpinnings of legal systems and traditions. Ontological and epistemological differences are discussed within and between nations. Varied notions of deontologies among cultures and peoples yields a pluralistic world - and in come cases, country - where it is difficult to establish and maintain order though desperately needed.
Topics include mass incarceration; associations of class and caste with legislation and justice outcomes; legal history; the intersection of economics, law, and politics; potential and constraints of legal systems; and agency among the population in effecting realistic change at grassroots levels.
This draft discusses metaphysical origins of legal theory with a twist. Music and entertainment m... more This draft discusses metaphysical origins of legal theory with a twist. Music and entertainment media culture frame the context within which popular political and legal evolution has occurred since the Civil Rights era. There is scarcely any activity human's engage in that is not the object of some law or regulation. Similarly, people listen to music almost constantly. As the quality and substance of music in Billboard's top 100 declined, so too has political activism and social messaging. The narratives we soak up with our earbuds in also popup in our political conquests, which have turned a corner and are presently careening down a shoddily-maintained path, to where? Chapters review some mystical elements and abstract precepts imbued in earlier musical works that inspired collective action for peace, love, and equality. Weaving through epochs and occupational disciplines, diverging from arts to math and science, and converging back in the realm of professional legal research, the pamphlet attempts to redirect the distracted morass that dominates our current circumstance. The aim is to combine some lay-topics, have some fun, discuss some history and religion, and wrap up all these disparate topics into a message of hope and inspiration for the future.
This article posits the international legal order has fundamentally broken down. A range of gover... more This article posits the international legal order has fundamentally broken down. A range of government, private, and academic sources depict a world where corporate power is ascendant, individual human rights are stagnant and under threat by both private and public institutions, and governments are disinterested in transparently and thoroughly performing their treaty obligations. Central to the systemic breakdown assertion is the interdependency of what may appear as discrete or independent areas of law – private and public, domestic and international, human rights, environmental – and sectors of scalable local, national, regional, and global economies. Idiosyncratic state conduct and uneven compliance with fundamentals of international law support the theme. Numerous examples from dozens of countries, and the United States in particular, illustrate a pluralistic status quo where wealthy and powerful actors disregard rule of law, instead relying on corrupt practices and antiquated rules of force.
A stranger-than-fiction set of tall tales from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. War stories, romance, ... more A stranger-than-fiction set of tall tales from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. War stories, romance, mystery, intrigue, corrupt local officials, a pervert cop, at least one philandering patent attorney, a couple celebrities, various Nurse Ratchets and Dr Feelbad. Poetry, rhymes, battle raps that may have provoked Detroit’s own bleach-blonde MTV psycho. At least some of it is true. Originally written in Thailand & China to friends by email then posted on MySpace in 2005-06. Quickly edited in 2009, printed and sent to US Consulate in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Distributed again to friends and random strangers in publishing from Saudi Arabia in 2014-2020. Zero f——s given by those governments, their agents, or employers in those foreign countries. The US government cared nada. However, since American private entities and individuals effectively curtail free expression via mass tortfeasor violations of first amendment rights, and companies otherwise restrict speech with professional sanctions/blacklisting/demonetization/exclusion, the book is available by request only. Whereas banned topics of speech and expression are known abroad, such transparency is not present in native English speaking countries; since oligarchic abridgment of speech is easily accomplished by blocking employment or advancement opportunity, depriving income or other monetary gain, the author prefers to keep the main document private. That said, there are great stories, meaningful lessons, insightful poetry and philosophy, and high comedy in the Electric Suite. Upon a reading, Zane Kesey called the author “a Merry Prankster”, which might not mean much to many people but meant the world to the author. In the spirit of Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Ken Kesey, Alan Ginsberg, and other such men, the book makes light of heavy issues and makes fun because sometimes there just ain’t any for sale, so people gotta make their own if they want to have any fun at all. Make a request for the text. You’ll laugh, maybe cry, certainly think and have a different view of some things by the end.
For full text, email [email protected] with "The Electric Suite" in subject line.
Author will reply with PDF
*Fun fact, this was written in Thailand and China in 2006-7, posted on MySpace & sent out via ema... more *Fun fact, this was written in Thailand and China in 2006-7, posted on MySpace & sent out via email broadly at that time. The dialect chapters were later narrated and distributed while living in Saudi Arabia. If the CCP and Saudi government had no trouble letting it go, nobody in the Western world should have much to say about its mere existence, nor "morality" or "appropriateness", or anything like that. #FreeToWriteThoughts
It's high tide on the Sea of Mind in this adult cartoon book that lacks illest-rations since the illest-rater died before he could doodle out the mind of the writer or tap into the Dereliction Landscape (DL) from when this set of monkey tales came. Thespianage at the Bustin Suds Shampoo & Spy Service Agency sends various primate to their bananamobiles, bananabikes, and other banana transport out to spots in the Sea of Mind & DL in search of nemesis "Uhn" - a shape shifting creature whose escapades had been the bane of Agents X, A, O, and H for quite some time. Featuring a cast of original nonhuman characters. Plus dialect chapters about matters pertinent to the mission and vision of the literary circle known as the Merry Pranksters. Get back on that bus and ride, my friends.
Papers by Adam Tanielian
Drafts by Adam Tanielian
Topics include mass incarceration; associations of class and caste with legislation and justice outcomes; legal history; the intersection of economics, law, and politics; potential and constraints of legal systems; and agency among the population in effecting realistic change at grassroots levels.
For full text, email [email protected] with "The Electric Suite" in subject line.
Author will reply with PDF
It's high tide on the Sea of Mind in this adult cartoon book that lacks illest-rations since the illest-rater died before he could doodle out the mind of the writer or tap into the Dereliction Landscape (DL) from when this set of monkey tales came. Thespianage at the Bustin Suds Shampoo & Spy Service Agency sends various primate to their bananamobiles, bananabikes, and other banana transport out to spots in the Sea of Mind & DL in search of nemesis "Uhn" - a shape shifting creature whose escapades had been the bane of Agents X, A, O, and H for quite some time. Featuring a cast of original nonhuman characters. Plus dialect chapters about matters pertinent to the mission and vision of the literary circle known as the Merry Pranksters. Get back on that bus and ride, my friends.