? ?
09 April 2013 @ 07:17 pm
We've been working on putting out a surprise release for our readers since the end of March. Those of you who have been following oofuri for the past few years will know about this. Chiisaku Furikabutte, lit. “Small Windup”, was published in Feb-Aug 2011 Afternoon issues between the tankobon publications of volumes 15 and 16 and during the 2011 hiatus, and it is a series of specials about the lives of Oofuri characters. You can go ahead and read it even if you're worried about continuity/spoilers as it fits in the “before there was Oofuri...” timeline. We know there are already some scanlations, but please give us a read, too. We've included scanlations of all four specials in one file (with our new credits page!) and increased the height to 1400px due to the raws + amount of text. The last one says there may be a continuation, but to my knowledge, one does not exist, so this is a completed series.

Chiifuri has only run in Afternoon and has not been included in any volumes to date, so without the magazine raws, this could have never happened. Thank you, herongale from oofuri! (You can find the raws in that community's resources.)

Please see our masterpost for our policies, volume batch links, mirrors, status updates, etc.

PS. If anyone wants to help increase our hosting space for free, please sign up for and install Dropbox - this is free, 100% safe, and you can delete it later if you don't want it.
Here's the triple-joint release we did with Random Scans and amberlovepj, who we know as narwhaltorte.

If you've been following RS, Amber was out of commission for a while and they needed a script TLC just at the time RS and I started talking about our resurrection, so you'll something different on their credits page this time - jinu13 and I (dv) did TLC and QC, respectively. Thanks to jinu13 for pinch hitting a homer, and Random Scans and amberlovepj for providing a full battery of work.

Edit! Mediafire has fixed their insanity and given back our 50gb, but we'd love the help of installing Dropbox with our referral link - this is free, 100% safe, and you can delete it later if you don't want it.

(Please note: Chapter 59 is chapter 29 in volume 16. This is a temporary joint for the chapter, and the team is currently focusing on the work we already have done for volumes 14-15. You won't see the sfx translated/redrawn as we usually do for this chapter, as RS was our leadoff hitter this inning. As always, you can see our status in the work progress post.)
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A (midnight) surprise! It's been almost two years, so I don't think anyone's noticed the work progress/downloads/recruitment page was being updated, with new mirrors, fixed broken links, and progress. We've been quietly coming back to life for just over a week now, sorting things out and getting that last bit of work for 25C done. Loads of thanks to our active members who all pulled their weight (and sometimes more). I cannot express how amazing it feels to come out from the woodwork and see other members emerge, too! We are refreshed and thrumming with life, like the perfection that is Mihashi's face on page 145! (One of the little pleasures of scanlation/spending so much time on each chapter, haha.) Our deepest apologies for the unexpected hiatus and I hope readers will enjoy our work. Download the fruits of our labour! If anyone wants to help increase our hosting space for free, please sign up for an account at/install mediafire and dropbox - this is free, 100% safe, and you can delete it later if you don't want it.

We'd welcome a translator if anyone is willing and good! ([email protected])

As always, please leave a comment if there's a problem/questions.

ETA. Old policies still stand - please (1) link to us instead of creating your own links to our files and (2) allow us to update mangaupdates + batoto so we can handle any issues.

(PS. I understand it's out of good will, but please don't notify us about Random Scans/Amberlovepj. We are aware, have spoken and will continue to communicate, and nothing negative has occurred, let alone worries about work being stolen, interfered with, etc.)
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Feelin': accomplished
23 January 2012 @ 01:34 pm
I know this isn't really for personal things, but it concerns our very good friend, the internet. As you all know, MU (which involved no one from the US, no servers in the US) was taken down by the FBi on the 20th and countless uploads are now lost...

MegaUpload - Closed.
FileServe - Closing, does not sell premium.
FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S..
UploadStation - Locked in the U.S..
FileSonic - the news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).
VideoBB - Closed! Will disappear soon.
Uploaded - Banned in the U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.
FilePost - Deleting all material (will leave executables, pdfs, txts)
Videoz - Closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.
4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors. Pro FBI
Org Torrent - Could vanish with everything within 30 days “he is under criminal investigation”
Network Share mIRC - Awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrente everything.
Koshiki - Operating 100% Japan will not join the SOPA / PIPA
Shienko Box - 100% working China / Korea will not join the SOPA / PIPA
ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOPA / PIPA

And PSA, taken from Forbes:

ACTA contains global IP provisions as restrictive or worse than anything contained in SOPA and PIPA.

ACTA spans virtually all of the developed world, threatening the freedom of the internet as well as access to medication and food. The threat is every bit as real for those countries not involved in the process as the signatories themselves.
ACTA has already been signed by many countries including the US, but requires ratification in the EU parliament and the US Senate.
The entire monstrosity has been negotiated behind closed doors and kept secret from the public. Technocrats, beholden to the deep pockets of the entertainment lobby, have masked the agreement behind the misnomer of “anti-counterfeiting” when in fact it goes much, much further.
If you thought SOPA would break the internet, ACTA is much worse. And it could become law across the global economy without so much as a murmur of opposition.

Worse still, it’s not alone. Even more restrictive provisions exist in another trade agreement currently being hammered out by various nations.

White House Petition:!/petition/end-acta-and-protect-our-right-privacy-internet/MwfSVNBK
International Petition:

Support US politians who support you:
28 September 2011 @ 01:04 am
Hello, all!

If you've been wondering about all the hold up in the last year, it's because we desperately need more help in the typesetting/cleaning department. Take the test and email us at [email protected].

For cleaning, we need to get from here to there.

Redrawing sfx is preferred since it needs to be done in typesetting anyway, but if you can't, just leave a quick note (ex. "not editing sfx/need help w/sfx"). Huge, page-wide SFX don't need to be edited since they are huge and page-wide.

For typesetting, just follow instructions in the document.

We all want to get to volume 17 as soon as possible, so please apply to help out!
16 June 2011 @ 12:04 am
After six months of nothing, we present...chapter 25B! Head on over to our release post to download and enjoy! If there's any issues, please let us know!

Let us apologize for the incredibly delay in the release of this chapter (which in turn held up releases of later chapters, as well) - We have been through a lot these past months, including a bunch of personnel changes. We're hoping that, from this point on, we can bring you more scanslated Oofuri, without taking six months to do so :P

You can do your part to help, as well. If you'd like to help us bring more and more Oofuri to fellow fans, please direct your attention to our recruitment page in the release. We are looking for anyone who is willing to work. Just contact us through e-mail, and we'll get back to you! Experience is NOT necessary, though it is preferred.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support! We hope that we can prove ourselves worthy of it in the future! ♥
13 December 2010 @ 01:53 am
Release time! Head on over to our release page to download! :)

If there's any problems, please don't hesitate to let us know! Thanks for everything! ♥
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09 November 2010 @ 10:10 am
Hey, hey! Chapter 24D has been released! Head to our release post to download.

If there's any problems, please let us know, and we'll fix it as soon as possible!
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23 September 2010 @ 06:23 pm
Unfortunately, there was a problem with the .zip files that were uploaded yesterday. A few pages had been accidentally left out.

The problem should be fixed now, so please head on over to our release post to re/download the COMPLETE Chapter 24C :)

Sorry for the inconvenience ♥ and thank you for your patience!
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22 September 2010 @ 09:52 pm
After a very long wait, Chapter 24C is now available in the release post.

We are actively looking for typesetters at the moment, so please leave us a comment if you're interested or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

We definitely want to get you the best quality as quickly as possible, but we need your help to do so! If you're interested in helping us at all, do let us know.

Our new friends, [franky family], are in need of translators. Swing by if you're interested!
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02 May 2010 @ 10:59 am
Chapter 24B is now available in the release post.

We are actively looking for Japanese to English translators at the moment, so please leave us a comment if you're interested or e-mail [email protected] for more information.
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16 March 2010 @ 11:11 pm
Chapter 24A is now available in the release post.

We are actively looking for Japanese to English translators at the moment, so please leave us a comment if you're interested or visit the recruitment section.

EDIT. Just realized this was f-locked, sorry! We actually released it on the 16th. XP
20 February 2010 @ 05:37 pm
Chapter 23D is now available in the release post.

We are actively looking for typesetters at the moment, so please leave us a comment if you're interested or visit the recruitment section.

That's it for volume 12, guys. We'll see you all for volume 13! ^^

EDIT. nice_pitching is now separating its doujinshi and manga departments. We will be working on the manga, whereas nice_sawa will be the doujinshi group. Take a look at our sister group's projects, run by the hardworking zeroleonx, who started NP's manga division and has been providing us with excellent tank raws! Oofuri, onward ho! ⇒

EDIT 2. Thanks for the reply on typesetting! Now... any translators out there willing to help?
11 January 2010 @ 01:25 am
Chapter 23C is now available in the release post. We hope you enjoy it!

nice_pitching is cheerleading for novel_koushien this spring in their efforts to bring the fandom a ton of fantastic Oofuri fic and art.

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24 December 2009 @ 03:01 pm
Hey, hey, hey!

It's been a long time coming, but chapter 23B has been released! Consider this our Christmas gift from us to you guys who support us :)

Head over to our release post to download it.

Hope you enjoy!
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