Papers by Snežana Milosavljević Milić
Србистика данас – зборник научних радова

The interpretation of a literary character in the context of the distinction between the multiple... more The interpretation of a literary character in the context of the distinction between the multiple storyworlds is connected with the phenomenon of “transfictionality” (Saint–Gelais 2005). When the same characters inhabit more possible worlds, they become travelling narrative individuals. If they originate as a ‘transfer’ of real historical persons through different fictional and non-fictional genres, “real individuals” represent extratextual versions (Margolin 1997, Dannenberg 2008). We refer to intertextual versions in case of variants of unreal individuals in different fictional genres. When we talk about variants of characters within a text created due to “travels” of characters from realistic to fantastic worlds, or through many virtual worlds, then we refer to intratextual versions. Our starting hypothesis is that transgressiveness of a character is an immanent characteristic of heroes in fantastic fictional worlds, regardless of the type of the fantastic. Modification appears a...

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The change of methodological paradigms, introduced by postclassical narratology and especially it... more The change of methodological paradigms, introduced by postclassical narratology and especially its cognitivist orientation, has thus far not reflected on the phenomenon of atmosphere. This is somewhat surprising, if we consider that the contemporary conceptualization of atmosphere and the increased interest in the questions it brings forth arise from new phenomenology and phenomenological aesthetics, fields that have directly initiated the development of postclassical narratology. Starting with the phenomenological concept of atmosphere of M. Merleau-Ponty and H. Schmitz (atmosphere as an ecstasy of experience, a specific modus of presence with a quasi-objective and inter-subjective status fitting into the extra-linguistic framework, atmospheric perception as seizing the surfaceless space) and the aesthetic relevance of the concept (G. Böhme, T. Griffero, E. Fischer-Lichte), this article presents the terminological instability and semantic vagueness of atmosphere and related terms w...

Slavica Wratislaviensia
The katabasis motif and the narratological notion of the storyworldThe article analyzes the motiv... more The katabasis motif and the narratological notion of the storyworldThe article analyzes the motive of katabasis related to the notion of the storyworld as the dominant methodological frame in the field of postclassical and cognitive narratology. Bearing in mind the criteria of authentication Doležel 1998, alternativity Ryan 1991, ontological difference Pavel 1986 and narrative extension Herman 2002, the author analyzes the descent into the underworld. Also, this kind of journey is considered in the context of the transfictional identity of literary characters. The properties of narratives with katabasis are considered in three different literary texts, with regard to their poetics and genres qualities: in the folktale The Faithful Brother, in the short story The Wind by Laza Lazarević, and in the drama The Eternity by Branislav Nušić. The mythological and archetypal layers of katabasis demonstrate its significant narrative potential when it comes to storyworld multiplications and tr...
Papers by Snežana Milosavljević Milić