Papers by Nikoleta Momcilovic
Универзитет у Београду, Jul 2, 2018

Facta Universitatis, Feb 27, 2018
New technologies provide significant logistical support to contemporary learning process, particu... more New technologies provide significant logistical support to contemporary learning process, particularly in the field of university education. Students, as part of the youth population in the process of education, use new media technologies daily, among which an important place belongs to Facebook. Although Facebook is not characterised as a technology through which one learns, and is primarily used for communication and exchange of information, a number of research point to the importance of Facebook as a logistic support to the learning process. The main objective of the research was to determine students' opinions on how they use Facebook in learning and sharing information important to learn the German language in the process of university studying. The study included 120 students of Faculty of Philosophy, who learn German as a second foreign language. Data obtained from the research confirmed that students use Facebook to share information related to exams, to exchange translation and other specialised texts in German. As for study purposes, the results of the research show that students mostly use Facebook for information sharing in the field of experience exchange with older colleagues, and least for the exchange of scientific articles. Research findings indicate that the surveyed students recognised Facebook as a significant support in learning the German language. As a recommendation, the need for greater use of new media for learning and for providing adequate logistics of the learning process stands out, which is particularly important in the current reform of higher education.

Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 2019
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Einstellungen der Deutschlehrenden z... more Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Einstellungen der Deutschlehrenden zu den zwischensprachlichen Einflüssen, beziehungsweise zum Wissens- und Strategientransfer aus dem Serbischen als Muttersprache (L1) und dem Englischen als erste Fremdsprache (L2) auf das Lernen des Deutschen als zweite Fremdsprache (L3), die bei Tertiärsprachenlernenden beobachtet werden. Außerdem wird die Einbeziehung anderer Sprachen und Strategien durch die Deutschlehrenden im L3-Deutschunterricht untersucht. Der theoretische Rahmen dieser Arbeit stellt die Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik dar, in deren Basis die Erkenntnisse der Psycholinguistik über die Rolle des mentalen Lexikons und des Transfers beim multiplen Spracherwerb liegen. Sprachen und Kulturwerte sind in unserem Gedächtnis eng verbunden und in ständiger Interaktion. Der L3-Deutschunterricht ermöglicht gegenseitige Unterstützung und Ergänzung der verwandten Sprachen, Englisch und Deutsch, aber auch der Muttersprache. Die Ergebn...
Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature, Jul 12, 2016
At the level of the clause as representation we reconsider the proposition of Systemic Functional... more At the level of the clause as representation we reconsider the proposition of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) that there exists continuity between grammar and lexis. In English and German clauses, we shall examine verbal derivatives formed through prefixation with regard to the process types they actualize in the clauses. Prefixation involves the modification of the semantic properties of the base, which requires different configurations of semantic roles in a clause in functional terms. The idea that lexicogrammar is a core of the wording of the clause will be examined in relation to morphologically induced semantic modification resulting in the change in Transitivity configurations with different process types actualized by the base and the verbal derivative.

This paper reports on the motivation for enrolment and the students’ attitudes at the Faculty of ... more This paper reports on the motivation for enrolment and the students’ attitudes at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš regarding the German language and literature study programme. The aim of the research was obtaining concrete data which will serve as the basis for its improvement. An anonymous survey was conducted from June to September 2021. The research sample included 55 students in the first, second and third year. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that among all the surveyed students intrinsic motivation predominates as regards the choice of the German language and literature study programme. As indicated in the findings, the interest in the German language and their desire to master it well were at the top of the list of motivating factors. Half of the students enrolled in their studies in order to work as German language teachers. The students’ suggestions indicate the need to introduce more professional translation and practice in presentation and public speak...

Intensive development of new media poses new challenges in learning and teaching foreign language... more Intensive development of new media poses new challenges in learning and teaching foreign languages. A number of tools and online materials that support the development of language skills are available for university teachers and students. The emergence of online dictionaries significantly changed the translation process, which is for today's students faster, easier, and daily available on mobile devices such as phones, laptops, tablets. The main objective of this paper is to explore students' opinions about the use of online dictionaries for learning the German language. The research sample consists of students from the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis who study German as a second foreign language. A structured interview was used as an instrument for data collection; processing and data analysis was done by descriptive statistics. The results obtained confirm the initial hypothesis that the students use online dictionaries in learning the German language. The largest number of s...

The rapid and intense development of new media brought about a significant change in foreign lang... more The rapid and intense development of new media brought about a significant change in foreign language learning, acquiring and developing language proficiency of students. Changing the paradigm of learning a foreign language under the influence of cyberspace, provides the potential for successful mastering of educational content in the field of language and language skills such as grammar, reading, writing, pronunciation, listening, speaking and culture. The use of new media for learning a foreign language is very frequent in young people, especially in developed countries, while in Serbia, these issues are still insufficiently investigated. Consequently, the main objective of this study is aimed at testing students' opinions on the use of new media, especially online materials that support successful learning of German language. The main survey instrument was a structured interview, which was carried out on a selected sample of students of Faculty of Philosophy in Nis (N = 40) w...

There is no doubt that university students represent a population that is particularly sensitized... more There is no doubt that university students represent a population that is particularly sensitized to the use of social networks, including Facebook, as the most popular. Students usually use Facebook for the purposes of entertainment, but also for communication and gaining new information that promotes and enhance the quality of the learning process in different areas. A large number of studies in developed countries indicate the benefits of Facebook in the area of cooperative learning and the exchange of information and learning materials in social, technical sciences, as well as in the sciences of language. Consequently, the aim of this study is to determine students' attitudes about using Facebook for learning German as a foreign language. Data obtained on a selected sample of 110 students of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Law, University of Nis, who learn German as a foreign language, confirmed the initial hypothesis that Facebook provides significant support t...

Intensive development of new media poses new challenges in learning and teaching foreign language... more Intensive development of new media poses new challenges in learning and teaching foreign languages. A number of tools and online materials that support the development of language skills are available for university teachers and students. The emergence of online dictionaries significantly changed the translation process, which is for today's students faster, easier, and daily available on mobile devices such as phones, laptops, tablets. The main objective of this paper is to explore students' opinions about the use of online dictionaries for learning the German language. The research sample consists of students from the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis who study German as a second foreign language. A structured interview was used as an instrument for data collection; processing and data analysis was done by descriptive statistics. The results obtained confirm the initial hypothesis that the students use online dictionaries in learning the German language. The largest number of students used online dictionaries for translation of texts necessary for the preparation of examinations or tests, while a much smaller number of respondents use online dictionaries for the purpose of translating technical texts or materials that are not related to study purposes. The survey data show that students are informed about the benefits of using online dictionaries, such as speed, availability, better understanding, remembering new words for longer periods, as well as about the limitations relating to the lack of reliability, accuracy and precision. Conclusion is that online dictionaries are integral and indispensable part of learning foreign languages and that their use in the future most certainly will be on the rise. In this context, as the recommendation, the greater use of online vocabularies in foreign language teaching at universities is stated, which is in line with the requirements for the modernization of higher education.
Papers by Nikoleta Momcilovic