Papers by Sven A Haugland
Page 1. Arbeidsnotat nr. 31/01 ENDREDE FORHOLD I NORSK MATVAREDISTRI BUSJON OG KONSEKVENSER FOR S... more Page 1. Arbeidsnotat nr. 31/01 ENDREDE FORHOLD I NORSK MATVAREDISTRI BUSJON OG KONSEKVENSER FOR STRATEGISK ORIENTERING av Hnvard Ness Sven A. Haugland SNF-prosjekt nr. 6075: "Verdikjedeorganisering ...
Vi valgte ikke å sammenlikne resultatene fra undersøkelsen i 1995 med resultatene fra denne under... more Vi valgte ikke å sammenlikne resultatene fra undersøkelsen i 1995 med resultatene fra denne undersøkelsen. En slik sammenlikning mellom utvalg på henholdsvis 7 og 95 bedrifter er lite hensiktsmessig. Sammenlikningen blir alt annet enn statistisk holdbar og den vil gi liten grad av mening. Vi kan derfor ikke stå inne for en slik sammenlikning av to så vidt forskjellige utvalg. 3 Utdrag fra disse referatene diskuteres under del 4.2.

Although there is growing awareness of the significance of learning and knowledge transfer in int... more Although there is growing awareness of the significance of learning and knowledge transfer in inter-firm collaboration, most studies have been at the firm or firm-to-firm level; few have investigated individual-level effects on learning and knowledge transfer. There is thus a gap in the literature on our understanding of micro-level issues. The individuals who are responsible for the day-to-day management of inter-firm collaboration are often referred to as boundary spanners. In this paper, we emphasize boundary spanners’ actions and interactions in learning and knowledge transfer between firms, and draw on theory of mind, particularly the concept of mentalizing skills. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework that examines the role of boundary spanners’ mentalizing skills, and posit a set of propositions that suggest how differences in mentalizing skills among boundary spanners may influence a firm’s ability to reveal the true intentions of its partner, identify the partner...

Journal of Business-to-business Marketing, Jan 2, 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose: This study adopts a relational perspective on reputation. We investigate how re... more ABSTRACT Purpose: This study adopts a relational perspective on reputation. We investigate how relationship characteristics impact a customer’s judgment of supplier reputation. We include characteristics at both the interfirm and interpersonal levels, and we additionally link these characteristics to interfirm trust in order to explore similarities and differences between reputation and interfirm trust. Methodology/approach: A survey was conducted among firms in the Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry. We assessed the measurement model and tested the hypotheses by applying LISREL. Findings: The results show that the customer’s dependence on the supplier, common knowledge, and interpersonal trust are positively related to reputation, while opportunism is negatively related to reputation. Reputation is positively linked to interfirm trust, and both reputation and interfirm trust impact the customer’s satisfaction with the supplier. Research implications: This study sheds light on the role of relational mechanisms in reputation formation. It suggests that reputation primarily consists of cognitive components, while interfirm trust consists of more affective components. Reputation is an important factor in developing interfirm trust. Practical implications: This study underscores the importance of a firm’s core relationships to customers for developing its reputation. Managers need to carefully develop their relationships to customers in such a way that these relationships are consistent with and confirm the reputation they want to build. Originality/value: The study supports the view that relational characteristics play important roles in the formation of reputation in business markets.

Denne avhandlingen vil gå naermere inn på hvordan transaksjoner mellom kjøper og selger gjennomfø... more Denne avhandlingen vil gå naermere inn på hvordan transaksjoner mellom kjøper og selger gjennomføres. Dette vil bli gjort med utgangspunkt i et kontraktsperspektiv der vi betrakter selve relasjonen mellom kjøper og selger som analyseenhet. Spesielt vil vi undersøke hvilke mekanismer som er til stede i relasjonen mellom aktørene for å iverksette, styre og kontrollere transaksjoner. Det sentrale i avhandlingen blir på den ene side å beskrive ulike typer mekanismer aktørene iverksetter for å gjennomføre transaksjoner. Dernest vil vi undersøke hvordan disse ulike styrings-og kontrollmekanismene påvirker samarbeidet mellom aktørene. Gjennomføring av transaksjoner er fundamentalt i økonomisk virksomhet. Arbeidsspesialisering fører til skille mellom produksjon og konsum. Dermed er det nødvendig å overføre varer og tjenster mellom økonomiske agenter. I mikroøkonomisk teori antar man at transaksjoner gjennomføres mellom agenter til betingelser som fastsettes på bakgrunn av markedsmekanismene.
Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, 2022

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Purpose This study aims to investigate how and to what extent structural network properties affec... more Purpose This study aims to investigate how and to what extent structural network properties affect dyadic negotiation behavior in tourism destination ecosystems. Specifically, this study addresses negotiation behavior in terms of problem-solving and contending, because these two key strategies reflect the integrative and distributive aspects of dyadic interactions. Design/methodology/approach This study relies on network data and dyadic survey data from nine mountain tourism destinations in Southeastern Norway. The structural network properties the authors research are triadic closure – the extent to which a dyad has common ties to other actors – and structural equivalence – the similarities in networking patterns that capture firms’ competition for similar resources. In addition, the authors also study a possible effect of relationship duration on negotiation behavior. Findings Triadic closure and relationship duration have positive effects on problem-solving, and structural equiva...
The study investigates alternative governance forms in the hotel industry. We analyze the choice ... more The study investigates alternative governance forms in the hotel industry. We analyze the choice among independently owned firms, voluntary chains, franchising, and vertically integrated chains. Based on agency theory, we argue that the need for control over service quality, financial risk, and the market environment affect the choice of governance form. Prior agency research emphasizes alternative governance structures employed by principals given local market conditions, agent incentives, and risk preferences. We augment the established principal-agent perspective with a discussion of agent motivations to join hotel alliances. Data from 650 hotels indicate that the number of service offerings, distance to headquarters, population, population density, and hotel scale influence governance.
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2005
ABSTRACT This study explores the interaction effect of bilateral dependence and relationship dura... more ABSTRACT This study explores the interaction effect of bilateral dependence and relationship duration on contractual coordination. In particular, the study compares how the allocation of specific assets, unilateral or mutual, affects contractual coordination across buyer–seller relationships with a short prior history as opposed to a long one. Data from a survey of 157 industrial purchasing relationships demonstrates that unilateral investments in specific assets by either the buyer or the supplier are more strongly supported by contractual coordination as the length of the relationship increases. On the other hand, contractual coordination of mutually deployed specific assets is significantly relaxed as relationships evolve over time.
The Journal of Socio-Economics, 1996
This paper focuses on cooperative and relationships in competitive markets. According to economic... more This paper focuses on cooperative and relationships in competitive markets. According to economic theory, stable relationships between buyer and seller should only emerge due to some kind of market deficiencies. However, our results suggest that buyer and seller cooperate and develop relationships in a com~titive market. In the international salmon industry, importers tend to concentrate their import on one or a few exporters only. However, the importers will occasionally buy salmon from other exporters. This observation indicates that both cooperation and competition will be present in a competitive market. For buyers and sellers there may be efficiency gains by both cooperating and being exposed to competition.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2009
This article focuses on antecedents of vertical integration. A model of vertical integration deri... more This article focuses on antecedents of vertical integration. A model of vertical integration derived from transaction cost economics and the resource-based view is tested empirically with data from the mechanical maintenance services market in the hydroelectricity industry. The results show that asset specificity and closeness to present competence are positively related to vertical integration, while tacit knowledge is negatively related to vertical integration. The positive interaction effect between asset specificity and closeness to present competence on vertical integration is also supported, indicating that the decisions on insourcing and outsourcing can benefit from using transaction cost economics and the resource-based view in tandem.

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2005
This study focuses on the use of contracts and governance mechanisms for handling complex procure... more This study focuses on the use of contracts and governance mechanisms for handling complex procurements involving several actors. We develop a contractual framework arguing that different combinations of incentives, authority and trust should be used to govern such procurements. The framework is applied to two complex procurement cases in the Norwegian oil and gas industry. The empirical findings show that incentives, authority and trust complement each other, and furthermore, that there is a complex interplay between the specific uses of the different mechanisms. We denote this interplay a multiplier effect. Multiplier effects have not previously been addressed in the literature, and this study contributes to our knowledge about inter-firm governance by showing that governance mechanisms affect each other. Proper use of one mechanism improves the use of other mechanisms, while inadequate use of one mechanism hampers the use of other mechanisms. r
Journal of Marketing Channels, 1993
ABSTRACT This study attempts to test a relational contracting model of distribution channels in t... more ABSTRACT This study attempts to test a relational contracting model of distribution channels in the context of the international salmon industry, using data from three successive channel levels. Relational contracting norms were found to be positively associated with channel cohesion, as defined by convergent perceptions across channel levels. Channel formalization was found to correlate positively and channel centralization correleated negatively with relational contracting norms of reliance, solidarity and mutuality. A contracting framework consistent with a political economy model is suggested for future channel studies.
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 1998
... Distribution channel efficiency is thus a question of implement-ing an efficient governance s... more ... Distribution channel efficiency is thus a question of implement-ing an efficient governance structure, ranging from market me-diated exchange to ... Here, trust and norms are important governance mecha-nisms, and the problem of governance is linked to the relationship ...
Journal of Business Research, 2010
This commentary article discusses the appropriateness of using the integration-responsiveness fra... more This commentary article discusses the appropriateness of using the integration-responsiveness framework for studying subsidiary management. The framework is frequently used and highly accepted in the international business literature, but the research contributions of applying the framework can be questioned. This commentary article discusses the applicability of the framework from a theoretical point of view, and furthermore, argues that it is difficult to empirically test subsidiary strategies and management based on hypotheses derived from the framework, and that the implications that can be drawn have limited theoretical content.
Journal of Business Research, 1999
... transaction cost economics, asset specificity is one reason for the buyer and seller to enter... more ... transaction cost economics, asset specificity is one reason for the buyer and seller to enter ... One difference between long-term and short-term relationships should be the degree of ... It is especially the interaction between asset specificity and uncertainty that makes it necessary for ...
International Business Review, 2011
This study examines the effects of transaction cost, strategic positioning and institutional fact... more This study examines the effects of transaction cost, strategic positioning and institutional factors on the governance of international relationships. A firm's product differentiation strategy and export market ethnocentricity are identified as antecedents to specific investments, whereas state influences in the export market are identified as an antecedent to relationship governance. The hypotheses are empirically tested on a sample of 160
European Journal of Marketing, 2011
... Sven A. Haugland, Department of Strategy and Management, Norwegian School of Economics and Bu... more ... Sven A. Haugland, Department of Strategy and Management, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway. ... and facets of relationship management on new product development (eg Hsuan, 1999; Primo and Amundson, 2002; Ritter and Walter ...
Papers by Sven A Haugland