Away For a Bit? Delegate Your Tasks in eRA Commons

March 4, 2025

Are you a signing official or principal investigator planning to be away from the office?  Do not let award management tasks pile up in your absence. Simply use the delegation feature in eRA Commons to allow others to act on your behalf. To accommodate scheduled absences and the need for assistance with award management tasks, delegation of specific duties and privileges are baked into the design of eRA Commons. 

NIH Issues New Resources for Implementing the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing

January 25, 2022

NIH continues to work with the research community to ensure we address resource needs associated with the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.  Today the NIH Office of Science Policy is releasing a new set of FAQs on questions we have heard over the past year, and are also seeking public comment on a new resource for researchers that promotes responsible management and sharing of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) participant data.

NIH Pre- and Post-Award Disclosures

January 11, 2022

Not sure whether a particular activity should be reported in the biosketch, other support, or annual project reports? Check out this new resource – NIH Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Other Support.

Extending Existing Guidance for Preparing Applications During COVID-19 

January 11, 2022

For Spring 2022 due dates, NIH recently extended the guidance that while grant applications should not include contingency or recovery plans for problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, investigators may address effects due to the pandemic on productivity or other scoreable issues in the personal statement of the biosketch. NIH also extended the special exception for post-submission material to applications submitted for the August/October 2022 Council rounds.

Pop Quiz! When Must You Use FORMS-G?

January 11, 2022

Make sure you are using the correct form version for your due date. Remember, the intended due date for your application determines the correct form version to use. If you are applying to a due date on or after January 25, 2022 you MUST use application forms with a FORMS-G Competition ID.