NIH is simplifying review for most research project grants starting on January 25, 2025. The new framework aims to better facilitate identifying the strongest, highest-impact research. This NIH All About Grants podcast episode will discuss a few facets of Simplified Review Framework (SRF) to keep in mind. We will hear directly from Drs. Stephanie Constant, NIH’s Review Policy Officer, and Lisa Steele, Chief of the Epidemiology and Population Health Branch within the NIH Center for Scientific Review. The conversation will touch on the new three review factors (based on the regulatory review criteria) what is changing or not, addressing reputational bias, available resources, and much more.
“This framework has taken the five regulatory criteria that we already have of significance, investigator, innovation, approach, and environment and then bundled them into three factors. Factor one the importance of the research. Factor two the rigor and feasibility of that research. And then factor three the expertise and resources.” – Dr. Lisa Steele
“Now it’s going to be much more focused on the actual impact of that science, the feasibility of that science…[so reviewers can look] at these very high level and important criteria that are felt to be the driving force for what makes [an] impactful project.” – Dr. Stephanie Constant
Additional resources
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Webinar on Implementation and Impact on Funding Opportunities
- Email questions to [email protected]
NIH’s All About Grants episodes can also be heard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on the NIH Grants YouTube channel. Have an idea for a future podcast? Email [email protected]. We love suggestions!