A well-lit portal with respectable-looking signs leads to the Nexus Clinics, where nexusgoers of all shapes, sizes, and species may seek medical treatment of any kind from a variety of doctors and other medical professionals. These practitioners utilize the Clinic space and resources at no cost in order to better help the Nexus community.
There is a List of Available Personnel posted. Where applicable, their specialized areas are noted.
Any and all personnel should be registered with the database, and any patient who receives treatment on the premises should also submit some basic information in the interest of future visits. Liv (livinglesson), the Receptionist Robot, will be glad to help prospective patients or doctors with anything they might need.
Got a character who would be interested in working here? Stick their info in the database and you're good to go! We'll periodically add people's names to the database post and here in the info (feel free to poke Livmun about this).
There's no obligation to take on patients and do medical RP 24/7. Work it out with the muns, or if you prefer, or just pop on up and see what happens. Of course, certain characters may prefer certain doctors and so on, or scenes may've been planned ahead of time.
Need treatment? Feel free to stagger in bleeding. Commenting on the Page a Doctor post will alert Livmun, who will then alert the relevant players, or all of them if no specific character is asked for. Doctors et all, tracking that post might also be helpful.
Feel free to RP any kind of scene in the Clinics. As long as, you know. It's taking place here. That said, please put posts with adult situations in them behind a cut, and marked with a NSFW. Also of note is that Liv is plugged into the entire Clinics system, and she probably saw what you did there. (But she doesn't watch you poop. It's not very interesting, after all.)
Nexus ER/General Hospital/Grey's Anatomy/Scrubs/St. Elsewhere/Heartland/Mercy Point Like in all medical soap operas, death may occur. Again, at the player(s)'s discretion. The Clinics does have a morgue.