? ?
Journal created:
on 9 June 2006 (#10417663)
on 7 September 2006
Chronicles of a penniless college student.
United States
Posting Access:
Select Members , Moderated
Hi interested parties! I am 25 years old, and I have decided to create a community documenting the next five years of my life in which I will attempt to earn my Bachelor's Degree. I don't have any money, so it is going to be a tough five years. I am dedicated to achieving this, no matter how hard it is going to be and no matter what kinds of downfalls I have to suffer through. I plan on keeping this journal anonymous until the day I turn 30, you know, just for kicks. That's all. Enjoy!

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
-Lao Tsu

Some info about me:
~I am a natural brunette, though I usually dye my hair a bright red color.
~I bite my nails no matter how many times I've tried to stop.
~I rarely eat meat but haven't quite dedicated myself to vegetarianism.
~My favorite movies include: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Sense and Sensibility, Fight Club, and Gone with the Wind (but believe me, there are tons more that I love!)
~I do have a boyfriend and we've been together for YEARS. He is also a student, but unaware I started this community. He is probably also unaware that I mention him once in awhile :)
~One of my favorite drinks is a Tom Collins. Mmmm.
~I have never worked as a stripper to supplement my college fund, and I don't intend to.
~I read constantly. If you were ever to see me on or off campus, I'm sure I'd either be reading, holding, or transporting a book.
~I'm not much of a John Waters fan (eep! I'm a freak!)
~Did I mention I live in Michigan? Well, I do!
~I've always wanted to learn how to surf.
~This is the fourth time I've changed my major. Going into college I thought I knew what I wanted. Now I realize that I still don't know what I want. In 30 years, I'll probably still be unsure of what I've done with my life (that Gemini in me, I suppose).
