Books by Sophia Vackimes
Papers by Sophia Vackimes
Teknokultura Revista De Cultura Digital Y Movimientos Sociales, Mar 19, 2013
The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborg... more The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborgization, is illuminated by a close examination of the Who Am I permanent exhibition in the Wellcome Wing of the Science Museum of London. This innovative exhibition raises real questions both about the human-technology-science relationship but also about museography.
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 2013
Museum Anthropology, 2003
Museum Anthropology, 2001
... What fate? The Holocaust, or being dismissed from their positions as eugenicists? An unexplai... more ... What fate? The Holocaust, or being dismissed from their positions as eugenicists? An unexplained sentence that links Jews to eugenics without expli-cation is best left unsaid as are other items in the ex-hibit. The work of Galton ...
American Anthropologist, 2001
American Anthropologist, 1996
The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborg... more The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborgization, is illuminated by a close examination of the Who Am I permanent exhibition in the Wellcome Wing of the Science Museum of London. This innovative exhibition raises real questions both about the human-technology-science relationship but also about museography. In the context of the history and current practices of museums engaging contemporary technological developments the evidence suggest that even as the Who am I? exhibit did break somewhat from previous approaches, especially the didactic presentation of the socially useful, it has not changed the feld as a whole.
Ethnographic experience in Girona.

Soothing sounds, calming light, appeasing stories about security screeners and X-ray machines tha... more Soothing sounds, calming light, appeasing stories about security screeners and X-ray machines that can see the skin under clothing -all of these are implements that have slowly come to airports near all of us thanks to a total makeover of airport security measures planned mainly by the Transportation Security Administration. Recently, the TSA's Checkpoint Evolution Project has aimed soothe passengers in the screening line with music designed to calm us down while light panels complement it by emitting agreeable colors. Calmed while standing in line, passengers can read stories about the security officers, which the TSA hopes will make travellers feel comfortable with their screeners. The ideal is that most of the security implementations we are subjected to as we travel are perceived to be invasive, or control us, but rather to "protect us" from unforeseen catastrophes. This paper looks at how the original insidiousness of surveillance methods is slowly being erased making surveillance
Por Sophia Vackimes. Mexicana que reside en Girona.

Vistos desde la perspectiva de principios del siglo veintiuno se han superado en mucho los ejerci... more Vistos desde la perspectiva de principios del siglo veintiuno se han superado en mucho los ejercicios decimonónicos en que las nacionalidades se construían a partir de "esencias culturales" tomadas como punto de referencia para crear aquellas "comunidades imaginarias" que describiera Benedict Anderson en su famoso libro Imagined Communities . Este autor describió como durante el siglo diecinueve, la definición de grupos étnicos propios y externos, la demarcación y estabilización de territorios, y la coherencia cultural definida por medio de tecnologías modernas anclaron firmemente en la conciencia colectiva la idea de pertenecer a un grupo humano preciso; el estado nación. Este ente se creó a través del uso de nociones culturales y avances tecnológicos precisos que, como el museo, ayudaron a crear una conciencia colectiva de la cual sin duda todos somos en cierto grado partícipas y cómplices y de los cuales a la vez nos sentimos en cierto grado orgullosos. Sin embargo, de manaera cumulativa, todo un siglo de ejercicios nacionalistas forjados a través de la prensa local o nacional (ahora aumentada por la televisión, el radio o el Internet), o por exhibiciones "históricas" en museos que por ejemplo recalcan una calidad atemporal e idealizada de la agricultura, la caza, o la elaboración de alimentos (actividades que hace ya tiempo no existen como se exhibe en muchos museos locales) muestra problemas y fallas ideológicas que confirman que el patrimonio no es fácil ni de definir de ni de exhibir.
The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborg... more The role of the museum in shaping our relationship to science and technology, particularly cyborgization, is illuminated by a close examination of the Who Am I permanent exhibition in the Wellcome Wing of the Science Museum of London. This innovative exhibition raises real questions both about the human-technology-science relationship but also about museography. In the context of the history and current practices of museums engaging contemporary technological developments the evidence suggest that even as the Who Am I? exhibit did break somewhat from previous approaches, especially the didactic presentation of the socially useful, it has not changed the field as a whole. Exhibiting the Human/Exhibiting the Cyborg: "Who Am I?"
Books by Sophia Vackimes
Papers by Sophia Vackimes