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This is a theory paper that I wrote about the "It Gets Better Campaign" and how it relates the communication theories and it's effect it has had being an online campaign.
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      Media StudiesMedia Theory
This is a theoretical movie analysis where I compare and contrast the two historical war films Troy & Gladiator.
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesCinemaFilm
A Movie Analysis and Postmodern analysis on how the film The Motorcycle Diaries is considered a Postmodern Political Film
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesFilm AnalysisCinema
This is a Literature Review about characteristics of whiteness seen in contemporary films today, which are considered to be called "White Savior Films." I discuss Color-Blind racism and how its the new form of invisible racism that we use... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesRace and Racism
This is a short analysis paper I wrote using Leslie Grinners framework of Sexuality, Christianity, Whiteness, Able-Bodies, Male, and Property Holders (SCWAMP) to analyze the 2006 film Step Up. Through my analysis I reveal hidden messages... more
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      ChristianityBlack Studies Or African American StudiesFilm AnalysisSexuality
In the analysis paper I analyze the first season of THE WALKING DEAD TV Series and apply three of the moral principles used throughout the moral philosophy of ethics to reveal the dominant ideologies of the Christianity beliefs that... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthicsMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The highlights of The Walking Dead are it’s visually realistic, which helps bring the characters to life and their representation becomes more believable. It teaches the audience moral lessons about the importance of life and influences... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision Studies
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      PhotographyPhotography TheoryDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
This is a paper analyzing young adult and teenage television shows shown around the world including in The U.K., New Zealand, and South Korea. I compare and contrast the content of several television programs from each location and... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
In this essay, I select two theses from Norman Malcolm"s 1977 Memory and Mind and subject them to the kind of analysis exemplified in his own writing. (1) "A true conception of the objects of memory can be obtained," according to Malcolm,... more
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This paper explores the explosive growth of social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook and Google+ and their inconsistent policies regarding the use of pseudonyms. A description of the leading sites' policies regarding pseudonyms is... more
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      Social NetworkingFacebookGoogle+Pseudonymity
Examining the art exhibition "Family of Man" in the context of Otherness
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      ArtIdentity (Culture)
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The term "Enterprise 2.0" (E2.0) describes a collection of organizational and information technology (IT) constructs that enable more flexible work models, knowledge sharing, and community building. E2.0 is not something totally... more
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While Facebook is a popular usage model for enterprises looking to leverage social networks, it is by no means the only approach. In fact, enterprises need to be careful that they do not rely exclusively on a Facebook clone, as one model... more
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    • Film and Video Art
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      Film and Video ArtHistorical StudiesCommunication and media Studies
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      Philosophy of TechnologyMedia StudiesMedia technologyNew Media Studies
The term ‘Database Aesthetics’ has become a catchword of the digital realm and poses interesting semantic questions that seem to outline the field of research and art relating to databases itself. What exactly do we mean by ‘database... more
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