IndieNews English

bookmarked Building Websites With lots of little HTML pages
I just got inspired to write some blog posts but I’m discouraged by the long list of previous ideas I haven’t written yet. Plus I usually end up distracted by ideas for improving my site. Anyone have tips on developing a writing habit? I mainly do it because I enjoy the feeling of capturing my thoughts and experiences for myself before they slip my memory. So I don’t need to publish consistently or even have anyone read it. But I think I need a way to whittling away at my ideas. Even ...
Progress update on the Omnibear Micropub Extension! This is the first post using a WIP version compatible with Chrome’s manifest V3 requirements! It’s also the first post on my site using the extension. There is still lost to do. [Not] shockingly, rewriting all the state management in the codebase lead to lots of bugs to clean up. But things are moving forward. The domain and GitHub repos have all been transferred. When I get things more cleaned up I plan on sharing some prereleases for ...