Blair Proctor
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Papers by Blair Proctor
pandemics of racism, poverty, and the environment are occurrences that afect people of African descent. In short, these pandemics within the machine of the biopower take a direct toll on the African diasporic
communities’ health and life-chances. The primary puzzle with environmental justice depends on perspective and lived experience. Within mainstream society, stakeholders involved in environmental issues
focus primarily on climate change, pollution, toxins within water supply, and housing afecting predominantly White middle-class and afuent communities. However, policy changes implemented to eradicate
those concerns are usually at the expense of raciallymarginalized neighborhoods. This article will also discuss my qualitative research method approach and fndings to support my argument that due to necropolitics, the coronavirus pandemic contributes to further
trauma among already traumatized groups of people.
pandemics of racism, poverty, and the environment are occurrences that afect people of African descent. In short, these pandemics within the machine of the biopower take a direct toll on the African diasporic
communities’ health and life-chances. The primary puzzle with environmental justice depends on perspective and lived experience. Within mainstream society, stakeholders involved in environmental issues
focus primarily on climate change, pollution, toxins within water supply, and housing afecting predominantly White middle-class and afuent communities. However, policy changes implemented to eradicate
those concerns are usually at the expense of raciallymarginalized neighborhoods. This article will also discuss my qualitative research method approach and fndings to support my argument that due to necropolitics, the coronavirus pandemic contributes to further
trauma among already traumatized groups of people.