Book Chapters by Mike Seal
Teaching Youth Work in Higher Education: Tensions, Connections, Continuities and Contradictions, 2019
Papers by Mike Seal

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc eBooks, 2021
Many accounts of critical pedagogy, particularly accounts of trying to enact it within higher edu... more Many accounts of critical pedagogy, particularly accounts of trying to enact it within higher education (HE), express a deep cynicism about whether it is possible to counter the ever creeping hegemony of neo-liberalism, neo- conservatism and new managerialism within Universities. Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education acknowledges some of these criticisms, but attempts to rescue critical pedagogy, locating some of its associated pessimism as misreading of Freire and offering hopeful avenues for new theory and practice. These misreadings are also located in the present, in the assumption that unless change comes within the lifetime of the project, it has somehow failed. Instead, this book argues that a positive utopianism is possible. Present actions need to be celebrated, and cultivated as symbols of hope, possibility and generativity for the future - which the concept of hope implies. The contributors make the case for celebrating the pedagogies of HE that operate in liminal spaces – situated in the spaces between the present and the future (between the world as it is and the world as it could be) and also in the cracks that are beginning to show in the dominant discourses.

Palgrave Macmillan eBooks, Jun 19, 2019
LGBTQ social, cultural, and political issues have become a defining feature of twenty-first centu... more LGBTQ social, cultural, and political issues have become a defining feature of twenty-first century life, transforming on a global scale any number of institutions, including the institution of education. Situated within the context of these major transformations, this series is home to the most compelling, innovative, and timely scholarship emerging at the intersection of queer studies and education. Across a broad range of educational topics and locations, books in this series incorporate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex categories, as well as scholarship in queer theory arising out of the postmodern turn in sexuality studies. The series is wide-ranging in terms of disciplinary/theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, and will include and illuminate much needed intersectional scholarship. Always bold in outlook, the series also welcomes projects that challenge any number of normalizing tendencies within academic scholarship, from works that move beyond established frameworks of knowledge production within LGBTQ educational research to works that expand the range of what is institutionally defined within the field of education as relevant queer studies scholarship.

Involvement of community partners in the structure and design of services is largely accepted in ... more Involvement of community partners in the structure and design of services is largely accepted in principle, but its practice is heavily contested. This book argues that the co-production of research is one of the best ways to involve community partners. As well as having intrinsic value in and of itself, research embeds a culture of learning, co-production and of valuing research within organizations. It also creates a mechanism for developing evidence for, monitoring and evaluating subsequent ideas and initiatives that arise from other co-production initiatives. The book makes a case for research to be a synthesis of participatory research, critical pedagogy, peer research and community organizing. It develops a model called Participatory Pedagogic Impact Research (PPIR). Participatory research is often criticized for not having the impact it promises. PPIR ensures that the issues chosen, and the recommendations developed, serve the mutual self-interest of stakeholders, are realistic and realizable. At the same time this approach pushes the balance of power towards the oppressed using methods of dissemination that hold decision makers to account and create real change. PPIR also develops a robust method for creatively identifying issues, methods and analytic frameworks. Its third section details case studies across Europe and the United States of PPIR in action with professional researchers’ and community partners’ reflections on these experiences. This book gives a unique articulation of what makes for genuinely critical reflective spaces, something underdeveloped in the literature. It should be considered essential reading for both participatory research academics and those involved in health and social care services in the planning, commissioning and delivery of services.

Journal of Lgbt Youth, Mar 31, 2020
Based on a three year self-study (S-STEP) into interrupting heteronormativity on youth and commun... more Based on a three year self-study (S-STEP) into interrupting heteronormativity on youth and community work courses at a higher education institution, this article explores the reaction to the interruption of heteronormativity on youth and community work courses in a range of HEI institutions. Reactions were nuanced and contextual but concurred with existing literature that notes heteronormativity's pervasiveness and invisibility, that sexuality can be embedded in unsuspected parts of the curriculum; and with the importance of considering students' experience of homophobia inside and outside the classroom. We encountered strategies of contested engagement, strategic adjustment, avoidance and retreat that represented middle positions between homophobia and acceptance, but were no simple continuum as there was a concurrent intersecting spectrum between fractured and meta reflexives. Using Orne (2013) and Black (2012) schema we also encountered varieties of double and single consciousness, and indeed displaced double consciousnesses.
Introduction. The Context. Adult learning. Conventions of training. Types of exercises. Structuri... more Introduction. The Context. Adult learning. Conventions of training. Types of exercises. Structuring courses. Group dynamics. Conclusion. The Exercises. Overview and setting the scene exercises. Relationships with clients exercises. Assessment exercises and support planning exercises. Intervention exercises. Management and structural exercises. Recording information exercises. Suggested Courses. One day introductory course. Two day course for managers covering structural issues. Two day skills course for workers. Two day course covering supporting people standards. Four day course covering underpinning knowledge for housing NVQ level three. Seven day comprehensive course. References.

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc eBooks, 2022
All universities have to produce plans to eliminate the gaps in access, success and participation... more All universities have to produce plans to eliminate the gaps in access, success and participation of disadvantaged student in higher education, setting targets with regards to Global Majority, working class, disabled and student with mental health conditions. In this book, Mike Seal examines the terminology, theoretical debates and positions, identifies the causes of gaps, and evaluates proposed initiatives. He argues that there is an unexamined assumption that higher education is a ‘good thing’ materially and intellectually, which demonises those for whom this is questionable. The book also highlights the continuing structural and individual discrimination in terms of class, race and disability and a denial of the extent to which higher education is a cause of mental health issues and negative well-being. It uncovers unexamined ‘assimilation’ models in higher education that expects these students to abandon their culture and communities, despite students wanting to give back to the...
Bloomsbury Academic eBooks, 2021

Russell House eBooks, 2007
Preface. About the Contributors. Introduction. Homelessness and identity Mike Seal. Homeless peop... more Preface. About the Contributors. Introduction. Homelessness and identity Mike Seal. Homeless people making sense of their experiences. Identities of rough sleepers in Oxford Chantal Butchy. Homelessness and the denial of sexual identity Phillip Flynn. Love on the streets: the denial of homeless people's relationships Tony Dodson. The homeless sector making sense of homeless people's experiences. Understanding the refugee experience Jennie Geddes. Difficult people? - Unresponsive services! Working with people who are homeless and have multiple needs Pip Bevan. Contesting and working with challenging behaviour John Ames. Homelessness as a facet of our own identities. Homelessness and its impact on our personal and societal identities Mike Seal. Homeless sector culture Mick Kain & Andrew VanDoorn. Worker identities in the homeless industry Mike Seal. Conclusion. Lessons to be learnt and actions to be taken Mike Seal.
Education Sciences, Aug 30, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Book Chapters by Mike Seal
Papers by Mike Seal