Welcome! I'm Thomas M, the creature behind the New Madras Design Lab. I'm an award-losing journalist, award-winning playwright, and award-ambivalent game designer based in Chennai (formerly Madras) .
I write and edit the The Indie RPG Newsletter, a weekly dispatch about indie RPGs that curates articles, reviews, podcasts, videos about indie RPGs. 6000+ people like it, so you might as well!
I interview indie game designers and thinkers over on the Yes Indie'd Podcast. These tend to be short and insightful - really easy to dip in and try.
Apart from what's here, I've done a handful of freelance gigs as well - writing, layout, a little cultural consulting. I'm particularly proud of being a contributor for New Agenda Publishing on Orun: Post Apotheosis, Afro-Inspired, Space Opera RPG and for Rowan Rook and Decard on SIN, a sourcebook for Spire.
Contact me:
📧 [email protected]
A collection of my small, ancillary or unfinished work submitted to Itch jams