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The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (GBMWHA) is biologically diverse, including many unique and rare plants and animals as well as varied ecosystems. It also contains a large body of rock art -drawings, paintings, stencils,... more
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The purpose of this study is to determine whether a fine-grained analysis of variation in the macropod motif across the Sydney region demonstrates similar or different patterns when compared with previous stylistic studies of the area.... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Rock Art management & AwarenessModern human origins, Paleolithic art, rock artPrehistoric Rock Art
Skeletal remains from a burial in New South Wales exhibit evidence of fatal trauma, of a kind normally indicative of sharp metal weapons, yet the burial dates to the mid thirteenth century-600 years before European settlers reached the... more
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The characteristic mounded cultural deposits on the Murray Riverine Plain, regionally known as 'mounds', 'earth mounds' or 'oven mounds', are unique archives of palaeoecological information. Excavations of two large mounds on a... more
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In the summer of 2018-19 mass fish kills occurred in the Lower Darling (Baaka) River in southeastern Australia. The fish kills received national and international attention and have been the focus of numerous government agency and... more
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      AquacultureIndigneous Communities
Fish traps and fish weirs built by Indigenous people in the Barwon-Darling River system of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), southeastern Australia, are an important component of their traditional social, spiritual and economic systems. The... more
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    • Indigenous Knowledge
The Australian Archaeological Consultancy Monograph Series is a peer reviewed report series providing examples of best practice consultancy reports in archaeology and cultural heritage management. The series provides access to the results... more
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    • archaeology of the Murray Darling Basin Australia
Two of Australia's iconic river systems, Baaka in New South Wales (NSW) and Martuwarra in Western Australia (WA), are described in a narrative that connects Indigenous custodianship, bio-physical features and art, and contrasts settler... more
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    • Indigenous water governance
The purpose of the Mutawintji National Park Research Project was to provide comprehensive information to assist the Office of the Registrar, ALRA to identify and, with their consent, place the names of the Aboriginal owners of... more
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We took on this project to describe the nature and distribution of the archaeological record at the Menindee Lakes to ensure that a detailed mapping and interpretation would be made available for negotiations between the Barkandji people... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAustralian Indigenous ArchaeologyPredictive Mapping
This paper describes a collaboration between Wilyakali Indigenous Custodians and a group of archaeologists. This collaboration has generated a shared and integrated understanding of the cultural landscape, Ancestral Creation Histories,... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesCross-Cultural CollaborationsIndigenous Knowledge
While obsidian sourcing has long represented a powerful means of reconstructing past socio-economic interaction, the use of destructive techniques restricted most studies to analysing only a few artefacts per site. Non-destructive methods... more
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The 622 obsidian samples of Renaghju phase I occupation (6 th millennium BC) have been previously sourced by their visual appearance and/or their elemental composition by PIXE and SEM-EDS (Bressy et al., 2008; Le Bourdonnec et al., in... more
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Early Neolithic coastal settlements are well known in Corsica as in other western Mediterranean areas, e.g. Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia and South of France. However evidence for mountainous settlements, in particular in the... more
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      GeomorphologyMediterranean prehistoryPaleoenvironmentPalynology
L’obsidienne est avec le silex un matériau de choix pour le façonnage des industries lithiques préhistoriques. En Méditerranée occidentale, les études de provenance de ces verres naturels volcaniques combinent aujourd’hui caractérisations... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeology
L’obsidienne était une matière première précieuse de l'industrie lithique néolithique. En Méditerranée occidentale, elle se trouve parfois dans les sites archéologiques très éloignés des quatre « îles-sources » de Lipari, Palmarola,... more
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      Mediterranean archaeologyLA-ICP-MSObsidian SourcingGeochemical Characterization of Obsidians
La phase 1 du site d’I Stantari (plateau de Cauria, Sartène, Corse-du-Sud) datée du Néolithique Moyen (milieu du Ve millénaire) comporte une centaine d’artefacts en obsidienne, matériau allochtone uniquement accessible sur les... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyCorsican archaeologyObsidian Sourcing
In order to successfully understand the complex evolution of prehistoric societies, archaeologists require absolute dating tools, which are not only accurate but also widely applicable. Thermoluminescence (TL) dating is one such approach... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryElectron Spin ResonanceQuaternary geochronology
EASTERN ANATOLIA 200 km Bingöl A/B Sources Archaeological sites N INTRODUCTION Te l l A s w a d i s a P P N B s i t e i n s o u t h e r n S y r i a ( D a m a s c u s b a s i n ) , e x c a v a t e d b y t h e E l K o w m -M u r e y b e t p... more
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In this study, we used two non-destructive techniques, scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS; [1]) and energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF; [2]), for the elemental characterisation of... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology