Conference Presentations by Radostina Todorova

New Bulgarian University Library gradually shifts its focus toward adopting green technologies an... more New Bulgarian University Library gradually shifts its focus toward adopting green technologies and resources for information literacy. Two new technological trends in education: BYOD (bring your own device) and games and gamification are steadily being recognized and adopted by librarians. A jQuery-generated site for mobile devices is used to gamify students' introduction to information literacy. We seek to achieve: 1. a paperless environment; 2. a dynamic and mobile access to information and feedback; 3. switching from a lecture-based teaching style to a more constructivist approach, and encourage students to build knowledge on their own while pursuing a game-like activity; 4. better interaction with lecturers in subject-based teaching. The test instruction was adopted from a library project at St. Cloud State University. The process of collaboration with campus faculty, during the test instruction presented viable opportunity to introduce paperless pedagogy and gaming, as a legitimate pedagogical practice across disciplines on campus.
Keywords: information literacy, m-learning, gamification, green library

New Bulgarian University Library gradually shifts its focus toward adopting green technologies an... more New Bulgarian University Library gradually shifts its focus toward adopting green technologies and resources for information literacy. Two new technological trends in education: BYOD (bring your own device) and games and gamification are steadily being recognized and adopted by librarians. A jQuery-generated site for mobile devices is used to gamify students' introduction to information literacy. We seek to achieve: 1. a paperless environment; 2. a dynamic and mobile access to information and feedback; 3. switching from a lecture-based teaching style to a more constructivist approach, and encourage students to build knowledge on their own while pursuing a game-like activity; 4. better interaction with lecturers in subject-based teaching. The test instruction was adopted from a library project at St. Cloud State University. The process of collaboration with campus faculty, during the test instruction presented viable opportunity to introduce paperless pedagogy and gaming, as a legitimate pedagogical practice across disciplines on campus.
Papers by Radostina Todorova
Cъздaвaнeтo нa собствени пълнoтeĸcтoви бaзи oт дaнни от библиотеките ще пpoмeни в ĸaчecтвeнo oтнo... more Cъздaвaнeтo нa собствени пълнoтeĸcтoви бaзи oт дaнни от библиотеките ще пpoмeни в ĸaчecтвeнo oтнoшeниe дocтъпa дo библиoтeчнитe фoндoвe и ще пoвиши eфeĸтивнocттa. Дадени за примери за добра практика в дигитализирането на дисертации и дипломни работи в различни университети по света. Разгледана е дигитaлнaта библиoтeĸa на Нов български университет, състояща се от мoдyлите “Apxиви”, “Πepиoдични издaния” и“Диплoмни paбoти и диcepтaции”. The design of institutional databases would change essentially the accessibility and visibility of library holdings. The article stresses on examples of good practices in digitizing theses and dissertations in universities around the world. A short overview of the Digital Library of New Bulgarian University and its modules "Archives", "Serials" and "Theses and Dissertations" is presented.
The overview focus on New Bulgarian University Library experience in launching е-Journals as open... more The overview focus on New Bulgarian University Library experience in launching е-Journals as open access publications. The project is the first of its kind in Bulgaria and seeks to fight such problems as hosting, access management and peer-review issues as from the prism of Bulgarian environment and specifities. It may serve as tribune for promoting Bulgarian successful practice in e-publishing. Обзорен преглед на опита на библиотеката на НБУ в стартирането на услугата електронни списания. Проектът е първият по рода си в България и разглежда такива проблеми като хостинг, управление на достъп и др. Статията популяризира успешния опит в електронната издателска дейност в България.
В статията е направена ретроспекция на развитието на НАУЧНИЯ ЕЛЕКТРОНЕН АРХИВ на Нов български ун... more В статията е направена ретроспекция на развитието на НАУЧНИЯ ЕЛЕКТРОНЕН АРХИВ на Нов български университет (НЕА). Посочени са ползите, за депозиращите преподаватели и докторанти. Отразена е международната седмица на открития достъп до научни публикации. This article has been retrospective of the scientific development of an electronic archive of the Nеw Bulgarian University.The article indicates the benefits for professors and graduate students who deposit in the archive.It is reflected the international week of open access to scientific publications.

The New Bulgarian University (NBU) Scholar Electronic Repository (SER) is the first open access i... more The New Bulgarian University (NBU) Scholar Electronic Repository (SER) is the first open access institutional repository in Bulgaria. Following the “green route”, the archive promotes self-archiving practice to authors and reveals a more robust and reliable alternative to long-term preservation and additionally granting higher visibility of their materials. It has two unique features: 1.) Depositing is voluntary; 2.) Original content is submitted in a range of different languages. The article presents a survey of self-archiving practices for the Scholar Electronic Repository. An overview is given of the strict meta-data control which is crucial for storing and backing-up authors’ materials. A detailed summary of the systematic approach to authors’ awareness and training is presented. Eventual pros and cons of several promotional infrastructure designs are discussed, including monthly seminars, real-time training and interactive LibGuides online. A six-month monitoring of submitted d...

Copy of the paper available here:
Two new trends in education: BYOD (brin... more Copy of the paper available here:
Two new trends in education: BYOD (bring your own device) and games and gamification are steadily being recognized and adopted by K12 and Higher Education practitioners. A team of faculty from two different countries, Bulgaria and the United States, is exploring the application of information and communication technologies in education. A jQuery-generated site for mobile devices is used by students to gamify their learning experience out of the classroom and in their professional field.
Students are using their mobile phones to access information through a mobile Web site and are expected to accomplish set of tasks, which reflect their knowledge of literature and procedures. Although Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as BlackBoard might offer mobile access, the stereotype of gamification with LMS remains bound to static students taking quiz on a desktop/laptop. A methodological change was sought from class-centered to experiential and project-oriented activities while the learning process is shifted from computer-based to mobile-based setting.
The goal is to establish if a dynamic and mobile access to information and feedback and switching from a lecture-based teaching style to a more constructivist approach of will encourage students to build knowledge on their own while pursuing a game-like activity out in their working field.
The growing affordability and access to the Internet, as well as the global penetration of mobile devices across all ages have transformed e-learning into m-learning (mobile learning). Pedagogy and methodology respectively are in a process of change. The traditional F2F (face-to-face) class is evolving into a hybrid classroom, a place where practices and achievements from e-learning and m-learning are increasingly absorbed and turned into a customary practice. There is a growing need to transform pedagogy from the traditional F2F classroom to learning and teaching practices reflecting student-centered, mobile-based, real-life, project-based environment with authentic, experiential and evidence based learning.
Last but not least, an answer was sought whether gamification and use of mobile devices is accepted differently by different cultures. A further exploration is needed if the acceptance of certain methodology based on learning with mobile devices in one culture can be appropriated and applied in a different culture, considering that the use of mobile devices is a global tendency and gamification is a rapidly growing trend also with worldwide recognition.
Copy of the paper available here:

Elpub, 2006
The article considers the library cooperation problem and some aspects of the relationships 'libr... more The article considers the library cooperation problem and some aspects of the relationships 'library coalitionlibrary -end users'. The authors describe the successful model of the first library coalition in Bulgaria -the Bulgarian Information Consortium. Problems of creation, management practice, activities and achievements are presented and discussed. The role of electronic resources is viewed and analyzed from the perspective of library collaboration. The usage of these resources is shown as a powerful driving factor for the development and cooperation of libraries. It allows them to overcome behavioural, organizational, and economic problems and to start their real modernization. The cooperation of libraries in Bulgaria begins with shared electronic publications and continues mainly on this basis. We believe that this is the right direction for the Bulgarian librarian society and we intend to follow its course.
The article considers the results-oriented management as a main approach of the first librarian c... more The article considers the results-oriented management as a main approach of the first librarian coalition in Bulgaria. It is analyzed the concrete results of the Bulgarian Information Consortium as a successful model for fostering electronic resources spreading. The article has been presented to the National Conference of the UNION OF LIBRARIANS AND INFORMATION SERVICES OFFICERS on 31 of May, 2005, Sofia. Статията анализира постигнатите резултати от Българския информационен консорциум в разпространението на електронните ресурси и посочва това като доказателство за успешния модел на работа на първия български библиотечен консорциум. Статията е представе на Националната конференция на Съюза на библиотечните и информационните работници на 31 май 2005 г., София
Макар че библиотечно-информационното обслужване на хора с нарушено зрение в част от българските б... more Макар че библиотечно-информационното обслужване на хора с нарушено зрение в част от българските библиотеки е вече традиция, до голяма степен то си остава предизвикателство за специалистите. В статията е споделен опитът на библиотеката на НБУ – това, което е направено до момента, описани са услугите, които се предлагат за този тип потребители. Непрекъснато увеличаващият се обем от дигитални документи в университета цели да увеличи достъпа до информация на незрящи читатели. While library and information assistance to disabled people at some Bulgarian institutions of higher education is well established, it still remains a challenge. The authors present the experience of the New Bulgarian University library; the achievements and services offered. An increasing collection of digital documents at the university aims an increasing access to information by disabled people.

В доклада е направен обзор на нормативната уредба, отнасяща се до защита на личните данни и елект... more В доклада е направен обзор на нормативната уредба, отнасяща се до защита на личните данни и електронното подписване на документи в организациите. Подробно е разгледан съществуващият процес за регистрация на читателите и издаване на читателска карта. Анализирани са проблемите и се представя избраното от библиотеката на НБУ решение за въвеждане на цифрово издаване, подписване, управление и съхранение на различни типове данни. Дългогодишното сътрудничество между университета и фирма Булсист -БГ ООД е предпоставка за успешното реализиране на този проект за първи път в българска библиотека. The paper gives an overview of the Bulgarian regulation related to the protection of the personal data and electronic signing of the documents in different organizations. The existing process for registration of patrons and issuing of library cards were thoroughly examined. We analyzed the issues and present the NBU’s decision to introduce digital publishing, signing, management and storage of differe...

Proceedings ELPUB 2006 conference on …, 2006
The article considers the library cooperation problem and some aspects of the relationships 'libr... more The article considers the library cooperation problem and some aspects of the relationships 'library coalitionlibrary -end users'. The authors describe the successful model of the first library coalition in Bulgaria -the Bulgarian Information Consortium. Problems of creation, management practice, activities and achievements are presented and discussed. The role of electronic resources is viewed and analyzed from the perspective of library collaboration. The usage of these resources is shown as a powerful driving factor for the development and cooperation of libraries. It allows them to overcome behavioural, organizational, and economic problems and to start their real modernization. The cooperation of libraries in Bulgaria begins with shared electronic publications and continues mainly on this basis. We believe that this is the right direction for the Bulgarian librarian society and we intend to follow its course.
Conference Presentations by Radostina Todorova
Keywords: information literacy, m-learning, gamification, green library
Papers by Radostina Todorova
Two new trends in education: BYOD (bring your own device) and games and gamification are steadily being recognized and adopted by K12 and Higher Education practitioners. A team of faculty from two different countries, Bulgaria and the United States, is exploring the application of information and communication technologies in education. A jQuery-generated site for mobile devices is used by students to gamify their learning experience out of the classroom and in their professional field.
Students are using their mobile phones to access information through a mobile Web site and are expected to accomplish set of tasks, which reflect their knowledge of literature and procedures. Although Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as BlackBoard might offer mobile access, the stereotype of gamification with LMS remains bound to static students taking quiz on a desktop/laptop. A methodological change was sought from class-centered to experiential and project-oriented activities while the learning process is shifted from computer-based to mobile-based setting.
The goal is to establish if a dynamic and mobile access to information and feedback and switching from a lecture-based teaching style to a more constructivist approach of will encourage students to build knowledge on their own while pursuing a game-like activity out in their working field.
The growing affordability and access to the Internet, as well as the global penetration of mobile devices across all ages have transformed e-learning into m-learning (mobile learning). Pedagogy and methodology respectively are in a process of change. The traditional F2F (face-to-face) class is evolving into a hybrid classroom, a place where practices and achievements from e-learning and m-learning are increasingly absorbed and turned into a customary practice. There is a growing need to transform pedagogy from the traditional F2F classroom to learning and teaching practices reflecting student-centered, mobile-based, real-life, project-based environment with authentic, experiential and evidence based learning.
Last but not least, an answer was sought whether gamification and use of mobile devices is accepted differently by different cultures. A further exploration is needed if the acceptance of certain methodology based on learning with mobile devices in one culture can be appropriated and applied in a different culture, considering that the use of mobile devices is a global tendency and gamification is a rapidly growing trend also with worldwide recognition.
Copy of the paper available here:
Keywords: information literacy, m-learning, gamification, green library
Two new trends in education: BYOD (bring your own device) and games and gamification are steadily being recognized and adopted by K12 and Higher Education practitioners. A team of faculty from two different countries, Bulgaria and the United States, is exploring the application of information and communication technologies in education. A jQuery-generated site for mobile devices is used by students to gamify their learning experience out of the classroom and in their professional field.
Students are using their mobile phones to access information through a mobile Web site and are expected to accomplish set of tasks, which reflect their knowledge of literature and procedures. Although Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as BlackBoard might offer mobile access, the stereotype of gamification with LMS remains bound to static students taking quiz on a desktop/laptop. A methodological change was sought from class-centered to experiential and project-oriented activities while the learning process is shifted from computer-based to mobile-based setting.
The goal is to establish if a dynamic and mobile access to information and feedback and switching from a lecture-based teaching style to a more constructivist approach of will encourage students to build knowledge on their own while pursuing a game-like activity out in their working field.
The growing affordability and access to the Internet, as well as the global penetration of mobile devices across all ages have transformed e-learning into m-learning (mobile learning). Pedagogy and methodology respectively are in a process of change. The traditional F2F (face-to-face) class is evolving into a hybrid classroom, a place where practices and achievements from e-learning and m-learning are increasingly absorbed and turned into a customary practice. There is a growing need to transform pedagogy from the traditional F2F classroom to learning and teaching practices reflecting student-centered, mobile-based, real-life, project-based environment with authentic, experiential and evidence based learning.
Last but not least, an answer was sought whether gamification and use of mobile devices is accepted differently by different cultures. A further exploration is needed if the acceptance of certain methodology based on learning with mobile devices in one culture can be appropriated and applied in a different culture, considering that the use of mobile devices is a global tendency and gamification is a rapidly growing trend also with worldwide recognition.
Copy of the paper available here: