Books by Georgi Georgiev

Energy poverty as a phenomenon is linked to the combined effect of three main factors -low househ... more Energy poverty as a phenomenon is linked to the combined effect of three main factors -low household incomes, high energy costs and low energy efficiency of housing. It is a proven fact that this phenomenon has a serious negative impact on the quality of life and citizen's health, but in the same time, energy poverty contributes to a huge waste of energy and thus affects sustainable development of the built environment. Altogether the energy poverty generates deficits and discrepancies for territorial economies and society. The paper investigates the issue of energy poverty and its appearance, also in the Eastern European context. The potential for alleviation and -in the long term -for the elimination of energy poverty by applying measures for energy-efficient retrofit of residential multistorey apartment housing is analysed. The emphasis is put on achieving the optimal ratio of saved energy versus used financial resource for renovated housing.

С развитието на териториално-устройственото планиране през 70-80 години на миналия
век в Българи... more С развитието на териториално-устройственото планиране през 70-80 години на миналия
век в България се правят първите опити за комплексно разглеждане на въпросите
на жилището като интегрален елемент на националната обществено-икономическа
структура. Това, обаче, се случва главно в теоретичен план и не се обвързва с конкретни
управленски решения при различните тогава политически и икономически условия.
Настоящото изследване разглежда темата за жилището и жилищната политика
в контекста на увеличаващия се в глобален аспект конфликт между природата и
създадената от човека изкуствена среда в нейните разновидности. Този конфликт е
очевиден за всички, той определя необходимостта от преосмисляне на фундаментални,
системни ценности на съвременната цивилизация, които го обуславят - икономически,
финансови, идеологически. Темата за устойчивото развитие има многообразни
измерения, като голяма част от тях касаят жилището и неговия потенциален
принос в устойчивото развитие. В по-тесен контекст книгата цели да подпомогне
научните изследвания и формирането на необходимите управленски политики в една
мултидисциплинарна област, каквато е функционирането на жилището като част от
пространствения, икономическия и социален организъм на България. В книгата се
формулират основните проблеми и задачи, които стоят пред жилищната политика
в България въз основа на анализ на теорията и практиката в европейските страни.

The first attempts to look at the housing-related issues as an integral component of the national... more The first attempts to look at the housing-related issues as an integral component of the national socioeconomic struсture were
made in Bulgaria during the 1970s and 1980s during the advancement of the urban and spatial planning. This was, however,
done mainly in the theoretical realm and did not inform governance decisions under the then existing political and economic
conditions. This book is an attempt to analyse housing and housing policy in the context of the heightened conflict between
the natural and man-made environment on a global scale. This conflict is ubiquitous. It necessitates a thorough re-evaluation
of fundamental systemic values of the modern civilisation, determining it – economic, financial, ideological. The idea for
sustainable development has multiple dimensions and many of these relate to housing and its potential contribution to
sustainability. This book aims to foster scientific research and development of adequate governance policies in the field of
housing, a truly interdisciplinary area, essential part of the spatial, economic and social fabric of Bulgaria. More specifically, it
addresses major issues facing housing policy in Bulgaria based on an analysis of the theoretical and practical lessons from
European countries.
Papers by Georgi Georgiev

Current Eye Research, 2008
This study compares the effect of topical versus intravenous (IV) administration of synthetic WIN... more This study compares the effect of topical versus intravenous (IV) administration of synthetic WIN 55-212-2 (WIN) or timolol on intraocular pressure (IOP). WIN or timolol were administered either topically or by IV in normotensive New Zealand white rabbits. IOP was measured at baseline and 30, 60, and 120 min after administration (n = 4 per group). Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were measured concomitantly with IOP. IV administration of 0.1 mg/kg WIN reduced IOP by 30% after 30 min, which continued to decline for up to 120 min. Timolol injection (25 mu g/kg) also reduced IOP by 25% after 30 min but was not sustained. In comparison, both topical WIN (1.0%) and timolol (0.5%) reduced IOP by 20% from baseline after 30 min. IV injection of either WIN or timolol significantly reduced HR to 155.4 +/- 11.4 bpm and 165.9 +/- 11.1 bpm, respectively, from a baseline of 256.3 +/- 9.9 bpm. Topical administration was well tolerated and did not affect behavior, BP, or HR. Topical administration of either WIN or timolol did not decrease IOP as much as IV administration, but the lack of systemic or local toxicity could make it the safer alternative.

Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.), Sep 28, 2016
Infections of humans with the tick-borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) can cause ... more Infections of humans with the tick-borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) can cause a severe hemorrhagic fever with case fatality rates of up to 80%. Most humans are infected by tick bite, crushing infected ticks by hand or by unprotected contact with blood of viremic mammals. Next to the notified human CCHF cases, the real distribution and the situation in animals in Southeastern Europe are nearly unknown. Since domestic ruminants play a crucial role in the life cycle of the vector ticks and the transmission and amplification of the virus, the antibody prevalence in those animals is a good indicator for the presence of CCHFV in a region. Therefore, the prevalence of CCHFV-specific antibodies was investigated in domestic ruminants of different regions of Bulgaria and Turkey. Sera of 1165 ruminants were tested and a prevalence of up to 90% was identified. The overall prevalence for Bulgaria was 26% and for Turkey 57%. The results highlight the risk of human infections in...

Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists, Jan 16, 2016
Our goal was to design a prone breast shield for the contralateral breast and study its efficacy ... more Our goal was to design a prone breast shield for the contralateral breast and study its efficacy in decreasing scatter radiation to the contralateral breast in a prone breast phantom setup receiving radiation therapy designed for breast cancer. We constructed a prone breast phantom setup consisting of (1) A thermoplastic mask with a left-sided depression created by a water balloon for a breast shape; (2) 2 plastic bags to hold water in the thermoplastic mask depression; (3) 2000mL of water to fill the thermoplastic mask depression to create a water-based false breast; (4) 1-cm thick bolus placed in the contralateral breast holder; (5) 2 lead (Pb) sheets, each 0.1-cm thick for blocking scatter radiation in the contralateral bolus-based false breast; (6) a prone breast board to hold the thermoplastic mask, water, bolus, and lead; (7) 9cm solid water on top of the breast board to simulate body; (8) a diode was used to verify dose for each treatment field of the treated water-based brea...
Books by Georgi Georgiev
век в България се правят първите опити за комплексно разглеждане на въпросите
на жилището като интегрален елемент на националната обществено-икономическа
структура. Това, обаче, се случва главно в теоретичен план и не се обвързва с конкретни
управленски решения при различните тогава политически и икономически условия.
Настоящото изследване разглежда темата за жилището и жилищната политика
в контекста на увеличаващия се в глобален аспект конфликт между природата и
създадената от човека изкуствена среда в нейните разновидности. Този конфликт е
очевиден за всички, той определя необходимостта от преосмисляне на фундаментални,
системни ценности на съвременната цивилизация, които го обуславят - икономически,
финансови, идеологически. Темата за устойчивото развитие има многообразни
измерения, като голяма част от тях касаят жилището и неговия потенциален
принос в устойчивото развитие. В по-тесен контекст книгата цели да подпомогне
научните изследвания и формирането на необходимите управленски политики в една
мултидисциплинарна област, каквато е функционирането на жилището като част от
пространствения, икономическия и социален организъм на България. В книгата се
формулират основните проблеми и задачи, които стоят пред жилищната политика
в България въз основа на анализ на теорията и практиката в европейските страни.
made in Bulgaria during the 1970s and 1980s during the advancement of the urban and spatial planning. This was, however,
done mainly in the theoretical realm and did not inform governance decisions under the then existing political and economic
conditions. This book is an attempt to analyse housing and housing policy in the context of the heightened conflict between
the natural and man-made environment on a global scale. This conflict is ubiquitous. It necessitates a thorough re-evaluation
of fundamental systemic values of the modern civilisation, determining it – economic, financial, ideological. The idea for
sustainable development has multiple dimensions and many of these relate to housing and its potential contribution to
sustainability. This book aims to foster scientific research and development of adequate governance policies in the field of
housing, a truly interdisciplinary area, essential part of the spatial, economic and social fabric of Bulgaria. More specifically, it
addresses major issues facing housing policy in Bulgaria based on an analysis of the theoretical and practical lessons from
European countries.
Papers by Georgi Georgiev
век в България се правят първите опити за комплексно разглеждане на въпросите
на жилището като интегрален елемент на националната обществено-икономическа
структура. Това, обаче, се случва главно в теоретичен план и не се обвързва с конкретни
управленски решения при различните тогава политически и икономически условия.
Настоящото изследване разглежда темата за жилището и жилищната политика
в контекста на увеличаващия се в глобален аспект конфликт между природата и
създадената от човека изкуствена среда в нейните разновидности. Този конфликт е
очевиден за всички, той определя необходимостта от преосмисляне на фундаментални,
системни ценности на съвременната цивилизация, които го обуславят - икономически,
финансови, идеологически. Темата за устойчивото развитие има многообразни
измерения, като голяма част от тях касаят жилището и неговия потенциален
принос в устойчивото развитие. В по-тесен контекст книгата цели да подпомогне
научните изследвания и формирането на необходимите управленски политики в една
мултидисциплинарна област, каквато е функционирането на жилището като част от
пространствения, икономическия и социален организъм на България. В книгата се
формулират основните проблеми и задачи, които стоят пред жилищната политика
в България въз основа на анализ на теорията и практиката в европейските страни.
made in Bulgaria during the 1970s and 1980s during the advancement of the urban and spatial planning. This was, however,
done mainly in the theoretical realm and did not inform governance decisions under the then existing political and economic
conditions. This book is an attempt to analyse housing and housing policy in the context of the heightened conflict between
the natural and man-made environment on a global scale. This conflict is ubiquitous. It necessitates a thorough re-evaluation
of fundamental systemic values of the modern civilisation, determining it – economic, financial, ideological. The idea for
sustainable development has multiple dimensions and many of these relate to housing and its potential contribution to
sustainability. This book aims to foster scientific research and development of adequate governance policies in the field of
housing, a truly interdisciplinary area, essential part of the spatial, economic and social fabric of Bulgaria. More specifically, it
addresses major issues facing housing policy in Bulgaria based on an analysis of the theoretical and practical lessons from
European countries.