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I forgot to do this weeks ago but here is the Superlative Voting Form for anyone that is interested:

Superlative Voting ends when the Jam Voting Ends.


Wow, this was so different from NeveN, but just as good (if not better)! 😁

Excellent story telling, very well structured and executed. I’m EXTREMELY excited to see where this tale goes 😌


Hey, thanks for the compliments! 

 Unfortunately, this story won't go any further, it's a one-shot for May Wolf. But it was fun to write, if only to show that we can do very different stories! :)


Ahw 😟 I’d love to see this continue! There’s sooo much opportunity with how darkly this started~ maybe it’ll inspire something further down the line 😉

Wonderful work either way 😌 it showcases how talented xou guys are


well...that took a dark turn lol but it was still a good game


OMG this is so good, I don't know where did I lose myself reading this cause that switch in the end was Crazy

Amazing work, totally didn't see that coming

I'm glad you liked it! I was a bit worried that the twist wouldn't be appealing, but I'm reassured by the general reaction! :)


New novel!!!


Great story, even tho I usually dont read this kind of story cuz its not my type it was a great experience, thanks.

Hey, thanks! It means a lot to us if we can interest you in a story that you wouldn't otherwise be interested in - it means we've succeeded in what we set out to do!


Well, that ending sure redefined "fuck". Great short VN either way.

Thanks! It was difficult to write it, but I'm glad to know you've enjoyed it!


It didn't take to long for the "something's gonna be a lil l'ai fucked up™️"feeling to set in but still, wtf x)

Long enough to be uncomfortable I'm sure!

Deleted 302 days ago

Quelle expérience et quel triste fin il y avait beaucoup de choses de plus l'émotion de la tristesse et de la colère de découvre le sombre secret du personnage principal c'était assez mouvementé bon travail ce chef-d'œuvre mérite sa place ^-^❤️


Merci ! Ca fait vraiment plaisir de voir que l'histoire parvient à plaire et que le côté plus sombre ne décourage pas.


I’m writing this, still shaken up by the twist. It was still a good experience, I felt bad for the characters involved. Good job on this short masterpiece, definitely worth the reading 😭👍


Thanks a lot! And I hope you'll recover from it! <3


Respectfully WTF

WTF indeed.