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      Young PeopleMass mediaSelf EfficacyTechnologies
In this paper, we examine online friendships at a network level. We focus on three structural signatures: network size, balance (triangles), and age homophily in the friendship ego-networks of 30 users of the virtual world Second Life. In... more
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      Second LifeVirtual WorldsSocial Network AnalysisComputer Human Interaction
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      Second LifeVirtual WorldsSocial Network AnalysisComputer Human Interaction
Desi hip-hop occupies a changeable and very unique space in American hip- hop. It is not a cohesive movement, nor a genre of definable characteristics. Rather, it is a compilation of numerous self-constructed and self-conscious political... more
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      Identity politicsGender and RaceSouth Asian DiasporasHip hop
While efficient and satisfactory access may be a common goal for most archives, it is rarely achieved in full. In this article, the author considers specific access barriers for both transgender patrons and transgender materials within... more
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      Queer StudiesRhetoricLibrary ScienceTransgender Studies
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      Queer StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricTransgender Studies
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      Queer StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricHistoriography
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      Queer StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricFeminist Theory
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      Digital HumanitiesTransgender StudiesTheories of Gender and TransgenderCybercultures
The current ubiquity of the word transgender might imply that it is an uncomplicated word.1 It circulates widely—in the media, in academia, and in the titles of organizations, archives, and resource centers—to the extent that one could... more
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      RhetoricTransgender StudiesEtymologyTheories of Gender and Transgender
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      Archival StudiesTransgender StudiesTheories of Gender and Transgender
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      RhetoricQueer TheoryHistoriographyArchives
A ddressing a gathering of archival professionals in 1970, Howard Zinn asserted that "[archives are] biased towards the important and powerful people of the society, tending to ignore the impotent and obscure: we learn most about the... more
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      Transgender StudiesArchives
The current ubiquity of the word transgender might imply that it is an uncomplicated word.1 It circulates widely—in the media, in academia, and in the titles of organizations, archives, and resource centers—to the extent that one could... more
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      RhetoricTransgender StudiesTheories of Gender and TransgenderTransgender
Furthering the field’s attention to the rhetoric of archives, this article offers an extended consideration of archival description as an information infrastructure that provides powerful, although often invisible, orientations to the... more
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      Gender StudiesRhetoricPerformance StudiesPerformance Art
Marie Høeg, who lived from 1866-1949, was a Norwegian photographer and activist for women's rights. In this photo essay, the authors feature six photographs depicting Marie Høeg in gender transgressive scenes. These photographs are a few... more
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      PhotographyTransgender StudiesArchivesDigital Archives
Buttons are strange historical objects. After they are retired from their honored place on a backpack or jean jacket (or perhaps rescued out of the junk drawer), scores of buttons have found their way to queer archives where they are... more
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      RhetoricTransgender StudiesArchivesTransgender