Papers by Huseyin Uzunboylu

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the cooperative learning applications according to th... more The purpose of this research is to evaluate the cooperative learning applications according to the opinions of teachers working at secondary schools, high schools and colleges under General Secondary Education Office (GSEO). The universe of the research consists of 1978 teachers in total who are working at secondary schools (497), high schools and colleges (1481). The sample consists of 728 teachers who were chosen with random sampling method at 37% ratio at lower layers determined with simple stratification method. The data were made using frequency (f), percentage (%), arithmetic mean (X ̅), Standard deviation (S), t-test, Variance Analysis (ANOVA), Post Hoc Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney-U tests with SPSS 16.0 package programme. At the end of the research teachers usually stated positive opinions at the border of “I agree” as regards the items directed towards the application of cooperative learning questionnaire. In this context, according to teachers it was concluded th...

During the pandemic, educators around the world were unexpectedly encouraged to switch to online ... more During the pandemic, educators around the world were unexpectedly encouraged to switch to online and distance learning. They tried to integrate face-to-face learning–teaching processes in the classrooms into the technological environment and to sustain this process in the best way. In this research, it is aimed to examine the current results in the current studies on technology integration into the teaching–learning processes in the literature. In order to collect data, a descriptive compilation pattern was used within the frame of the Literature Search method based on the qualitative method. The data obtained by examining the current articles obtained with the keyword “Technology Integration” were used in the research. As a result of the study, it was seen that technology integration is a complex and multidimensional process with several dynamics, and full integration cannot be achieved. As a result, recommendations were made in the context of various models and Google Workspace to...

International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 2022
In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of university students studying in the Depa... more In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of university students studying in the Department of Electrical Engineering about the distance education process they received during the pandemic. The quantitative research method was used in the research. The research consisted of 390 volunteer university students studying at 16 universities in Russia; the universe of the research was determined as the distance education system and the sample was determined as ‘Microsoft Teams’. In order to collect the data of the research, a measurement tool called ‘technology use’ developed by the researchers was used and applied. For the measurement tool, help was received from experts in the field and have worked in these fields. The data were shared with university students via an online questionnaire and their participation was ensured and collected. When looking at the research, it was stated that university students frequently used their distance education centre infrastructure with Mic...
TEM Journal, 2021
The purpose of this research, themed Education Scientific and Technological Research Council of T... more The purpose of this research, themed Education Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) content analysis of the instructional technology projects, is to make an assessment of the situation. The data of the research were collected through document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, and subjected to descriptive and content analysis. As a result of the research: when considering the distribution by years, the most projects are seen in 2015 and 2017. Considering the disciplines in which the projects take place, it is evident that they are mostly in the field of Information Technologies. When we consider the result regarding the level of the schools involved in the teaching-themed projects, the highest number was seen in the projects that included primary and secondary schools.

Flipped learning is a developing concept in higher education and a new methodology ready for expl... more Flipped learning is a developing concept in higher education and a new methodology ready for exploration. It is a new educational strategy that changes the traditional lecturing by flipping the classroom in the sense of listening the lectures at home and doing dynamic, group-based problem-solving activities in the classroom. This will engage the students in active learning, critical thinking and developing new studying skills. This paper will address the current state of knowledge and practice in the flipped learning approach in engineering education by critically evaluating the existing researches and summarizing the findings. The search for empirical articles included electronic databases for engineering education in the Web of Science. Most studies reported high student satisfaction and increased performance in a flipped classroom environment. This paper will also serve as a guide for future studies and reflect the major achievements of flipped learning models over the traditiona...

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017
Children paintings carrying therapeutic value are important in understanding for the child's feel... more Children paintings carrying therapeutic value are important in understanding for the child's feelings and thoughts, unconscious desires and inner world. Paintings based on therapeutic cooperation may be perceived as a way of communicating with the child. The primary aim of the present study is to explain the significance of children paintings which help abstract experiences to provide a concrete basis for therapeutic cooperation while counselling children. The importance of the use of paintings while working with children is examined the titles of the linear development of the child, colour in children's paintings, the use of children's paintings in psychological counselling with children, the phenomenon of the family and interpersonal relationships in children's paintings, the interpretation of the child paintings of his family. Finally, the study is intended to encourage and increase the use of children paintings in the practice of school counsellors and other mental health professionals.

Anales de Psicología, 2021
Los servicios de orientación y asesoramiento psicológico, que se consideran parte integrante del ... more Los servicios de orientación y asesoramiento psicológico, que se consideran parte integrante del sistema educativo, se refieren al conjunto de servicios sistemáticos que se ofrecen de acuerdo con un determinado plan y programa. Los programas de orientación y asesoramiento (POA) son de considerable importancia en la prestación de estos servicios basados en datos y pruebas y en la obtención de la eficiencia esperada de los servicios. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los estudios sobre POA en términos de análisis de contenido, revelar la situación actual y determinar las orientaciones de investigación científica relacionadas con estos estudios. Con este estudio, se pretendía que el personal de campo, los educadores y los investigadores reconocieran los desajustes en el campo de POA, obtengan diferentes perspectivas sobre sus campos de estudio y arrojen luz sobre nuevas investigaciones en este campo. Los datos relacionados con este estudio, que fue diseñado según el modelo de en...
Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, 2013
This study investigated teachers’ attitudes and perceptions of competence in relation to lifelong... more This study investigated teachers’ attitudes and perceptions of competence in relation to lifelong learning. The lifelong learning attitudes and competence scale was administered to 614 teachers in order to find out their attitudes and perceptions of competence regarding lifelong learning. The research findings showed that teachers’ age and gender seemed to be influential in their lifelong learning process. The findings also indicated that there was a positive correlation between the teachers’ attitudes and perceptions of competence.

Summary: The aim of this study is to determine the needs of special education teachers about curr... more Summary: The aim of this study is to determine the needs of special education teachers about curriculum development, and to implement the constructivist approach to in-service training programme for special education teachers. Furthermore, this study seeks to evaluate the developed in-service training programme. The descriptive and experimental methods were applied in this study. The sample consists of 84 special education teachers that have completed the needs analyses questionnaires that has provided the basis for the development of the in-service training programme. An experimental design has been used in the second stage of the study. The experimental group of the study consists of 31 special education teachers. The implementation of the in-service training programme has taken 36 hours over a 6 months period. According to the results of the study, special education teachers need a higher level of training for curriculum development. Also, there is a significant difference betwee...
![Research paper thumbnail of The influence of authentic materials on the students listening ability in EFL classes [La influencia de los materiales auténticos en la capacidad de escucha de los estudiantes en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera]](
Abstract: There is an assumption that all authentic materials are acquisition-rich input and list... more Abstract: There is an assumption that all authentic materials are acquisition-rich input and listening plays a significant role in daily communication as well as education process. This study aims to examine the influence of authentic materials on the student’s listening ability in EFL classes. Participants of the study consist of 8 Turkish and 22 Cypriot pre-advanced English students studying in college. A five-point Likert questionnaire was administered to collect data. The Independent Sample Test and One Way ANOVA was applied to analyse the data. The results indicated that, most of the participants benefitted from authentic listening materials. The students were able to understand and use the language, authentic materials were seen to be useful in the language classrooms, and also students were able to use the target language in real life situations. However, this study also shows that, some of the respondents thought that the artificial materials were better than authentic mater...

Education in the Knowledge Society, 2019
espanolLa discapacidad en el aprendizaje esta asociada con la incapacidad para hablar, escuchar, ... more espanolLa discapacidad en el aprendizaje esta asociada con la incapacidad para hablar, escuchar, razonar, leer o escribir o con los problemas con las habilidades aritmeticas y matematicas; ademas, su prevalencia ha aumentado notablemente entre los ninos en edad escolar, especialmente en los ultimos anos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la situacion actual y las tendencias en la investigacion sobre la discapacidad en el aprendizaje a traves del analisis de contenidos. Se ha utilizado el analisis de contenido como metodo de investigacion cualitativa. Los datos del estudio se obtuvieron de Web of Science utilizando las palabras clave “learning disability”. Para analizar los datos obtenidos se utilizaron criterios de analisis de contenido previamente determinados. Estos criterios incluian el ano de publicacion, el tipo de documento, la organizacion, los organismos de financiacion, los autores, el nombre de la revista, el pais, el idioma y el area de investigacion de las inve...

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2017
The purpose of this study is to analyse the need for curriculum development of special education ... more The purpose of this study is to analyse the need for curriculum development of special education teachers who work at special education centres and schools with resource rooms with regard to different variables and determine their perceptions of self-efficacy. In this study, a general survey model was employed that allows a general opinion about the universe. The population of the study consists of a total of 84 special education teachers who work at special education centres and schools with resource rooms that function under the Primary and Secondary Education Office of the TRNC Ministry of National Education. ‘Needs Analysis Survey’ and ‘Teacher’s Self-Efficacy Scale’ are employed to collect data. The results reveal that teachers urgently need an education curriculum to be developed. Moreover, teachers’ perception of efficacy is at an intermediate level. Keywords: Curriculum development, needs analysis, self-efficacy perceptions.

International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2020
Instructional design and instructional systems design concepts different from the direction of th... more Instructional design and instructional systems design concepts different from the direction of the field lead to confusion as it includes similar use cases from time to time. Instructional design models have different characteristics, and in different areas, in line with the needs of nature according to the purpose of alternating the use of different models, it affects the efficiency. Each model is developed that fixing the underlying spots is the best way to a need for designs designed which varies depending on the model. Some models of the objectives underlying the selection and use of different models have the highest level while improving strategies constitute a more important structure. With this assessment, the instructional design, instructional systems design, systems approach and instructional system design models, by examining the historical development of these models and their distinctive features, will be explained in connection with curriculum development. Thus, referr...

Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 2019
La discapacidad en el aprendizaje está asociada con la incapacidad para hablar, escuchar, razonar... more La discapacidad en el aprendizaje está asociada con la incapacidad para hablar, escuchar, razonar, leer o escribir o con los problemas con las habilidades aritméticas y matemáticas; además, su prevalencia ha aumentado notablemente entre los niños en edad escolar, especialmente en los últimos años. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la situación actual y las tendencias en la investigación sobre la discapacidad en el aprendizaje a través del análisis de contenidos. Se ha utilizado el análisis de contenido como método de investigación cualitativa. Los datos del estudio se obtuvieron de Web of Science utilizando las palabras clave “learning disability”. Para analizar los datos obtenidos se utilizaron criterios de análisis de contenido previamente determinados. Estos criterios incluían el año de publicación, el tipo de documento, la organización, los organismos de financiación, los autores, el nombre de la revista, el país, el idioma y el área de investigación de las investigaci...

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2019
This study aims to reveal the situation and trends in teaching methods used in special education.... more This study aims to reveal the situation and trends in teaching methods used in special education. Content analysis and citation analysis were used in this study as a research model. Published documents were obtained from Scopus by using the keywords ‘teaching method’ and ‘special education’ and a total number of 63 documents were obtained. The published documents were examined based on the previously determined content analysis criteria involving year of publication, name of the journals, authors, affiliations, countries, document type, subject area, keywords, language and citations. Data were analysed and provided with frequency and percentages. Results generally showed that there is an increase in the number of researches on teaching methods and special education throughout the years, most of the published documents were articles and from the areas of social sciences and psychology. All of the results were discussed with the relevant literature and recommendations for further rese...

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2019
The use of mobile technologies in education has appealed considerable interest and attention from... more The use of mobile technologies in education has appealed considerable interest and attention from educators and researchers in the last decade. Nonetheless, the effects of mobile learning on students’ learning outcome in science education are still ambiguous. The time and place flexibility, ubiquity and easy accessibility of mobile devices are among the features that make them valuable in m-learning, especially in science education, at present times. Despite the large number of researches conducted, no bibliometrics study has been carried out in this topic so far. The aim of this review is to assess the progress of international publications in the area of science education and mobile learning. This content analysis review shows the trends in publications regarding mobile learning and science education researches indexed in Web of Science database between years 2004-2019. Out of 57 documents related to the topic of interest found in the database of Web of Science, the results demons...

Sustainability, 2019
In achieving sustainable development goals, every society and person has the responsibility to at... more In achieving sustainable development goals, every society and person has the responsibility to attempt to eliminate poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. In order to fulfill this responsibility, it is necessary to organize activities to support sustainable development goals. When the increasing daily use of mobile technologies in education is considered, it is thought that these technologies exhibit important potential in raising awareness for sustainable development goals. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a mobile application for the awareness of university students about sustainable development goals. As a result of this research, the developed mobile application had a positive effect on university students’ awareness of sustainable development goals, and students were glad to use the application.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 2018
The concept of instructional design, whose roots are based on the 1920s and the use of World War ... more The concept of instructional design, whose roots are based on the 1920s and the use of World War II and later, begins with the use of information by many psychologists, such as Gagne, Briggs and Flagan, for systematising their knowledge. To date, many instructional design models have been introduced and each has been classified in different ways and has many advantages in teaching environments. In this context, instructional design is discussed in terms of process, discipline, science, system and performance. In the scope of the research, a total of nine instructional design models were compared with each other in terms of eight criteria (general characteristics, purpose, basic outputs, model flow, strengths and weaknesses, importance and basic theories). The aim of the study is to help choose the most suitable and most useful instructional design model for the purpose of teaching environments. Keywords: Instructional design models, general features, learning features, comparison

Procedia Computer Science, 2016
This study, examined the number of research done, research methods used, application area and deg... more This study, examined the number of research done, research methods used, application area and degree of the research established throughout the years 2010 to 2016 in the computer & instructional technology study field. Content analysis was used to analyse 100 PhD thesis published in Turkish universities and 70 articles in EBSCO and Science Direct journals. For gathering data, key word sampling search method was used. According to the results, "mixed research method" is the most commonly used method, while "university students" leads the "candidate teacher" group as sampling research groups in the studies. Although some research exists on system & design dimensions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education and related areas published in the world in recent years; there is not much evidence that such research is reflecting to PhD studies in Turkey.

Global Journal on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016
The study investigates the citizenship education, which is one of the growing attentions in acade... more The study investigates the citizenship education, which is one of the growing attentions in academic environment on last decades. The citizenship education consider about global awareness, critical thinking and problem solving skill, which is one of the 21st Century skills framework. Throughout this research, to understand literature about citizenship education, the content analysis gave best way to systematically organize and look for articles that are somewhat similar in their approach or methods. The Taylor and Francis Group (Routledge) and ERIC databases used for collecting articles about the subject of citizenship education. The researcher has reached 165 articles from known two databases. In this article qualitative content analysis is a widely used qualitative research technique.Keywords: Citizenship education, curricula, globalisation, content analysis
Papers by Huseyin Uzunboylu