Papers by Francesca Caputo
Francesca Caputo (2007), “Amore pace solidarietà carità libertà attraverso il Pensiero Debole”, i... more Francesca Caputo (2007), “Amore pace solidarietà carità libertà attraverso il Pensiero Debole”, in (a cura di) Borrelli M., Caputo F., Topologik - Collana di Studi Internazionali di Scienze Filosofiche e Pedagogiche, n.2, Cosenza: Luigi Pellegrini Editore, pp. 50-60.
Francesca Caputo, “La rivoluzione trascendentalpragmatica apeliana della filosofia”, in (a cura d... more Francesca Caputo, “La rivoluzione trascendentalpragmatica apeliana della filosofia”, in (a cura di) Borrelli M., Kettner M., Filosofia trascendentalpragmatica – Transzendentalpragmatische Philosophie - Scritti in onore di K.-O. Apel per il suo 85° compleanno, Cosenza: Luigi Pellegrini Editore 2007, pp. 65-78
Pensiero critico - Scritti internazionali in onore di Michele Borrelli/Internationale Beiträge zu... more Pensiero critico - Scritti internazionali in onore di Michele Borrelli/Internationale Beiträge zu Ehren von Michele Borrelli, Cosenza: Luigi Pellegrini Editore 2011, pp. 367-384

AORISTO - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics / ISSN 2526-592X (versão eletrônica), Jan 18, 2019
Università degli Studi della Calabria 1 RIASSUNTO L'articolo si propone di offrire un contributo ... more Università degli Studi della Calabria 1 RIASSUNTO L'articolo si propone di offrire un contributo alla riflessione sul concetto dell'abitare nell'accezione heideggeriana. Tale principio trova il suo fondamento nello spirito poetante e viene qui sviluppato a partire dal richiamo al "poeticamente abita l'uomo" di Hölderlin. L'elemento poetico dell'abitare, quale tratto essenziale dell'esserci, secondo la tesi heideggeriana, è esperienza originaria da cui si ricava l'invito a una nuova forma di pensiero: un "pensiero poetante". Il parlare poetico presenta una sua specifica rilevanza in questa direzione, risalendo a una messa in opera della verità in cui risuona la provenienza della differenza tra essere ed ente nel ritmo originario di apertura e nascondimento. Solo l'uomo poetante, comunicatore per eccellenza, può giungere all'originario abitare e toccare il divino, il sacro, disponendosi all'autorivelazione dell'essere secondo l'immagine della quadratura (Geviert) in cui le quattro voci (cielo, terra, divini, mortali) sono un tutt'uno rilucente al cospetto del suo dire. Lungi dal ripiombare nel linguaggio della metafisica, piuttosto col proposito di rinnovarla, Heidegger assegna alla parola poetica, in quanto misura del nostro dimorare, il ruolo di fondamento ontologico da cui si effonde l'evento e l'apertura dell'essere.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2011
This essay discusses the foundation of educational theory by means of the comparison with central... more This essay discusses the foundation of educational theory by means of the comparison with centrals principles of Kant's ethical.

Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2013
This paper, starting from the question "Which etichs for what future?", retraces a few ... more This paper, starting from the question "Which etichs for what future?", retraces a few streets of ethical reflection, subdividing the exploration in moments of classical Greece (with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle), of modernity (with Kant, developments science, Hegel) and of the current globalized world (with Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel). The problem of values, in particular, and of ethics, in general, arises today, as in the past, in a double sense: regards, on the one hand, their possible foundation or legitimation, on the other, their possible sharing and acceptance by all members of the community. Discourse ethics, especially in the version theorized by Karl-Otto Apel, appears more congenial in outlining the minimum basis of a common ethics shared, guaranteed by the universal consensus of ethics intrinsic to the discourse.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2011
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2010
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2013
The model of the politic of difference, proposed by Charles Taylor, in the wake of a conception o... more The model of the politic of difference, proposed by Charles Taylor, in the wake of a conception of liberalism 'hospitable', unfolds in a journey aimed to comply with the ontological dimensions of the dignity of different cultures, of cultural traditions and ways of life. Being a self, constructed in terms of dialogue and dialectic of mutual recognition between cultures, refers, in the Charles Taylor's reflection, to the safeguarding of single, intersubjective or common meanings of specific social, moral, narrative spaces.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2014
"The pedagogical caring as aid relationship". This article examines the theoretical-ped... more "The pedagogical caring as aid relationship". This article examines the theoretical-pedagogical plan of the concept of "care" (self-care, care of other, care of the world) in relation to the deep and native meaning of epimeleia heautou, emphasizing its value and actuality and the inseparable nexus with the ethics. On the furrow traced by Michel Foucault, the objective is to show that the capacity of taking care, as fundamental ethical act, allows to think a subjectivity that constitutes itself, rather than being constituted.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2012
Abstract: "Critical Thought": Presentation of the volume in honour of Prof. Michele Bor... more Abstract: "Critical Thought": Presentation of the volume in honour of Prof. Michele Borrelli (International Centre of Philosophy Karl-Otto Apel - Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 16.00/20.00) - This paper has been presented during the public presentation of the volume "Critical Thought" that collects some international writings in honour of the philosopher and the pedagogist Michele Borrelli. The paper focus on some pillars of the Michele Borrelli's research activity: the relationship between philosophy and pedagogy; the dialectic subject-society and the pedagogical consequences; theactuality of the critical thought.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2013
In the course of a very long period of time, the body of the different has had to contend, at the... more In the course of a very long period of time, the body of the different has had to contend, at the price of many sufferings, with the clichés of a stereotypical normality. The diversity has existed for a long time as a negation of normality. The conformity to standard is always a problem still open which poses challenges and dilemmas with respect to everything that is not socially 'normalized'. There is still the risk of a dis-human discrimination that, appealing to a need for normalization and, then, graders, does not recognize at the human being, by virtue and in respect for his ontology, a diversity structurally unique and inviolable that expresses itself in infinites ways to being-in-the-world.

Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali / ISSN: 2036-5462, 2018
The empirical-experimental research, with an international character, proposes, in a series of di... more The empirical-experimental research, with an international character, proposes, in a series of didactically structured steps, to introduce the students of the public schools to the learning of ethical principles. The didactic response to the moral void, to the growing nihilism that is occurring more and more in Europe and in the world and aims, precisely, globally, to strengthen and promote in public schools the importance of ethics as a field of teaching and learning. In a world of mass migration and increasingly multi-ethnic schools, the need for ethics and the importance of moral action are prerequisites for civil coexistence and peaceful and democratic dialogue between peoples. Since this is a didactic project, the research offers not only a theoretical philosophical level of reflection, but also empirical instruments for the quantitative the ethical competences to be acquired.
Keywords: moral action, ethical theaching, public school, moral judgment.

AORISTO - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics / ISSN 2526-592X (versão eletrônica), 2019
Learning to dwell in his poetic foundation
The purpose of this paper is to offer a contributio... more Learning to dwell in his poetic foundation
The purpose of this paper is to offer a contribution to the reflection on the concept of dwelling in the Martin Heidegger's meaning. This principle finds its foundation in the poetizing spirit and is developed here starting from the reference to the “poetically man dwells” of Hölderlin. The poetic element of dwelling, an essential trait of the the ‘being there’, according to Heidegger's theory, is original experience from which it derives the invitation to a new form of thought: a “poetizing thought”. The poetic speak has its specific relevance in this direction, rising to a ‘setting-into-work’ of truth in which resounds the provenance of the difference between being and ente in the original rhythm of openness and concealment. Only man poetizing, communicator par excellence, can reach to the original dwelling and touch the divine, sacred, arranging themselves to the self-revelation of being in accordance with the image of the Quadrature (Geviert) wherein the four voices (Heaven, Earth, Divinities and Mortals) are all one shining in the sight of his say. Far from slip back into the language of metaphysics, rather with regard to renew it, Heidegger assigns to the poetic word, as a measure of our dwell, the role of ontological foundation from which pours out the event and the openness of the Being.
KEYWORDS Know; Learning; Language; Being; Poetry
TOPOLOGIK (ISSN 2036-5683), 2013
In the course of a very long period of time, the body of the different has had to contend, at the... more In the course of a very long period of time, the body of the different has had to contend, at the price of many sufferings, with the clichés of a stereotypical normality. The diversity has existed for a long time as a negation of normality. The conformity to standard is always a problem still open which poses challenges and dilemmas with respect to everything that is not socially ‘normalized’. There is still the risk of a dis-human discrimination that, appealing to a need for normalization and, then, graders, does not recognize at the human being, by virtue and in respect for his ontology, a diversity structurally unique and inviolable that expresses itself in infinites ways to being-in-the-world.
Papers by Francesca Caputo
Keywords: moral action, ethical theaching, public school, moral judgment.
The purpose of this paper is to offer a contribution to the reflection on the concept of dwelling in the Martin Heidegger's meaning. This principle finds its foundation in the poetizing spirit and is developed here starting from the reference to the “poetically man dwells” of Hölderlin. The poetic element of dwelling, an essential trait of the the ‘being there’, according to Heidegger's theory, is original experience from which it derives the invitation to a new form of thought: a “poetizing thought”. The poetic speak has its specific relevance in this direction, rising to a ‘setting-into-work’ of truth in which resounds the provenance of the difference between being and ente in the original rhythm of openness and concealment. Only man poetizing, communicator par excellence, can reach to the original dwelling and touch the divine, sacred, arranging themselves to the self-revelation of being in accordance with the image of the Quadrature (Geviert) wherein the four voices (Heaven, Earth, Divinities and Mortals) are all one shining in the sight of his say. Far from slip back into the language of metaphysics, rather with regard to renew it, Heidegger assigns to the poetic word, as a measure of our dwell, the role of ontological foundation from which pours out the event and the openness of the Being.
KEYWORDS Know; Learning; Language; Being; Poetry
Keywords: moral action, ethical theaching, public school, moral judgment.
The purpose of this paper is to offer a contribution to the reflection on the concept of dwelling in the Martin Heidegger's meaning. This principle finds its foundation in the poetizing spirit and is developed here starting from the reference to the “poetically man dwells” of Hölderlin. The poetic element of dwelling, an essential trait of the the ‘being there’, according to Heidegger's theory, is original experience from which it derives the invitation to a new form of thought: a “poetizing thought”. The poetic speak has its specific relevance in this direction, rising to a ‘setting-into-work’ of truth in which resounds the provenance of the difference between being and ente in the original rhythm of openness and concealment. Only man poetizing, communicator par excellence, can reach to the original dwelling and touch the divine, sacred, arranging themselves to the self-revelation of being in accordance with the image of the Quadrature (Geviert) wherein the four voices (Heaven, Earth, Divinities and Mortals) are all one shining in the sight of his say. Far from slip back into the language of metaphysics, rather with regard to renew it, Heidegger assigns to the poetic word, as a measure of our dwell, the role of ontological foundation from which pours out the event and the openness of the Being.
KEYWORDS Know; Learning; Language; Being; Poetry