The Art of Wintering: How to Find Strength in Slowing Down

As the end of the year settles in, you might notice a distinct downshift in energy, both in yourself and the world around you. Messages flood in about “finishing strong”, yet everything feels like it’s naturally winding down. It’s not just your imagination: large-scale industry surveys suggest that by mid-December, over half of workers report … Read More

How to Break Free from the Yes Autopilot: Setting Boundaries that Work

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to something, even when deep down you knew you didn’t have the time or energy? Many of us struggle with setting boundaries. It can feel like we’re stuck on a “Yes Autopilot”, automatically agreeing to requests without fully considering the consequences. Over time, this can leave us feeling … Read More

Why we worry: The ABC method for mindfully managing worry

We spend a lot of time worrying. About work, money, friends, family, the future. For most people, it’s not the kind of paralyzing worry that prevents us from getting anything done. It’s more akin to background noise which we can be pretty good at ignoring. But it’s still there. It makes it harder than we’d … Read More

The Sleep-Creativity Cycle: Why Sleep is the Secret Ally of Creative Minds

Sleeping is strange. We spend on average a third of our life asleep. That’s time we’re not spending working, socializing, or reproducing. Yet, sleep is necessary to our survival. While it can be tempting to spend as much time awake as possible so we can be productive, not getting enough sleep is actually detrimental to … Read More

From FOMO to JOMO: The Joy of Missing out

I’m lucky to live in a city where lots of stuff happens. There’s always a conference, an exhibition, a meetup. I never really struggle to find something to do. I also spend a lot of time on the Internet, so there are talks, live streams, and chats happening online. And then, of course, there are … Read More

Free-Floating Anxiety: When You Feel Anxious for No Apparent Reason

Racing pulse, tense muscles, dry mouth, restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating… The symptoms of anxiety are many, but sometimes we can’t pinpoint why exactly we experience this panicky feeling. Objectively, everything seems to be going well, and yet the sensations of anxiety are definitely there. The American Psychological Association refers to this phenomenon as free-floating anxiety, … Read More