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[19 Mar 2009|01:26am]


Threadless is having a $5 tshirt sale! Dont miss out! Get all your favorite tshirts for $5!!! Great deal!
Link to the sale
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I still think about you sometimes, Nerdnoise. [27 Feb 2009|11:14am]

It was a good club, while it lasted. But as all things that eventually come to an end, it lives on; in our hearts, in our minds, in the hard drives of random strangers on the University of Chicago's International House iTunes shared music network.


Apparently, someone with a computer named "Ula", coincidentally the last computer on the alphabetical list, and the only shared music I looked at, had a Nerdnoise compilation CD from 2000. I need your help, Nerdnoise. I wish to let this person know that they are awesome.
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Berkeley summer student wants cooperative living with other Nerds [14 May 2008|05:31pm]

I am returning to UC after a Reed College escapade and will be studying Cognition and Politics. As anyone who's ever found themselves at Reed College, I am a nerd, not the stubborn fashionable kind, but a real nerd. I'm 21 and I'm a dude, though not very manly.
I arrive in the middle of June for classes starting on the 23rd and I potentially could crash around with some people if you don't have space until later. I'm going to stay at Berkeley through the Fall, but it's ok if I have to move somewhere else at the end of the summer. I only know a few people in who actually live in Berkeley and I don't necessarily want to live with them, so I'm going to *resort* to craigslist. I just want to find somewhere with incredibly decent people who start things and know things, and who I can have real conversations (you know, "rational" ones) with.

I guess my personality is peaceful-ish (I feel overstimulated pretty often and think peace a fundamental necessity before anything can get done), but I also love Science and deliberately bringing up contradictory viewpoints (including ones that contradict the western industrialist invention of Science itself), so I'm not sure my personality is really classifiable. I like being outside anytime it's sunny, I like quiet music all the time. I sort of like talking about computer theoretical stuff and people are pretty interesting (why I'm studying cognition). I've done a good amount of thinking about human computer interaction so if you're into that feel free to ask me about it. I've made money mostly doing little programming gigs but I don't really like programming. I just like thinking about the potential of computers and the way people use them.

I'm told I can be really spacey and also be really normal: you never know when.
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Tapes n' Tapes [08 May 2008|09:30am]

Tapes n' Tapes is playing at the Fillmore on the 10th. I can't make it due to prior commitments, but their music has really grown on me:
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DON'T FEAR THE KRAKEN [07 May 2008|07:16pm]


the kraken wakes
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National High Five Day [17 Apr 2008|10:19pm]

A friend reminded me tonight that today was National High Five Day.
Last year the event was a really great experience. I'm disappointed that I didn't participate this year.
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[17 Apr 2008|10:00am]

Hi! I want to let you all know of a community I made. It's called dailypeppers and it's for fans of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers. Here you can post anything about the band, as much as your heart desires! I'd like for this to become an active place where fans can all get together and have some fun while discussing RHCP. Please join if you're interested!
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[30 Mar 2008|11:27pm]

Hey, dead community! I have a plan.

So if anyone's still around in the East Bay (or even farther if you're really hardcore), I want to buy a few buckets of sidewalk chalk and chalk up some electioneering for James Brown. Or, really, any other musical figure that you happen to like. It'd be fun, take maybe an hour, and I haven't had a chance to use my mad chalking calligraphy skills since, like, forever. C'MON IT'LL BE AWESOME!

I'm thinking, like, Tuesday night? Anyone up for this?

Edit: HEY LET'S DO THIS FOR APRIL FOOL'S. Monday night! C'mon!

Edit 2: Call it 10:00 at that Ludwig's Fountain in Sproul?

Edit 3: Yes! Also, my suggestion below of thirty bucks of sidewalk chalk may have been hasty, given that it appears a bucket is three bucks, max. I'm just going to get a fuck-ton of sidewalk chalk, and whatever we use, we use.
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New Year's Eve concert [21 Dec 2007|01:17pm]

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Remember, Festivus Tuesday [09 Dec 2007|04:50am]

at Stebbins co-op, 2527 Ridge Rd (at Euclid Ave)

Food and drink starting at 7pm (Tuesday!)

To participate in the white elephant gift exchange, bring something under $5.
Bring a big smile for the birthday boy.
Bring a year's worth of pent-up rage.
Bring your rasslin shoes.
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festivalus [24 Nov 2007|02:10pm]

Ok kids,

Festivus on Dec 11. We can hold it at Stebbins, but I don't know how central of a location that is so if someone else wants to volunteer their strategically-located apartment, that might be good.

Regardless of whose household it is, kinghorse will be considered the "head" for wrestling purposes, as Mr. Reznick will be celebrating his birth in addition to all the disappointments our births have caused him.

I think it would also be nice to do a white elephant gift exchange. y/n?

Please comment to approve/disapprove of Stebbins or to volunteer to host so we can figure this out.

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festivus revelers are guaranteed admittance to law school [11 Nov 2007|06:00pm]

Dear Nerdnoise,

Obviously classroom meetings did not pan out, I apologize. That means that for now, nerdnoise = partynoise. It's November! Let's start to talk about Festivus. Classes end Dec 10 and finals begin the 13th. How do you dudes feel about Tuesday December 11? Is anyone wanting to host?

I am thinking of having a Very Baturkey Thanksgiving. Anyone interested who will be in town?

Thoughts on an AnonCon-posting party during finals where we sit down and start a bunch of rumors about each other, and see which ones stick?

forever yours,
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nerdnoise will double your chances of getting into medical school [01 Oct 2007|10:54pm]

Dearest bearers of the nerdnoise torch,

Our status is ACTIVE. I am Michelle, your de facto president. Classroom meetings will be announced shortly. There will be amazing surprise incentives for attendance!

We are having a Big Orange N construction party on Wednesday at 8 in the Stebbins kitchen, please come by, and give me a call if you need help finding us or whatever - my phone is 760-390-5876. paper mache and refreshments! Wednesday! yes!

I am tabling from 10-2pm on Thursday, please stop by and say hello to the new N. I will also table Friday 10-1pm, next Tues 10-1130am, Wed 10-1pm, Th 10-2pm. If you help with tabling, I will give you lots of kiss.

Intended events include:
carving pumpkins on Sproul
Resurgence of 4-Square on Sproul
Second Cousin Once-Removed of Karaoke
Thanksnerding/Nerdgiving/Baturkey hunt
random field trips, as appropriate

Looking forward to seeing you all, and noisily yours,
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Physical Incarnation o' Nerdnoise [23 Aug 2007|11:46am]

As I understand it, we have no leadership for the group for the '07-'08 academic year.

Is anyone else interested in keeping things going? Or is a purely virtual nerdnoise the right way to go?
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The Rentals with Copeland and Golden Boy [28 Jul 2007|08:06pm]

[ mood | happy ]

The Rentals are out on tour now with Copeland and Golden Boy! The Rentals was founded by original Weezer bassist, Matt Sharp, and now they're back with a new EP, this is a show not to miss. There's more info on dates on the band's myspace.

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Good music on Saturday? [26 Jul 2007|10:12pm]

Hi guys,

I have a date for Saturday night, but no specific plans. Good live music for dancing would be ideal. Any suggestions?


::edit:: This needs to be in SF. Thanks again.
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daft punk [15 Jul 2007|03:02pm]

hello comrades,

i'm driving up on the 27th with a friend in hopes of seeing Daft Punk at the Greek. who's going? anyone got extra tickets we could buy? right now the plan is to stand around outside the theatre begging for spares.

your friend, DR ZOIDBERG.

i mean, james
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[06 Jun 2007|04:46pm]

Hey y'all,
Awhile ago I got a message saying scaffolding needed a new owner or it would be deleted. Did you guys get this/do you know what I am talking about? What came of it? Do we need to create a new list or does scaffolding live?
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The Hold Steady at Slim's on May 30 [23 May 2007|12:45am]

Hi, I hope this isn't inappropriate...I just found this community on LJ, and I haven't been to any actual meetings (though maybe I will next year :) ). I thought I'd give this a shot anyway. My friend and I are looking for a pair of face value tickets ($17 each or so) for the Hold Steady at Slim's (in SF) on May 30. I'm willing to trade my ticket for the Arcade Fire at the Greek on June 2 (I'm already going to see them on June 1), if the seller is interested. The Arcade Fire ticket is worth about $35.

Please? :)
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one tshirt and 5 comps [22 May 2007|07:05pm]

in cleaning up my place to move out, i've come across one nerdnoise tshirt from last spring (with the ice cream cone and octopus), adult small, that i think was supposed to belong to someone, but it's been over a year and i still have it, so...first person to claim it, it's yours! also, i found 5 copies of old compilations (4 from 2004 and one from 2005) if anyone doesn't yet have one and would like a copy. let me know.
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