In this study, math teacher candidates' technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) i... more In this study, math teacher candidates' technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) is analyzed based their departmental affiliation and gender information. These teacher candidates' TPACK is also examined to find out whether it predicts student achievement or not. Results of the study show that there is a significant difference between primary and secondary mathematics teacher candidates' TPACK domains. When teacher candidates' TPACK is examined based on gender, significant differences are found between male and female students' TPACK dimensions in favor of males. Additionally, it is seen from the results that the teacher candidates' TPACK significantly predicts their achievement levels.
This paper describes a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technolo... more This paper describes a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technological pedagogical content knowledge (originally TPCK, now known as TPACK, or technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge). This framework builds on Lee Shulman's construct of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to include technology knowledge. The development of TPACK by teachers is critical to effective teaching with technology. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the complex, illstructured nature of teaching. The nature of technologies (both analog and digital) is considered, as well as how the inclusion of technology in pedagogy further complicates teaching. The TPACK framework for teacher knowledge is described in detail, as a complex interaction among three bodies of knowledge: Content, pedagogy, and technology. The interaction of these bodies of knowledge, both theoretically and in practice, produces the types of flexible knowledge needed to successfully integrate technology use into teaching.
In this paper we critically analyze extant approaches to technology integration in teaching, argu... more In this paper we critically analyze extant approaches to technology integration in teaching, arguing that many current methods are technocentric, often omitting sufficient consideration of the dynamic and complex relationships among content, technology, pedagogy, and context. We recommend using the technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework as a way to think about effective technology integration, recognizing technology, pedagogy, content and context as interdependent aspects of teachers' knowledge necessary to teach content-based curricula effectively with educational technologies. We offer TPACK-based "activity types," rooted in previous research about content-specific activity structures, as an alternative to existing professional development approaches and explain how this new way of thinking may authentically and successfully assist teachers' and teacher educators' technology integration efforts. (devices (p. 31), which "transform the nature of a subject at the most fundamental level" (p. 47). These authors suggest that such technology-based curricular transformation happens only in those few content areas (e.g., music, literacy, and art) that are "largely defined by the media they use" (Harris, 2008, p. 47).
The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework is increasing in use by educati... more The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework is increasing in use by educational technology researchers around the world who are interested in issues related to technology integration. Much that is good can be found in the TPACK framework; however considerable theoretical work needs to be done if TPACK research is to cohere and constructively strengthen the field of educational technology. This paper uses Whetten’s (1989) criteria for theory building as a lens for examining the TPACK framework. Specific weaknesses are identified, which in turn suggest areas needing theoretical development. This paper calls for researchers to increase emphasis on using research findings to constructively build common definitions and understandings of the TPACK constructs and the boundaries between them.► Uses theory building as a lens for examining the TPACK framework. ► Identifies specific weaknesses in the current framework that need to be addressed by the research community. ► Calls for a better articulation of construct definitions and the boundaries between the constructs in the TPACK framework.
How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instruction... more How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we sought to discover clues to the nature and development of these teachers' TPACK-in-action as it was expressed in their planning processes.
Many studies related to the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in educational settings have sh... more Many studies related to the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in educational settings have shown that IWB technology can result in enhanced presentations and in the development of student motivation and student performance. However, the relationship between the use of IWBs and Technological Pedagogical Content and Knowledge (TPACK) by teachers is yet to be fully investigated and understood. The purpose of this study was to integrate IWB technology and peer coaching to develop the TPACK of secondary science teachers in real classrooms. An IWB-based peer coaching model was developed. Participants of this study included four in-service science teachers. The sources of data included written assignments, reflective journals and interviews. The results displayed three major findings. First, science teachers used IWBs as instructional tools to share their subject-matter knowledge and to express students’ understanding. Second, the IWBs helped the science teachers who encountered teaching difficulties in the traditional classroom better implement their representational repertoires and instructional strategies. Finally, the proposed model of integrating IWBs and peer coaching can develop the TPACK of science teachers. The research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions.
Integrating technology in K-12 classroom is a complex challenge for teachers. This article provid... more Integrating technology in K-12 classroom is a complex challenge for teachers. This article provides an overview on the conceptualization of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), project-based learning and WebQuests, and blended learning. It presents how an instructional approach which incorporated WebQuest development and blended learning process is implemented into one educational technology course at a university in the northeastern region of the United States. The effectiveness of such an instructional approach on TPACK among participants of the course has been confirmed in this study. Discussion and conclusion of building a stronger pre- and in-service teachers’ TPACK for educational technology courses are included.
The need for a quality planning of online learning is crucial. When planning for face to face env... more The need for a quality planning of online learning is crucial. When planning for face to face environment and online environment, it is required to clarify when learning will take place online and which pedagogy and technology will be used. Thus, in this paper, we introduce TPACK lesson plan template. This template is designed to facilitate and accelerate the process of planning blended online courses in social science's field. It includes a list of learning activities, types of activities and mode of activities. Choosing the most suitable activity is left up to the instructors' point of view after examining the nature of behavioral objectives and the learning context. Using such a template may contribute to understanding the relation between pedagogy, technology and content as well as reducing the planning time to teach online.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jan 1, 2010
In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) era, teachers will have to wisely use the onlin... more In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) era, teachers will have to wisely use the online environment in order to realize a new pedagogy. We developed a digital indicator for examining the extent to which technological knowledge is integrated with pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This indicator is used to examine online tasks developed by teachers in different subjects over time. It enables quantitative measurement of the integration of technological knowledge with content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and thus affords a measure for the extent of integration. The digital indicator can be used to plan online tasks as well as for the teachers to test their own professional development in integrating technology in teaching. Use of the digital indicator can be implemented when training student teachers as well as in in-service training for teachers. Fifty-three online tasks developed by 14 high school teachers in different subjects were evaluated between 2001 and 2007. Evaluation of the online tasks was performed quantitatively using the digital evaluation instrument after it was validated and its reliability was examined. We examined the change and progress which took place in the integration of technological knowledge with pedagogical content knowledge over time as well as the contribution of guidance to the teachers’ professional development for integration of technology in teaching. The findings indicate that the effect of time, which is expressed by the acquisition of experience, contributes to the integration of the technological knowledge with the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. The findings also indicate that guidance plays a significant role in the implementation of the integration of technological knowledge with the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. We recommend that correct integration of TPACK should be emphasized when planning professional development for teachers in the field of online tasks. We also recommend the development of models for teachers’ professional development for integration of technology in teaching, with reference to the teachers’ professional knowledge, i.e. their pedagogical content knowledge. The best ways for integrating the technological knowledge must be examined, such that the focus will not be on learning technological tools, but rather on the integration of pedagogy in technology. It is necessary to start from the field of knowledge and the teaching methods appropriate for this particular field of knowledge, and there to integrate technology. Optimal integration will lead to a change in teaching, to relevance for the students and to meaningful learning.
Since the emergence of computers in schools during the 1980’s, there have been considerable devel... more Since the emergence of computers in schools during the 1980’s, there have been considerable developments by education systems and schools to develop policies and expectations for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance learning and teaching. These have not always translated into practice, which has resulted in a focus on the need for improvements in preservice teacher education programs and professional development of practising teachers. This paper starts from the premise that most teacher education have been constrained by using Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) developed by Shulman [1] [2] prior to the dynamic technological changes enabled by the Internet. The authors present the case for the importance of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) [3] [4]. Subsequently, the paper provides guidance for auditing the TPACK capabilities of teacher education students through the presentation of an instrument developed, and provides a summary of some of the findings of a study undertaken using that instrument.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jan 1, 2010
In this study, math teacher candidates’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) i... more In this study, math teacher candidates’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) is analyzed based their departmental affiliation and gender information. These teacher candidates’ TPACK is also examined to find out whether it predicts student achievement or not. Results of the study show that there is a significant difference between primary and secondary mathematics teacher candidates’ TPACK domains. When teacher candidates’ TPACK is examined based on gender, significant differences are found between male and female students’ TPACK dimensions in favor of males. Additionally, it is seen from the results that the teacher candidates’ TPACK significantly predicts their achievement levels.
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Jan 1, 2010
New science teachers should be equipped with the ability to integrate and design the curriculum a... more New science teachers should be equipped with the ability to integrate and design the curriculum and technology for innovative teaching. How to integrate technology into pre-service science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge is the important issue. This study examined the impact on a transformative model of integrating technology and peer coaching for developing technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service science teachers. A transformative model and an online system were designed to restructure science teacher education courses. Participants of this study included an instructor and 12 pre-service teachers. The main sources of data included written assignments, online data, reflective journals, videotapes and interviews. This study expanded four views, namely, the comprehensive, imitative, transformative and integrative views to explore the impact of TPACK. The model could help pre-service teachers develop technological pedagogical methods and strategies of integrating subject-matter knowledge into science lessons, and further enhanced their TPACK.
Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) h... more Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been theorized as a seven-factor construct to describe teacher’s integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in their teaching. However, this framework has yet to be successfully validated through survey instruments. This paper examines the construct validity of a TPACK survey that was contextualized for the pedagogical approaches employed in a 12-week ICT course designed with reference to the TPACK framework for Singaporean primary school pre-service teachers. Using this framework, the researchers were able to uncover five of the seven TPACK constructs which were a better model fit as compared with several extant studies of TPACK surveys. Using these results, pre and post-course structural equation models were constructed to explain the relationships amongst the different constructs of teachers’ TPACK perceptions. It was found that pedagogical knowledge had a direct impact on TPACK at the beginning of the course. As teachers made connections between their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge to form technological pedagogical knowledge during the course, the direct relation between pedagogical knowledge and TPACK became insignificant where as the relations between pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge and TPACK were strengthened. The comparison between the pre and post-course models also revealed that the pre-service teachers’ perceived relations between content knowledge and TPACK changes from insignificant to significant. The implications of these findings and suggestions to improve the construct validation of the TPACK framework are discussed in this paper.
The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) sca... more The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) scale based on the centered component of TPACK framework in order to measure preservice teachers’ TPACK. A systematic and step-by-step approach was followed for the development of the scale. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were carried out with 995 Turkish preservice teachers. The sample was split into two subsamples on random basis (n1 = 498, n2 = 497). The first sample was used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second sample for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). After the EFA, the TPACK-deep scale included 33 items and had four factors. These factors were design, exertion, ethics and proficiency. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the whole scale was found to be .95, whereas the values of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for individual factors of the scale ranged between .85 and .92. The CFA was conducted within the scope of the validity study of the scale. In this way, this structure of the 4-factor scale was confirmed. In addition, the test-retest reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as .80. The findings revealed that the TPACK-deep scale was a valid and reliable instrument for measuring TPACK. Consequently, various suggestions were put forward regarding the use the TPACK-deep scale for applied research and for future studies.► The TPACK-deep scale is the first scale developed focusing on the TPCK component. ► The TPACK-deep scale is a powerful instrument for measuring TPACK. ► The TPACK-deep scale has a large-scale instrument.
As the global community continues the transition from an industrialized factory model to an infor... more As the global community continues the transition from an industrialized factory model to an information and now participatory networked-based society, educational technology will play a pivotal role in preparing students for their futures. Many teacher preparation programs are failing to provide preservice teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to adopt and utilize technology effectively. This paper presents an enhanced technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK) model that adds assistive technology as a means to promote inclusive educational practice for preservice teachers. This model offers substantive promise for improving learning outcomes for students with disabilities and other traditionally marginalized populations who receive the majority of their classroom instruction in general education settings. This paper extends the TPACK model by providing specific examples of how assistive technology and instructional technology are distinct yet overlapping constructs. Essential technology skills for preservice teachers and strategies supporting inclusive educational practice are identified.
This study examines the nature of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through the... more This study examines the nature of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through the use of a factor analysis. Using a survey with 24 items designed to measure each of the areas described by the TPACK framework, and measuring the responses of 596 online teachers from across the United States, data suggest that while the framework is helpful from an organizational standpoint, it is difficult to separate out each of the domains, calling into question their existence in practice. Three major factors become evident, but rather than being comprised of pedagogy, content, and technology, the only clear domain that distinguishes itself is that of technology. This research examines the validity of the TPACK model and suggests that measuring each of these domains is complicated and convoluted, potentially due to the notion that they are not separate.
Technological pedagogical content knowledge (now known as technology, pedagogy, and content knowl... more Technological pedagogical content knowledge (now known as technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, or TPACK) has become a widely referenced conceptual framework within teacher education. It provides a common language to discuss the integration of technology into instruction and builds upon the concepts of pedagogical content knowledge and teacher as curricular "gatekeeper" (Thornton, 2001a. This paper describes a three-part pedagogical model-giving-prompting-making-to explicate the relationship between pedagogy and technology within the social studies classroom. This model is intended to enhance the TPACK framework by providing a clear and intuitive comparison between social studies teachers' pedagogical aims and their choices with technology. The giving-prompting-making model can be used to guide social studies teacher education students to make the most appropriate use of technology.
In this paper, we address the problem of robust packet video transmission over heterogeneous wire... more In this paper, we address the problem of robust packet video transmission over heterogeneous wired-to-wireless IP networks. Digital video delivered over wired-towireless networks is expected to suffer quality degradation from both packet loss and bit errors in the payload. In this paper, the quality degradation due to packet loss and bit errors in the payload are quantitatively compared. Furthermore, the performance of a joint sourcechannel coding (JSCC) approach employing forward error-control (FEC) coding schemes for video transmission is also studied. Finally, we apply application-level framing (ALF) together with use of an edge proxy in a mobile support station to implement differential and adaptive error-control depending on the corresponding network conditions. Results indicate that with an appropriate JSCC approach, FEC-based error-control techniques together with passive error-recovery techniques can significantly improve the effective video throughput and lead to more acceptable video delivery quality over time-varying wired-to-wireless networks.
What knowledge is needed to teach mathematics with digital technologies? The overarching construc... more What knowledge is needed to teach mathematics with digital technologies? The overarching construct, called technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK), has been proposed as the interconnection and intersection of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. Mathematics Teacher TPACK Standards offer guidelines for thinking about this construct. A Mathematics Teacher Development Model describes the development of TPACK toward meeting these standards. The standards and model provide structured detail to further the work of various groups. The proposals may guide teachers, researchers, teacher educators, professional development consultants, and school administrators in the development and evaluation of professional development activities, mathematics education programs, and school mathematics programs.
In this study, math teacher candidates' technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) i... more In this study, math teacher candidates' technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) is analyzed based their departmental affiliation and gender information. These teacher candidates' TPACK is also examined to find out whether it predicts student achievement or not. Results of the study show that there is a significant difference between primary and secondary mathematics teacher candidates' TPACK domains. When teacher candidates' TPACK is examined based on gender, significant differences are found between male and female students' TPACK dimensions in favor of males. Additionally, it is seen from the results that the teacher candidates' TPACK significantly predicts their achievement levels.
This paper describes a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technolo... more This paper describes a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technological pedagogical content knowledge (originally TPCK, now known as TPACK, or technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge). This framework builds on Lee Shulman's construct of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to include technology knowledge. The development of TPACK by teachers is critical to effective teaching with technology. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the complex, illstructured nature of teaching. The nature of technologies (both analog and digital) is considered, as well as how the inclusion of technology in pedagogy further complicates teaching. The TPACK framework for teacher knowledge is described in detail, as a complex interaction among three bodies of knowledge: Content, pedagogy, and technology. The interaction of these bodies of knowledge, both theoretically and in practice, produces the types of flexible knowledge needed to successfully integrate technology use into teaching.
In this paper we critically analyze extant approaches to technology integration in teaching, argu... more In this paper we critically analyze extant approaches to technology integration in teaching, arguing that many current methods are technocentric, often omitting sufficient consideration of the dynamic and complex relationships among content, technology, pedagogy, and context. We recommend using the technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework as a way to think about effective technology integration, recognizing technology, pedagogy, content and context as interdependent aspects of teachers' knowledge necessary to teach content-based curricula effectively with educational technologies. We offer TPACK-based "activity types," rooted in previous research about content-specific activity structures, as an alternative to existing professional development approaches and explain how this new way of thinking may authentically and successfully assist teachers' and teacher educators' technology integration efforts. (devices (p. 31), which "transform the nature of a subject at the most fundamental level" (p. 47). These authors suggest that such technology-based curricular transformation happens only in those few content areas (e.g., music, literacy, and art) that are "largely defined by the media they use" (Harris, 2008, p. 47).
The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework is increasing in use by educati... more The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework is increasing in use by educational technology researchers around the world who are interested in issues related to technology integration. Much that is good can be found in the TPACK framework; however considerable theoretical work needs to be done if TPACK research is to cohere and constructively strengthen the field of educational technology. This paper uses Whetten’s (1989) criteria for theory building as a lens for examining the TPACK framework. Specific weaknesses are identified, which in turn suggest areas needing theoretical development. This paper calls for researchers to increase emphasis on using research findings to constructively build common definitions and understandings of the TPACK constructs and the boundaries between them.► Uses theory building as a lens for examining the TPACK framework. ► Identifies specific weaknesses in the current framework that need to be addressed by the research community. ► Calls for a better articulation of construct definitions and the boundaries between the constructs in the TPACK framework.
How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instruction... more How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we sought to discover clues to the nature and development of these teachers' TPACK-in-action as it was expressed in their planning processes.
Many studies related to the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in educational settings have sh... more Many studies related to the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in educational settings have shown that IWB technology can result in enhanced presentations and in the development of student motivation and student performance. However, the relationship between the use of IWBs and Technological Pedagogical Content and Knowledge (TPACK) by teachers is yet to be fully investigated and understood. The purpose of this study was to integrate IWB technology and peer coaching to develop the TPACK of secondary science teachers in real classrooms. An IWB-based peer coaching model was developed. Participants of this study included four in-service science teachers. The sources of data included written assignments, reflective journals and interviews. The results displayed three major findings. First, science teachers used IWBs as instructional tools to share their subject-matter knowledge and to express students’ understanding. Second, the IWBs helped the science teachers who encountered teaching difficulties in the traditional classroom better implement their representational repertoires and instructional strategies. Finally, the proposed model of integrating IWBs and peer coaching can develop the TPACK of science teachers. The research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions.
Integrating technology in K-12 classroom is a complex challenge for teachers. This article provid... more Integrating technology in K-12 classroom is a complex challenge for teachers. This article provides an overview on the conceptualization of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), project-based learning and WebQuests, and blended learning. It presents how an instructional approach which incorporated WebQuest development and blended learning process is implemented into one educational technology course at a university in the northeastern region of the United States. The effectiveness of such an instructional approach on TPACK among participants of the course has been confirmed in this study. Discussion and conclusion of building a stronger pre- and in-service teachers’ TPACK for educational technology courses are included.
The need for a quality planning of online learning is crucial. When planning for face to face env... more The need for a quality planning of online learning is crucial. When planning for face to face environment and online environment, it is required to clarify when learning will take place online and which pedagogy and technology will be used. Thus, in this paper, we introduce TPACK lesson plan template. This template is designed to facilitate and accelerate the process of planning blended online courses in social science's field. It includes a list of learning activities, types of activities and mode of activities. Choosing the most suitable activity is left up to the instructors' point of view after examining the nature of behavioral objectives and the learning context. Using such a template may contribute to understanding the relation between pedagogy, technology and content as well as reducing the planning time to teach online.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jan 1, 2010
In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) era, teachers will have to wisely use the onlin... more In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) era, teachers will have to wisely use the online environment in order to realize a new pedagogy. We developed a digital indicator for examining the extent to which technological knowledge is integrated with pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This indicator is used to examine online tasks developed by teachers in different subjects over time. It enables quantitative measurement of the integration of technological knowledge with content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and thus affords a measure for the extent of integration. The digital indicator can be used to plan online tasks as well as for the teachers to test their own professional development in integrating technology in teaching. Use of the digital indicator can be implemented when training student teachers as well as in in-service training for teachers. Fifty-three online tasks developed by 14 high school teachers in different subjects were evaluated between 2001 and 2007. Evaluation of the online tasks was performed quantitatively using the digital evaluation instrument after it was validated and its reliability was examined. We examined the change and progress which took place in the integration of technological knowledge with pedagogical content knowledge over time as well as the contribution of guidance to the teachers’ professional development for integration of technology in teaching. The findings indicate that the effect of time, which is expressed by the acquisition of experience, contributes to the integration of the technological knowledge with the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. The findings also indicate that guidance plays a significant role in the implementation of the integration of technological knowledge with the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. We recommend that correct integration of TPACK should be emphasized when planning professional development for teachers in the field of online tasks. We also recommend the development of models for teachers’ professional development for integration of technology in teaching, with reference to the teachers’ professional knowledge, i.e. their pedagogical content knowledge. The best ways for integrating the technological knowledge must be examined, such that the focus will not be on learning technological tools, but rather on the integration of pedagogy in technology. It is necessary to start from the field of knowledge and the teaching methods appropriate for this particular field of knowledge, and there to integrate technology. Optimal integration will lead to a change in teaching, to relevance for the students and to meaningful learning.
Since the emergence of computers in schools during the 1980’s, there have been considerable devel... more Since the emergence of computers in schools during the 1980’s, there have been considerable developments by education systems and schools to develop policies and expectations for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance learning and teaching. These have not always translated into practice, which has resulted in a focus on the need for improvements in preservice teacher education programs and professional development of practising teachers. This paper starts from the premise that most teacher education have been constrained by using Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) developed by Shulman [1] [2] prior to the dynamic technological changes enabled by the Internet. The authors present the case for the importance of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) [3] [4]. Subsequently, the paper provides guidance for auditing the TPACK capabilities of teacher education students through the presentation of an instrument developed, and provides a summary of some of the findings of a study undertaken using that instrument.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jan 1, 2010
In this study, math teacher candidates’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) i... more In this study, math teacher candidates’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) is analyzed based their departmental affiliation and gender information. These teacher candidates’ TPACK is also examined to find out whether it predicts student achievement or not. Results of the study show that there is a significant difference between primary and secondary mathematics teacher candidates’ TPACK domains. When teacher candidates’ TPACK is examined based on gender, significant differences are found between male and female students’ TPACK dimensions in favor of males. Additionally, it is seen from the results that the teacher candidates’ TPACK significantly predicts their achievement levels.
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Jan 1, 2010
New science teachers should be equipped with the ability to integrate and design the curriculum a... more New science teachers should be equipped with the ability to integrate and design the curriculum and technology for innovative teaching. How to integrate technology into pre-service science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge is the important issue. This study examined the impact on a transformative model of integrating technology and peer coaching for developing technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service science teachers. A transformative model and an online system were designed to restructure science teacher education courses. Participants of this study included an instructor and 12 pre-service teachers. The main sources of data included written assignments, online data, reflective journals, videotapes and interviews. This study expanded four views, namely, the comprehensive, imitative, transformative and integrative views to explore the impact of TPACK. The model could help pre-service teachers develop technological pedagogical methods and strategies of integrating subject-matter knowledge into science lessons, and further enhanced their TPACK.
Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) h... more Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been theorized as a seven-factor construct to describe teacher’s integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in their teaching. However, this framework has yet to be successfully validated through survey instruments. This paper examines the construct validity of a TPACK survey that was contextualized for the pedagogical approaches employed in a 12-week ICT course designed with reference to the TPACK framework for Singaporean primary school pre-service teachers. Using this framework, the researchers were able to uncover five of the seven TPACK constructs which were a better model fit as compared with several extant studies of TPACK surveys. Using these results, pre and post-course structural equation models were constructed to explain the relationships amongst the different constructs of teachers’ TPACK perceptions. It was found that pedagogical knowledge had a direct impact on TPACK at the beginning of the course. As teachers made connections between their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge to form technological pedagogical knowledge during the course, the direct relation between pedagogical knowledge and TPACK became insignificant where as the relations between pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge and TPACK were strengthened. The comparison between the pre and post-course models also revealed that the pre-service teachers’ perceived relations between content knowledge and TPACK changes from insignificant to significant. The implications of these findings and suggestions to improve the construct validation of the TPACK framework are discussed in this paper.
The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) sca... more The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) scale based on the centered component of TPACK framework in order to measure preservice teachers’ TPACK. A systematic and step-by-step approach was followed for the development of the scale. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were carried out with 995 Turkish preservice teachers. The sample was split into two subsamples on random basis (n1 = 498, n2 = 497). The first sample was used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second sample for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). After the EFA, the TPACK-deep scale included 33 items and had four factors. These factors were design, exertion, ethics and proficiency. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the whole scale was found to be .95, whereas the values of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for individual factors of the scale ranged between .85 and .92. The CFA was conducted within the scope of the validity study of the scale. In this way, this structure of the 4-factor scale was confirmed. In addition, the test-retest reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as .80. The findings revealed that the TPACK-deep scale was a valid and reliable instrument for measuring TPACK. Consequently, various suggestions were put forward regarding the use the TPACK-deep scale for applied research and for future studies.► The TPACK-deep scale is the first scale developed focusing on the TPCK component. ► The TPACK-deep scale is a powerful instrument for measuring TPACK. ► The TPACK-deep scale has a large-scale instrument.
As the global community continues the transition from an industrialized factory model to an infor... more As the global community continues the transition from an industrialized factory model to an information and now participatory networked-based society, educational technology will play a pivotal role in preparing students for their futures. Many teacher preparation programs are failing to provide preservice teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to adopt and utilize technology effectively. This paper presents an enhanced technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK) model that adds assistive technology as a means to promote inclusive educational practice for preservice teachers. This model offers substantive promise for improving learning outcomes for students with disabilities and other traditionally marginalized populations who receive the majority of their classroom instruction in general education settings. This paper extends the TPACK model by providing specific examples of how assistive technology and instructional technology are distinct yet overlapping constructs. Essential technology skills for preservice teachers and strategies supporting inclusive educational practice are identified.
This study examines the nature of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through the... more This study examines the nature of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through the use of a factor analysis. Using a survey with 24 items designed to measure each of the areas described by the TPACK framework, and measuring the responses of 596 online teachers from across the United States, data suggest that while the framework is helpful from an organizational standpoint, it is difficult to separate out each of the domains, calling into question their existence in practice. Three major factors become evident, but rather than being comprised of pedagogy, content, and technology, the only clear domain that distinguishes itself is that of technology. This research examines the validity of the TPACK model and suggests that measuring each of these domains is complicated and convoluted, potentially due to the notion that they are not separate.
Technological pedagogical content knowledge (now known as technology, pedagogy, and content knowl... more Technological pedagogical content knowledge (now known as technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, or TPACK) has become a widely referenced conceptual framework within teacher education. It provides a common language to discuss the integration of technology into instruction and builds upon the concepts of pedagogical content knowledge and teacher as curricular "gatekeeper" (Thornton, 2001a. This paper describes a three-part pedagogical model-giving-prompting-making-to explicate the relationship between pedagogy and technology within the social studies classroom. This model is intended to enhance the TPACK framework by providing a clear and intuitive comparison between social studies teachers' pedagogical aims and their choices with technology. The giving-prompting-making model can be used to guide social studies teacher education students to make the most appropriate use of technology.
In this paper, we address the problem of robust packet video transmission over heterogeneous wire... more In this paper, we address the problem of robust packet video transmission over heterogeneous wired-to-wireless IP networks. Digital video delivered over wired-towireless networks is expected to suffer quality degradation from both packet loss and bit errors in the payload. In this paper, the quality degradation due to packet loss and bit errors in the payload are quantitatively compared. Furthermore, the performance of a joint sourcechannel coding (JSCC) approach employing forward error-control (FEC) coding schemes for video transmission is also studied. Finally, we apply application-level framing (ALF) together with use of an edge proxy in a mobile support station to implement differential and adaptive error-control depending on the corresponding network conditions. Results indicate that with an appropriate JSCC approach, FEC-based error-control techniques together with passive error-recovery techniques can significantly improve the effective video throughput and lead to more acceptable video delivery quality over time-varying wired-to-wireless networks.
What knowledge is needed to teach mathematics with digital technologies? The overarching construc... more What knowledge is needed to teach mathematics with digital technologies? The overarching construct, called technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK), has been proposed as the interconnection and intersection of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. Mathematics Teacher TPACK Standards offer guidelines for thinking about this construct. A Mathematics Teacher Development Model describes the development of TPACK toward meeting these standards. The standards and model provide structured detail to further the work of various groups. The proposals may guide teachers, researchers, teacher educators, professional development consultants, and school administrators in the development and evaluation of professional development activities, mathematics education programs, and school mathematics programs.
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