Tutorials, tips, resources, and reviews to help you as WordPress user or developer to master this content management system.
DevTips – Memoizing Functions in PHP
Memoization is an optimization technique that’s very easy to understand and implement. It basically caches results to avoid their recomputation. Here’s how to do it in PHP.
DevTips – Implement Lodash Helpers in PHP
WordPress JS developers often use Lodash, a utility library that comes with WordPress by default. But what about PHP? Don’t you miss some of those nice functions? Build yours and be happy!
DevTips – Quickly Testing Public Scripts on a Customer’s Website
When your front-end scripts don’t work as expected in a customer’s website, you can quickly test a fix without their granting you access. Here’s how.
DevTips – Make Your TypeScript Code Safer with Branded Types
Branded types will make your code more readable and less error-prone. If you don’t know what they are or how to use them, you should check out this article.
DevTips – Effective and Faster Unit Testing with TypeScript and Bun
Sluggish unit tests are one of the worst things a developer can experience. We want our tests to run fast so that we can focus on our code. If you’re having trouble with your tests, why don’t you try out Bun?
DevTips – Function Composition to Validate and Sanitize Data in Your REST APIs
One of the first things web developers learn is the importance of data validation and sanitization. Let’s see how you can be more efficient at it by using function composition in your REST API callbacks.
DevTips – Validate Data in PHP with Zod-like Schemas
Zod is a validation library for JS/TS. If you write a lot of PHP code, you probably need a similar library to validate and sanitize your data. Let’s build our Zod-like library in PHP.
DevTips – Implement Zod Validation in PHP
If you’re used to Zod in TypeScript, you’ll probably miss it when writing PHP code. Let’s fix this by implemeting our own Zod library in PHP!
DevTips – Validate Your Data with Zod
Zod is a schema validation library for TypeScript that also has automatic type inference. If you want to level up your game, you should use it in your projects. Let’s get started!
40+ Companies use WordPress out of Inc. 5000 Top 100 (2022)
Did you know that WordPress is very popular among the fastest growing companies in the United States? We’ve compiled a list for you.
DevTips – Smart Enqueuing of Block Styles in Full Site Editing
Learn how to smart enqueue block styles to only load required styles and thus optimize your pages on FSE sites.
How to Create Subscription Popups Displayed on Celebrity Websites
If you want to increase the list of subscribers to your Newsletter, create popups like the ones you see on celebrity websites. Here we explain the details.