Technological advancement the information has spread with great speed. This fact has contributed to the violence news become more frequent in the media. An important characteristic for the analysis location crime is understood that the...
moreTechnological advancement the information has spread with great speed. This fact has contributed to the violence news become more frequent in the media. An important characteristic for the analysis location crime is understood that the event occurs at locations not accidental or unexpected. It's this feature that makes maximum Cartography is a powerful tool for research, it involves location. Thus, the article aims at reporting the experience of understanding aimed at mapping the spatial distribution of the occurrences crimes of violence against property in João Pessoa -Paraíba -Brazil, in the month of May 2012, presenting the phenomenon in thematic maps, which show the points where there are crimes with firearms and knives, as well as the map of high-density areas of crime. Specifically with the conclusion of this article can be identified as the cartography is useful for spatial analysis and may subsidize actions of municipal, state and federal, and local civil society, aimed at combating violence and crime in the city. The results shows that the mapping crime or any other phenomenon is important because it allows to know how it is distributed through space, and thus able to monitor mitigation policies. Therefore, the Cartography occupies an important place among the sciences to help fight crime, since based on a map with the spatial distribution of crimes in an area can provide efficient operational safety features. By analyzing the maps it is clear that the amount of crimes using firearms was very big, so it would be interesting to disarmament campaigns in neighborhoods, followed by installation of core security on site, minimizing the increase in cases of crimes violence against property. Cartography and crime mapping analysis can assist in planning, and implementation of action plans to minimize the cost of operations and more effectively, since the study area is already known and the whole strategy can be applied.