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Just finish it !

Sorry but that wasn't the scope (and it would be an insane amount of work either way). I just wanted to prove that it is doable and serves as a base for other scorpion engine developers to develop their own fighting game 💪

Ok. Thanks for your reply 

Crossing fingers 🤞 

(1 edit)

Very interesting approach :)  this game mind-blew me completly away in some bar in France. I loved it playing on SNES of various friends. As it finally came out for the AMIGA, I couldn't wait to play at home on my Amiga 500, of course. All I can remeber is: PAIN...

I really like your version so far. Especially the sound effects are well-made ;)

I guess we all come from the same experience, that is why I made this demo, to try to give justice to our horrible memories :)

Final Tech Demo! Awesome!

Thanks man, as usual you are amazing :)

Update 20.10.2022

Awesome again man, thanks a lot, video link on game page updated again :)

I'd be really interested in your assets to plug into my own SF2 BB2 engine.  Is this possible?  Mine is similar to your Scorpion one but has parallax floor and I was aiming for AGA.

Hi Havie55, those are not really my assets, I'm just using sprites and background from the SNES version as-is, didn't touch anything graphically. You can find them here

Thanks.  How did you do the background parallax?  Is it made from sprites as I am guessing that you are not using dual playfield mode?My effort used two 16 colour playfields and if I were to go further I would use sprites for one of the characters which would all 16 colours per character (one sharing with the foreground) and 16 colours for the background.

I'll continue to hope someone will see these videos and then will decide to make a full remake of SFII ;)
Anyway, thx man for this!

That's my hope as well, we all deserve a good SF2 on Amiga!

Great update!

Thanks Saberman!

This is neat ... Would have been nice if it had been meant to become a full product.


hehe, I love how you use the word "probably" ;P

Nice, I've beaten the absolute cr@p out of Ken, but he won't drop lol! Nice Job! Feels like arcade quality

Yes, that's one of the few things I can add to the demo, kill Ken and restart.. let's see, no promises ;)

That's amazing! What's about a better Battletoads on the Amiga? ;)

Sorry, not on my radars..