This community was created for members to strut their spiffy necklace stuff and also to pimp their online auctions. You can trade or sell your merchandise directly to livejournal members.
but first a bit of ruling:
.01. Stay on topic. Meaning Necklaces. Any off topic posts will be immediately deleted.
.02. Please try to keep pics 300x300 px outside of the lj cut. Use the cut when using several images or if your entry is lengthy.
.03. Trading/selling/buying is allowed. However, you are responsible for your own transactions (ie usernames, real names, mailing addresses, orders). After repeated fraud or deadbeatism you will be banned from the community.
.04. If you made an error in your entry DO NOT repost. Simply go to the comments page of your post, click on the little pencil icon () and make your corrections.
.05. If you have suggestions that would help out the community, by all means, do speak up. =)