प्लगिन ट्याग: rewrite
Shortcode Redirect
(31 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A super easy way to automatically redirect a user to another page when viewing a post/page on your site.
Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
(23 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This plugin can remove specific taxonomy base slug from your permalinks (e.g. "/genre/fiction/" to "/fiction/").
Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer
(26 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Making sense of the rewrite mess. Display and play with your rewrite rules.
Url Rewrite Analyzer
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)See clearly and understand how WordPress rewrite rules work within a simple and clean interface
(9 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Rewrite – A WordPress plugin to manage URL rewrite. Edit/add/backup/restore/reorder/test rewrite rule in easy way.
Rewrite Flush Button
(2 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Adds a "Flush Rewrite Rules" button to WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks.
Ozh' Simpler Login URL
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Creates a Rewrite Rule that will allow users to log in from the custom URL yoursite.com/login instead of /wp-login.php.
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This module is a workaround to use pretty permalinks without any rewrite rule.
Taxonomic SEO Permalink
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This plugin helps you to set your permalinks by using custom taxonomies just like you use %category% or %postname% in your permalink structure.
Auto URL
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Auto URL generates customized permalinks according to post types, categories and tags
Simple Search Rewrite
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Redirects search results from /?s=query to /search/query/, and converts %20 to +.
Custom category and page extensions
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Add any ".extension" to WordPress category and page urls.
Rewrite slug before publishing a post
(3 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Is a known (SEO) issue that if You save a draft post without title, the post_name or slug is immediately saved with the post id.
JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect is a WooCommerce Plugin for forwarding Users to a Page, Product or URL when they want to open the shop page.
Sumedia Urlify
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Makes /wp-admin/ and /wp-login.php pathes configurable using mod_rewrite.
Simple Post Publish & Rewrite using API
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A WordPress plugin to publish and rewrite text content into articles automatically using OpenAI's GPT model.