This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table


A simple and lightweight WordPress plugin that transforms your normal HTML table into mobile responsive table. It’s a must have Responsive Web Design (RWD) tool for developing your website. Page tables may overlap in small screens or when dragging your browser to minimizing it for mobile screens simulation especially when the table contains large contents such as texts and images. So this is your solution!

Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table plugin – is just one of many features of Magic Liquidizer for a complete Responsive Web Design solution such as images, texts, forms, tables, navigation menu, and other HTML elements.

The demonstration link below is where Magic Liquidizer plugin used, minus anything else, just observe the Responsive Table function. See it in action by following this DEMO.

If you like this plugin, good ratings is much appreciated.

For more information kindly check Responsive Table article. and leave a message via our contact form for further concerns. Also you can join the project on GitHub Magic-Liquidizer-Responsive-Table Project.


  • How does your Table look like BEFORE. screenshot-1.png
  • Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table – Wordpress Admin Section. screenshot-2.png
  • This screenshot was taken from our DEMO page AFTER installation. Client-side screenshot. screenshot-3.png


Installation is very easy, download and upload via WordPress Plugin Section.

  1. After activation, go to Dashboard > Magic Liquidizer Lite > Table.

You’re done!


Where to find Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table settings?

You can find via WordPress Dashboard > Magic Liquidizer Lite > Table.

How to get table Class or ID?

You can use Chrome Inspector or Firefox Firebug Extension to inspect element. But basically table value signifies that all <table> .. </table> will make responsive. Please watch this video tutorial on YouTube

How to make tables in two columns

It’s very simple, just add these CSS lines into your stylesheet

.ml-responsive-table {
     clear: none;
     float: left;
     width: 45% !important;
.ml-responsive-table {
     clear: none;
     float: left;
     width: 45% !important;


नोभेम्बर 10, 2020
So genial einfach können die sonst sehr beschränkten Tabellen aus dem Standard Block Editor von Wordpress für mobile Gerät auf responsive getuned werden. Einfach das Addon aktivieren und fertig.
मार्च 14, 2020
Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table is now among the very few plugins I use on EVERY client site. I cannot possibly say how grateful I am for its existence. If you use WooCommerce, this is a must-have for responsive tables on mobile. Also, the plugin, like magic, works with no effort required! Install it, and automagically all tables in Woo work beautifully! Again, it’s a MUST HAVE tool for any designer. I’m comfortable with saying that every WordPress site, and without question every WooCommerce website, should have the Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table plugin.
अक्टोबर 31, 2019
Simple, efficient a very good plugin. I recommends that !! Thanks very much.
सेप्टेम्बर 2, 2019
Saved me the time to make my client’s existing table code responsive. Excellent plugin.
जुलाई 27, 2019
I’ve been building websites for years, and this plugin is amazing. Elvin is responsive just like his plugin 🙂 Thank you for making this, Elvin, and keep up the awesome work!
सबै 54 समीक्षाहरू पढ्नुहोस्

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।



2.0.4 – 11/19/2019

  • [Fixed] “Notice: Undefined index” PHP warning

2.0.3 – 08/13/2018

  • [Fixed] Fatal Error on Older PHP versions

2.0.2 – 08/10/2018

  • [Fixed] No display on mobile view due to empty fields on Selectors

2.0.1 – 08/04/2018

  • [Added] Fields added for table header and table row selectors
  • [Fixed] Duplicate issue on bind JS actions or events in the ID attribute only.
    @see this thread and for more details
    Special thanks to @franciscus and @spiderwisp for helping me to fix this issue.

2.0.0 – 02/02/2017

  • [Improved] JS to support most of HTML Table Format
  • [Improved] Styling or CSS fixes
  • [Fixed] Uninstall fixes

1.0.8 – 05/30/2016

  • [Modified] Utilizing add_action() called wp_footer instead of wp_print_footer_scripts
  • [Fixed] Preventing the script to kick in Wp Login Page /wp-admin

1.0.7 – 04/11/2016

    • [Added] Internationalizing (text domain)
    • [Modified] Simplifying Codes
    • [Updated] Actions and Filters Hooks

1.0.6 – 08/29/2014

    • [Added] Magic Liquidizer Responsive Navigationbar Compatibility

1.0.5 – 08/27/2014

    • [Changed] id-* to ml-*
    • [Improved] JS
    • [Changed] CSS Class from clearfix to ml-clearfix
    • [Changed] CSS paddings and background color
    • [Added] jQuery noConflict()
    • [Added] Two column Table in mobile view see FAQ

1.0.4 – 05/03/2014

    • [improve] JS
    • [Compatibility] Latest Wp Version

1.0.3 – 02/03/2014

    • [fixed] Uninstallation Hook
    • [added] .clearfix class

1.0.2 – 02/03/2014

    • [fixed] Breakpoint Implementation
    • [fixed] Specifying classes or id’s
    • [ready] API for Magic Liquidizer Responsive Form
    • [Changes] Plugin Screenshots screenshot-2.png

1.0.1 – 01/30/2014

    • CSS Fixes
    • Move Plugin Section to Dashboard > Magic Liquidizer Lite > Table
    • Database Changes
    • API do_action Implemented

1.0.0 – 01/09/2014

  • Initial Released Date